There are people who think this is wrong

there are people who think this is wrong

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Its mostly just stupid. The money, material, and manpower would be better used towards roads and bridges.

Yes i think it is wrong, because i think you have to start to install those panels at one end to the other, not intercalating.

It's not wrong. Stealing my money to pay for it is. If trump wants a wall, he can fucking pay for it.

I just don't understand why you keep making this thread over and over?

And since you did.. What are your thoughts on Spiceys press conference in which he renamed things that used to be a fence to now be called walls

No concrete and rebar anymore


If you think this stops the cartel in any way you're an IDIOT.

Let's say it was the best case scenario for Trump and he got a 200ft high wall that's dug 500ft underground AND Mexico somehow paid for it. (Which by the way, Trump said Mexico would pay for it by increasing their exporting rates, which means their products would get expensive here so technically Mexico isn't even paying for it, WE ARE) Trump forgets that there are these things called boats and airplanes, and that the cartel use them.

So the wall is literally a waste of money that could be used to better our infrastructure. Because you have to be a dumbass blind patriot to think our country has perfect infrastructure.

I'm all for helping against drugs and illegal immigration, but the wall is the dumbest idea on how to fix that and whenever someone is asked to explain how it'll stop everything 100% they fall back to chanting.

It's not so much wrong as it is retarded
but heh, you retards voted for it

Roads and bridges won't keep the rapey Mexicans out.

the "wall" that they say they are building goes 6 feet down to stop people from tunneling under.................... lol what???????? Will that even stop a dog from tunneling under?

Most importantly, do we really wanna stop the cartel??

Where else are we gonna get such good blow?

I REFUSE to switch to meth

what's wrong is overspending billions of dollars on a palliative measure that's easily avoided by anyone determined enough to get here, instead of spending far less money on improving the visa system for migrant and unskilled workers from Central America.

>but all illegal immigrants are rapists and drug dealers!
if you believe that, shoot yourself in the face.

Cartels bring in all the meth too...

Economies are efficient

Canada will start growing for us

Not me, I love video games that will never become reality even with billions of taxpayer bucks

how can one build bridges if they keep getting run down by illegals and ruined.

thats like building an attack unit without having no defences to allow you to build said unit.

>run down by illegals


Coco plants only grow in high altitudes with high humidity.

Where in the fuck in Canada are you gonna find tropical altitudes?

Neither will the wall.



>what is an extension ladder


I think we can /thread here

Build that fence!! Build that fence!

ladders faggot, do you know ladders?

This site is for those aged 18 and over so, you know, fuck off.

This is as dumb of an argument as
>hurrr ladders

Along with location devices to detect tunneling, I'm not seeing a problem?

>drug catapult

>Drug carrier pidgeons

If O-kenyan had wanted it, would have been just fine I'm sure.


I love how different legislators try to downplay trump's use of the word 'wall'
'no on, it'll be an electronic fence'
'it'll be surveillance'

a wall to block the entirety of the border with mexico is a massive undertaking, and an unfeasible waste of money.
Our nations roads and buildings are fucking decrepit, and this chucklefuck wants to put the our nations civil engineers and contractors on a a fucking wall job

even if the wall gets built, it does nothing to get to the root cause of the problem
what a buffoon.

Just station more dudes on the border wall. Any beaners try to get through just lay fire on them. Eventually a wall will be built with the bodies. Much cheaper, better method.

Trump probably knows the wall won't fix things, he just wants some big structure that he can say he's responsible for. Like 90% of his pathos is that he's scared that America won't have any great innovation he can slap his name on like he does with everything else with his name.

>actually believes that

I'm one of those people.


Holy. Fucking. Shit. You are an absolute idiotic twat at every level.

>I love how different legislators try to downplay trump's use of the word 'wall' 'no on, it'll be an electronic fence' 'it'll be surveillance'
A state of the art wall that comes equipped with sensors to do the things a big sheet of concrete itself can't do. Border surveillance is better than no border surveillance.

>a wall to block the entirety of the border with mexico is a massive undertaking, and an unfeasible waste of money.
More money is lost to illegal immigration each year. 'Bu.. but they pay taxes! abloo bloo'

>Our nations roads and buildings are fucking decrepit, and this chucklefuck wants to put the our nations civil engineers and contractors on a a fucking wall job

He wants to do both it turns out. I'm not sure if you formed your opinion by listening to his actual words or just reading headlines, but he's an advocate for both the wall and infrastructure spending. Dingus.

