Is this real?

Is this real?

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god damn, son. i hope so.

Probably not but it's within the realm of known physics.

Best to not think about it and get on with your life.


probably not it took his mom 4 hours to comment on it after it happened, then it took him 5 hours to reply then took her 3 to reply again. seems like someone trolling with two accounts

There's nothing wrong with fucking a 15 year old when you're 31


Same thing happened to me except I was 12 and she was 11 and all she did was suck me off.

willingly I might add.

but i'm the predator

love youuuuuuuu

wish i had a sister

If I was trolling with two accounts, it'd take me minutes, not hours to reply


I don't it ruined my life and reputation and it wasn't even my idea. she threw me under the buss so she wouldn't look like a bad person. She should hope never to see me again.

you gotta play the long game, some people even go as far as keeping active fake facebooks with months of posts

I dont mean to brag or anything but I got my brother to suck my dick

Quads of truth and power.

It isn't worth it. I can't even leave the house without someone driving by and yelling "you fucked your sister" as they throw a drink at me.

My brother was 3 and I was 12. He barely had any teeth and the feeling of his gums on my dick was amazing

That took a sharp turn a few comments down kek

>as they throw a drink at me.
Free drinks?

I sucked my brother's dick when he was 12 and I was 11 and now people throw drinks at him when they see him walking around.

lol you sick fuck

It's not always what it's cracked up to be. I have a little sister. I'm 34, and she's 16. Yeah. Hot right?

Except she has Down's Syndrome. Ew.

But the fun started when he started crying and the tears mixed with the precum and saliva which resulted in a salty blowjob

nature's roofie

it was funny but now you're trying to hard

I'm fucking done trying to rationalize having a bit of faith in humanity

This made me remain misanthrope, fuck

>Down Syndrome
>Nature's Roofie

And just like that, I'm going to hell.

I regularly throw drinks at my neighbor every time I drive by his house and he's outside because he's a sick fuck who made his 11 year old brother suck his dick when he was 12.

not in general but i think the bigger issue is the whole getting his little sister pregnant thing. there's something wrong with that, and it's a little worse that she's 15 because that's too young to have a kid these days, especially if you planned on shit like college

god damn i hope its real tho

>what is moving to another country

Extremely powerful post

Wut? Greentext dat sheeit

>finding my love life funny




True quads have spoken. Fake

I doubt it, back in the day when stealing someones facebook account didn't get you prison time a lot of fake shit like this was made.

God I miss those days.


Good for you. Please tell us more.

Sup Forums misses those days, hell Sup Forums misses those days, fucking shit, the internet misses those days.

the emoji in the moms response its weird

You people make me feel more sane.

When I was 13 I started playing with my Yorkie mix girl.

I would start rubbing it's clit and it ended up learning how to hump my hand out of habit. It started off with me molesting my dog and then it turned into a game . Then one time when I was petting it with the family around it started trying to hump my hand hard. It even started heezing.

I had to pry her front legs off my arm. Close call.

Well, now thats impressive

Because it takes three hours to log out of one account and log into another???

The logic on this one...
Flawless I tell you...

Anyone have the greentext of the guy whose parents found their 12 year old cat girl slave drawing? Shit always blows my sides off.
