What i'd like to know is, where is love?

What i'd like to know is, where is love?

People killin people dying

how stop?

Just realixed that my art is offensive. Sorry! will try to include all 72 genders next time, folks.

In Whitney's butt

love is where they am!

post more whitney

Might i also add that I do in fact like wuminn. Guis ar good too but they are too much for mee.

blind eye and my love in my mind

A Kekistani ambassador appears.

i cant see i am blind my head is strong

who has the answer. let the words come to me! i need them. for the night is long and cold here, and Id like to get there...

i have the answer

Write it on a note and cast it to the wind. Let it find me here in this place that I am.

i will send a virtual note on image board

good idea. I wouldn't want you getting fined for littering.

yell at the wall make it scream sell the idea to your grandkids

sometimes the pips in the walls rattle when I yell at them. I just rattle right back though.

i scream in the mirror and it neeveer scrams BACK!

those are the best and worst of times. when the mirror ignores me I simply draw on its face until it submits to my will.

who are you really drawing? on

It has many names and countless faces, it only barrows mine from time to time.
