Let it go, Jenna
Let it go, Jenna
I feel bad for jon kransinski, he was great in that role but didnt really gain any success after like steve carrel or even rainn wilson, he just kind of... faltered
Oh my god Jenna, it's been three years, move on!
What a sicko.
His main talent was being cute in the sexual tension with jenna, and doing the jim look
Jenna... you have to stop
hence why he was great in that role
>breeding with Emily blunt
>feel sorry
ok m8
i meant from a career perspective
...just awesome
Note the date on this one
I have to abandon thread, I can never take the cringe
Christ, these threads make me wanna kill myself
He was pretty good in 13 Hours.
Going from The Office to being a spec ops badass was a hell of a transformation.
>february 2016
>show ended in 2013
I just imagine Jenna sitting at home in her den looking at this picture while being furious with rage that she is no longer the woman Jim pushes around on a wheelchair..
meanwhile her actual husband pokes his head in the door to beg her for the third time that day to please leave her Krasinski shrine and come out of her room and see her kid at least one time that day
post sexy Jennas
She stopped John-posting, soon after this
Yeah, that retard ruined it for us.
Is Jenna the most tragic tale of our modern times?
What are you getting out of incessantly posting this shit all the time?
>ruined picking on a Z-list celebrity for lulz to fill the void in one's life
>somehow this is a "bad thing"
I'm crying. Crying with laughter.
i'm laughing for one so...
at least here shit isn't fucked up
>Did my own family research
>My great Granduncle was responsible for 200 k peoeple
Feels bad
Was I asking you, faggot?
>it's a '' she's got a gun pointed at me''' episode
You're dominance is making my boi pussy wet
memes aside does jenna fischer really have some sort of obsessive infatuation with jon krasinski or is Sup Forums collecting a bunch of out of context images and creating a false impression?
Big chance that fucking cunt is reading this thread right now. Hope he kills himself.
Definitely Jenna, if you look john never, ever rarely mentions anything to do with the office or Pam.
yet Jenna is all over that.
Judge for yourself
>On the Bravo episode last week, Fischer talked to a caller asking if she and John ever had a real-life fling: 'John and I have real chemistry.
>'There's like a real part of me that is Pam and a real part of him that's Jim,' the 41-year-old continued. 'And those parts of us were genuinely in love with one another.'
>She went on, 'But in real life, we aren't totally Pam and totally Jim, so in real-life, we're not the perfect match. So it's a really complicated thing but, I mean, he was like a type of spouse that I had for a long time. He was my partner. We will always be close because of it.'
>'I'm sure she was trying to say something nice about how genuine the acting relationship was, of bringing a relationship that became that popular onscreen - and I think we both feel it's such an honor to be a part of that relationship,' the 36-year-old told The Daily Beast.
>'As far as how she was quoted about saying we were "genuinely in love", I think that was taken wildly out of context and I feel bad for her.'
>never, ever rarely mentions anything to d
>So it's a really complicated thing
poor jenna
Stop posting your unfunny tweets
So, most likely the first thing she did after waking up too.
My opinion is she's pandering to a whole lot of deluded folks on Twitter who follow her just for these The Office-related tweets.
His career is a sociological means to attract a healthy, fertile female to breed with. He was successful in that respect.
that really adds another level of pathetic to it
has someone the post with the fake emails from them?
I'm illiterate I know.
>emily blunt
Okay pal.
>Jenna reads "it was taken out of context"
>She silently sobs while her husband shows up again to take her out of her krazinski-shrine
>She REEEs at him and throws one of her hundreds of mint condition Jim Halpert™ action figures at him
>Immediately after throwing it she shows instant regret as she watches in horror at it breaking against the side wall
>She crawls over, grabs the pieces of the plastic figure of a man she used to know, and cries hysterically, rocking herself back and forth, humming the office theme song
>The husband stares at her, asks for a divorce and slams the door to the shrine
>A couple Jim Halpert™ Lunchboxes fall on her head from the door frame
>she cues up the fourth seasons of the office on netflix proceeds to masturbate for a 19 straight episodes
To be fair Jon's dressed like he's on an episode of the office in this pic
Wew thats cold john
>She moans in ecstasy, finishing yet another one of her daily Jim-jibble masturbatory routines, while her moan activated The Office™ brand vibrator echoes "that's what she said"
>it's a police have to be called because Jenna broke into John and Emily's house to collect dirty clothes episode
Steve carrel already had success
Jon was literally a who
>dumb rlm poster
Color me surprised.
>it's a Jenna's third time holding Emily at gunpoint wanting a pity bang from Jon episode
you didn't see him in the blockbuster leatherheads?
And that movie with Robin Williams as a pastor
Renee is looking ruff on that cover
Like Rainn did any good for himself. He had that decent-ish detective show and like, I watched the first few episodes and his twitter was so stagnant I felt I could have tweeted suggestions at him but I didn't want him talking to me.
Seriously, it was a total 7/10 show though, but I am pretty sure it got cancelled. I liked the scene where a black cop made fun of a kid for saying he was traumatized by bullying or whatever.
tfw this movie is actually good
The Rocker is comfy AF
Sometimes, you just can't get over the marketing and this is one of those time. That picture is so bad, it's a trainwreck that draws your gaze, just like that Mr. Robot picture everyone uses.
Who even thought of that name?
>let's call it robot
>nah, let's call it MR. Robot
>>'As far as how she was quoted about saying we were "genuinely in love", I think that was taken wildly out of context and I feel bad for her.'
Jenna no
>this is Jenna's husband
No wonder she wants the big Krasinski cock
They're both average and generic.
Is that a picture for ants Mr. President?
Yeah, he just got a smoking hot girlfriend and recently played the main role in '13 hours, secret soldiers of benghazi'. One of the best special ops movies to date.
John is doing fine, as long as he doesnt fall in the trap and does small mediocre roles and instead work on big movie with big or side roles. Ironically kinda like Martin Freeman, didnt really play many big roles until Sherlock and then the Hobbit. He mostly did British humor roles like Hitchiker, shaun of the dead, hot fuzz, Ali G, etc.
Even more ironic is that Ron played in it. Jenna lost both
James Rustle xD
Are you being sarcastic because that was a good movie
Curls for the gurls
i can't take those threads
pls stop :
Agree this is best girl
>proper church mouse bouncing on your dick on the show
>funny improv comic bouncing on your dick irl
The true GOAT
10/10 best office girl
I was always puzzled about buff Kazinski, and now I figured out what's wrong with him. Forgot to do lats.
Dumb footposter.
me in the back
he's still on it
>there are people who literally parrot Sup Forums memes on twitter
And here I thought death was the worst fate a man could endure.
Jenna is an absolute madman
>shit arches
John made the right call
Footfags need to die.
>emily blunt will NEVER knew you repeatedly in the balls
just die in my sleep already ( ._.) ( ;_;)
you have to go back
Always nice when reddit stops by for a visit.
Dumb mobileposter.
Someone post the Pam/Stan thing
He's right. You guys inject your fetish into every fucking conversation. People tolerate your shit because they feel bad that you can't discuss your degenerate fetish openly in other places but footfreaks took advantage of our kindness. It has to end.
Jena you have a problem
Just like how Sup Forums feels the need to inject their incredibly retarded opinions into every thread. Only difference is feetfriends want to ha e a good time and /polfggots/ want everyone to think they're right (they're not)