Goddamnit do I hate people and their fucking useless carbon footprint children

Goddamnit do I hate people and their fucking useless carbon footprint children.

Though I don't condone it, I 100% sympathize with Casey Anthony. She was doing God's work.

Ow, shit, I cut myself.

Watch out bros, sharp edges in this thread.

You aren't clever or with it. Stop trying to be relatable and relevant. It's worse than what you're accusing me of.


> tipping intensifies

Other way around in this situation.

I'm pretty sure you were a useless carbon footprint at one point.

>don't condone it
>claims shes doing gods work

> frothing shit post about carbon footprints
> I'm not even rustled brush, you are kek

Sure thing bro

You thought you were telling me something new, didn't you?

You're not aware of what's happening right now, but that's fine with me.

Not at all just the obvious


>psssh I know I'm worthless shit that's not the point

Practicing that acid tongue for future shitposting. Good on you.

>look how intellectual and sharp-witted I am
>please give me the love that my parents never did because they understand how worthless and undeserving of life I am

Woah this took a dark turn. You okay man?

Murder yourself you sack of waste I don't need your fucking pity I don't anyone's fucking pity

I just feel like I saw a part of your soul that I wasn't meant to see. It's gonna be okay. Chill.


I would still fuck Casey Anthony.