ITT: make wish, it might come true

ITT: make wish, it might come true

Cuckold CIA shills leave Sup Forums and make wwyd and other psyop threads end.

My numbers confirm.

I wish someone's mother will die in her sleep tonight if he/she didn't even bother to reply to this post.

i wish for a small loan of one million dollars

I wish wishing did something.

i wish she tried

fuck you

I wish for Allison to relate my genitals

Felate* fuck off keyboard

I wish I knew what to do with my life.

id like to give Avril a facial.

well somebodys got a wittle tempew tantwum

Powerball win the next time I play would be nice.


Kek What
I wish for user to overcome his severe spectrum autism

i wish they wouldn't come tomorrow to turn of my electricity

who let a fluffy in to the thread?

Andy Sixx's Logs of shit slidding down my throat

Ending war; extreme wealth and poverty

I wish for my tinnitus to go away.

quads wills it, it shall be so

all porn threads are banned from Sup Forums

buy a gun :)

Trap fap is not gay

you just have to learn to ignore it bro, not noticing it is almost the same as not having it.

speaking from experience, and bad hyperacusis too

I want to be financially free.

i thought about killing myself recently :)

everyone he ever knew is either dead or alive

it's up to you bra :)

hopin' you choose life

Need a mil to open a business

same, I'd just never have the guts to go through with it, despite the bullshit of this world. don't understand how people can overcome their survival instinct

why bother us with you fucking problem!?
just do it!
save us from you!

I wish to instantly receive 50,000,00 from an anonymous donor into the bank account I use and subsequently for me and my Wife to travel the world before settling down just a bit outside the city on a large piece of farmland with a the perfect great big wonderful farm house, a giant machine shop with all the tools you could imagine (including an industrial size 3D Printer that prints in steel), all of our favorite animals, a green-house full of legal ganja and an underground server farm to pay the bills.

Meant 50,000,000 USD, but 5,000,000 would be fine too so long as the farm and all the animals/equipment is already paid for :P

money to pay for my treatment, my folks are too old to keep working

I wish for Carlos Fontana to die a horribly painful death..

I wish to pass my finals

Me too fatty... me too

I might have considered paying 5,000,000 if you had got the commas right.

>MJ was so culture war he brought his own.
>MJ was framed by the CIA because he didnt "play the game"
>MJ died alone and miserable

i love mj so much

that sounds like it sucks