>even if the wall gets built, it does nothing to get to the root cause of the problem
Which it turns out Trump is also addressing. I don't see Hillary going after sanctuary cities, do you?

>what a buffoon.
the ironing

yea because it wont stop the spics at all and it is going to cost a shitload of money just so that trump said he built his wall.

Not wrong. Sure as fuck stupid though.

> O-kenyan


it is. there's already 600 miles of wall along the most heavily trafficked areas and that hasn't stopped anyone. putting walls out in the middle of nowhere won't do anything. additionally, the vast majority of people who come here illegally come by plane or boat.

you want those people to quit coming? end the drug war and they won't be afraid to live in their own damn countries anymore.

>putting this much effort into bait

People were convinced Trump's platform was banning all brown people. There is no bait only more only actual leftists

There are people who are not dumb. This is not OP dough.

Please rewrite this in a way that reveals to me what you're actually trying to fucking say. Thank you.

If you're against the wall, you're retarded

>what is rapidly advancing drone tech?
Poor trumpcucks.

>against the wall
You're not very bright but thanks for your efforts champ x

>A state of the art wall that comes equipped with sensors to do the things a big sheet of concrete itself can't do. Border surveillance is better than no border surveillance.
This is indeed true...but thats not what he campaigned on? And repeatedly said? Big beautiful walll, 10 feet taller! Mexico will pay! Concrete & rebar

Constant complaining about the current little fences

The point is he made all these outlandish claims that are clearly not going to happen or absurd then back tracks to a semblance of reality while still selling the lies he told

>This is indeed true...but thats not what he campaigned on? And repeatedly said? Big beautiful walll, 10 feet taller! Mexico will pay! Concrete & rebar
Right, but if you listened to his actual words and didn't get all of your opinions from Colbert you would have seen his campaign website where he platformed on a state of the art wall with surveillance. Did you ever even go to his policy website during the election? I honestly don't think you have.

>The point is he made all these outlandish claims that are clearly not going to happen or absurd then back tracks to a semblance of reality while still selling the lies he told

Have you even watched a Press Conference or do you only get your information second hand?

I wonder how many times you said 'darling Trump will never be president'.

border patrol can hunt drones from behind the wall instead of chasing people through open desert

In conclusion, Build the Wall and don't be afraid to point out Radical Islamic Terrorism

lolno. Control this remotely from a thousand miles away. Even if it only carries an eighth at a time, at hundreds of dollars per shipment and only a few feet to travel, you are in fact cucked.
I feel so sorry for Americans who aren't thick as shit. You're all gonna suffer because of trumps retardation.
Hey, it was a truly superb red hat though.

>drones will carry people over the wall
o im laffin

The difference it's going to make:
>Billions of tax dollars wasted
>Mexicans now have to bring a longer ladder

Theyre fags

Home-made drones are already capable of carrying people, and the demand for advancements in the tech just rocketed.
People WILL find a way.

Oh wow. I was thinking of this statement from using it catch people crossing the border. I didn't even think about it being used for drugs. That's going to be almost impossible to deal with

Has anime gone too far?

>Jefe from the farm and his family riding over the border on drones
The situations you crazies paint in your own heads

>drones delivering weed

man if i didnt have crippling depression that would make me excited to live in the future

Anyone who locks their home at night or car when their away shouldn't complain. You secure your borders thats all there is to it

It doesn't matter how they do it, but to say that people won't find a way because of some retarded wall is horribly short-sighted.
And yup, drugs will still come through, easy af. My drone cost me £25, carries several ounces and travels at 45mph.


stop thinking in the past, guys.

Oh, and it's about 4 inches in size at its longest point.

>but to say that people won't find a way because of some retarded wall is horribly short-sighted.
And to say there's no reason to have a wall as long as a person sneaks by is incredibly short-thought.

>And yup, drugs will still come through, easy af.
Great, so drones become a thing. What happens to counter that? How about a big, long chain across the border where you can place radio detector technology on it. If a drone goes over the border it's going to give off a signal, if there's a way to detect signals at every point along the border we know where to send border patrol. We have more border patrol now expressly because of Trump. Our border is now more secure in 100 days of Trump than 8 years of Obama.

Oh and on the bottom of that big, long chain of sensors you can put a big, long sheet of concrete to stop the foot traffic. Hey look two birds one stone! It's amazing how you can fix a problem when the administration treats it like an actual problem.

With a strong Border comes Strong border security.

This includes anyone taking any kind of vehicle past the border, by air or water.

But I guess it's easier to ignore the simplicity of "With border comes protection" so you can regurgitate Stephen Colbert and @midnight jokes