How insecure is saving all my passwords for everything in a word file on my computer?

How insecure is saving all my passwords for everything in a word file on my computer?

Any better options ?

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Pretty insecure. Use KeePass

use easy to remember pass phrases.

What about those online ones? ive seen them advertised and shit but i dont know how secure having all my passwords stored on one server would be, plus servers like that would be targets for hackers ?

I like to have a different password for each website, normally my passwords have caps, numbers and some kind of symbols.

Memorize and never write down truly important ones. Use a password manager for places that you'd rather not let others in, and you don't use enough to memorize. All above passwords should be unique and long for each site.
Then use the same password for sites that you don't care who logs in.

Or use veracrypt and you'll just have to memorize the one password.

Yea, bank, paypal etc i have memorized most of them.

I just have ones down for facebook, various emails, random website signups, netflix, steam/blizz recovery codes etc

Also mind explaining how veracrypt works ?

Could i just have 1 file encrypted and unlock it fairly quickly to grab out the passwords i need then relock it again? (by lock i mean encrypt/hide)

and would i be safe to store things such as bank passwords in there, if the password for veracrypt was really secure?

It works by repartitioning part of your drive to be in a sense another virtual hard drive.
You allot it the space you want and it encrypts it with aes-256 bit encryption. There's even a choice for a hidden drive if for some reason you're forced to provide a password.

Okay, imma do this. thanks man

Any settings/tips you would recommend ?

Have a file with codes only you would understand reminding you of what password goes w/ what

Dude use keepass

Shit's the best
I've been in cybersecurity for years now, and the ol' "passwords.txt" or "passwords.docx" is all too common, even for organisations with 500+ employees.

Don't be stupid like them.


what about veracrypt ? that would be good right ?

I write my shit down on a piece of paper I keep around.
My friend has a key ring with roughly 10 usb drives on it, he keeps passwords on one of them.

knowing me i would lose the key ring lmao.

A piece of paper sounds alright, although if a fire or something you lose em.

I see. i downloaded it, it creates an encrypted file that you mount. I put the file on with my passwords in it on both my pcs and backed it up to a cloud that i have access to through my email. so even if someone does get into my email the file is still encrypted and shit, thanks man

>Get a pen and paper

I dont use any password-program i save them analog. You know a pen and a little booklet in my wallet.

Kind of a good idea but there are better options.
Give Sup Forums all of your passwords, we'll remember for you.


tattoo them on your dick

no need to repartition, you can create a file of size x that's encrypted, like an ISO it appears as a file
open veracrypt click mount find the file. i name mine something ambiguous like mpeg.encoder

download the program and have a try, its straightforward

in terms of security that's a complex issue if the password you use happens to exist in one of those stolen password databases and the person trying to get in is clever enough to use such methods they're basically in. really its a war of the cleverness and uniqueness of your password vs the resources of the folks trying to get in

A more sophisticated approach would be this:

You print out a card and than find a combination on it, you just remember the coordinates (like 2-spades or something) and the direction (vertical, horizontal, like a horse in chess...). Anyone who finds it, doesn't know which combination is right and if you loose the card, you can restore it with the code on the bottom, this you can write on a piece of paper or in your word file...

Launch codes for nuclear missiles are stored in a similar fashion, I think

Yea i did that. Thanks.

I also saved the encrypted file to another pc and to my cloud. It will still be encrypted on the cloud so if someone does get into my cloud and download it, it shouldnt be an issue.

I made a new password just for it, plus if someone did get my password from a stolen database they still wouldnt have access to my pc in order to get access to the encrypted file.

im not important, or rich so a targeted attack against me is unlikely.

just use keepass or something

It sounds interesting, but it also sounds like a lot of work. If i was rich, or someone important i would consider using something like this, but i think an encrypted file is the way to go.

ive been using just normal word file with them for around 2 years and nothing has happened, with the added layer of encryption i should be fine. Thanks for suggestion though user

keepass, veracrypt. same thing. they both put a password on the file and encrypt it when its not in use.