FBI clears Clinton


>FBI has confirmed Clinton committed no crimes
>They apologized for the politically charged investigation
>She was just doing her job as Secretary of State and might we add she did her job fantastically

Sup Forums BTFO


Other urls found in this thread:


What I never understood. Trump should be investigated. His comments imply incest and his possession of child porn.

Just when you thought the Racist Dirtbag couldn't get any worse

This is the face of the manchild who is going to lose in November.

You guys are better off Dumping the Trump now and save yourselfs heartache.

Excellent. You Trumpfags are fucking finished, because now no matter what smears you try to cook up, people will reflexively dismiss them because the right-wing's attacks on Hillary (Benghazi, Vince Foster, Whitewater, supposed child rapist attorney, now the emails) have been so persistent and keep getting discredited that no one has any reason to believe the latest smear.


Nice source faggot

The investigation is on going.

The only reason they haven't ended it is because the FBI is filled with White Males who don't want to stop their politically charged investigation.



Have fun being deported to niggerland once Trump wins.


Don't forget the Panama Papers which lists names of people that evaded taxes and Clinton is one of them on the list. She'll get busted from that.

I was born here. My Parents escaped horrible conditions in Southern Mexico. Why would you deport worthy people?

Plus the youngest of my siblings is 3 so we'll be here a long time. Luckily by then we'll get amnesty.

No such thing has happened and we had an identical thread literally 5 minutes ago

I wanted to make sure you bigots @ Sup Forums heard the good news.

People were clearly forum sliding me.


> US officials who had been briefed
aka clinton's lawyers?

>Hillary supporter complaining about sliding


No sources, no names in article, obvious liberal media outlet, opposite conclusion of hundreds of articles over the past few months describing the wealth of data collected on the issue, the mere existence of a server violates the Espionage Act and is a federal crime with sentence up to 10 years. I dunno what hack wrote this but it's garbage. Looks like a school newspaper.

Whoever is slowing the process down is just delaying the inevitable.

The CNN link talks about it, BUT it says

> The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven't found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

That doesn't mean she can't be charged with something.

Investigation still ongoing.

Only Clinton supporters saying she has been "cleared"

That's what Huma said in her interview. And CNN will spin anything to validate Hillary. Can't trust any of these journos


We actually want Shill the Hill to run against Trump:
>Shillary gets the nomination
>Berniecucks get so buttblasted they either
> a. don't vote at all, become apathetic
> b. vote for Trump out of spite as their efforts were for nothing
> c. they run smear campaigns against politics in general denouncing the left as loonies

Literally a win-win in all cases.

source: Politic US USA



lol You do realize that the content of the e-mails don't matter and that in fact she will be indicted based solely on the fact that she ADMITTED to deleting them right? Hehehehehehehheheheheheh


Plus, doesn't she just look so damn tired?



So if I fuck some underage kids, and not know that its against the law until afterwards it ok?

What happened to ignorance is not a defense?

Hey where can I get paid to shill for Hillary? If these sorry as posts are worth money I can outperform all of these fucks combined

CNN's parent company is one of Clinton's biggest donors so of course they're going to polish every turd that comes out of her ass.

shill harder

shills know they have ID's right???

This is nice. I made a pastebin that shows just how suitable Clinton is to be an American president ;)

All the pics of Hillary and Bill laughing remind me of the funny joke Hillary once told.


Lol here are some of the other "articles" on the page. Yeah, no bias here holy fuck kek.

Hypotheticals And Wishful Thinking Fuel The Myth Of Bernie Sanders’ Electability

One Idiot Throws His Support Behind Another As Rick Perry Endorses Donald Trump

Editorial Cartoon: Losers and Winners

With Trump Win, Cognitive Dissonance Strikes the Religious Right

Email Scandal Crushed As FBI Finds No Evidence Clinton Broke The Law With Private Email

Republican Heads Explode As New Trump Finance Chair Is Obama And Clinton Donor

Cash Crunch Complicates Bernie Sanders’ California Comeback Dreams

Trump Super PAC Strategist Found Guilty on Four Counts Of Campaign Finance Violations

Rob Reiner Blows Up Morning Joe By Calling Out Useless Trump Loving Faux Journalism

Hillary Clinton Begins The General Election Leading Trump In Every Swing State

You know what Hillary thinks of illegal immigrants?


>Republican propoganda
none of that is true! if it were she would be in jail already

No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

surprising, considering anyone who can access the internet can see those emails on wiki. She plotted for genocide of foreign nations, but you don't give fuck because you sold your soul to shitpost for a corrupt politician.
Now that's equality. I bet you wanted Bernie to win a week ago.
she's actually the anti Christ.

>didnt find proof after interviewing her aides
>investigation still going
wow it's fucking nothing.

All paid shills. Traitors.
