How come being gay or trans is accepted by society but men having long hair isn't?

How come being gay or trans is accepted by society but men having long hair isn't?

bc its gay bro





Do you use the internet all of these things still arent accepted

Because he makes bad bar band music and sells out his mom...and lives off teenage latchkey nostalgia

I fucked OP. She has a really big cock and balls but perfectly passes for a cute little girl. I fuck her ass a lot. She likes getting fucked hard and its mesmerizing watching her large cock and balls bounce and flop around. We have cock fights sometimes. On rare occasions I'll suck her cock and lick her balls. She's got super smooth balls and a nice ass and big nibbles with small but present loli tier tits. Shes like straight out of an anime so the relationship is perfect for me and we'll probably be together for the rest of our lives. We literally live out anime sex fantasies. We've turned the bed into a cum sponge. This is legit sick shit but she's literally THE perfect trap and looks like that ami girl from soc but not as thicc, more shapely like a chubby asian girl and her pear frame all converge to form a trap golden ratio. I met her long before the superbowl so i'm not giving her up no matter what anyone says. Ops my waifu. But I'm still a redpilled and if you don't like it, fuck Trump and fuck white people

This is copy pasta now? I guess it's better than fb/shouldn't share/wwyd


Because most people are shallow to the point of only caring about other's appearances.

I have long-ish hair.

i shaved my head 2 years ago and ever since i let i t grow free. i have great confidence and i can sense men with short hair looking at me like i scare them in some way, like they dont have th balls to pull it off.

also women like men with long beautiful hair. i wear it in a pony tail.

you just have to own it, then people wont say shit

Because most men with long hair look like real life trolls.


Most non-warcraft trolls have no hair.

We crucify long haired men.

Cis white men do not get any more acceptance of anything for any reason. If you disagree then you are part of the patriarchy, and should be forcibly re-educated

I have long hair and idgaf is I'm "accepted" by society.

And dnd trolls seem to have many hair styles.



My bad, how about witch-doctors?

They be spooky.

Thats cool. imagine you had not teeth whatsoever but a tatoo of teeth on your lips

>dream of life