Question to americans:

Question to americans:

did any of you ever eat mcdonalds everyday?

that's something I can only dream of

just let's cut the bullshit, healthy food tastes like shit

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>did any of you ever eat mcdonalds everyday?

>just let's cut the bullshit, healthy food tastes like shit
That's wrong though.

>just let's cut the bullshit, healthy food tastes like shit

Actually it's wrong, you just don't know how to cook.

No, learn how to cook

>just let's cut the bullshit, healthy food tastes like shit
That's wrong through acutally

and/or you only eat "unhealthy" shit so you prefer it as you're not accustomed to "healthy" shit.

Personally most fast food makes me feel like shit, sometimes straight up sick and generally doesn't taste very pleasant. This is because I don't eat it, not used to it.

Fast food tastes good like once in a month.
If you know how to cook, healthy food is 100x better than fast kike food.
Something simple as chicken, vegetables and sauce will do just fine

>healthy food tastes like shit

post some nice easy recipes please

i wish, currently at work, using my phone and i cant use recipes in english

No, I eat really healthily

For awhile I got 2 McChickens on lunch break every work day. Sometimes early mornings I would get some sausage biscuits or pancakes. This was when I walked 20-40k steps a day according to my cellphone. It was unhealthy as fuck and no doubt shortened my life.

Right, it's not that all healthy food tastes like shit, some meats are pretty tasty

but COMPARED to fast food it is shit, really tasteless, sour

cabbage lettuce chicken will NEVER taste as tasy as a good BK whopper in your fucking mouth and all of the endorfins

I can cook but I'm just too lazy to do it. It requires just way too much time and effort. 2 hours cooking and cleaning just for 20 minutes of eating

I get fastfood very rarely if I'm traveling or in a weird situation where there aren't better options. It makes me feel like shit for the rest of the day usually.

I do a lot of cooking. It's therapeutic in a way and I don't have to think about what else is going on

Don't do that, you'll get fat.

T. Russian living near the fucking McDonalds

Steak with a side of pasta. Takes seven minutes to cook, twelve if you have to boil the water.

you eat steak in Poccия??


1 avocado

1. Cut open
2. Remove seed

Serves 1.

I can't, it's expensive as fuck

Big mac combo 23 R$

normal brazilian lunch 10 R$
Kek who the fuck eas avocado without sugar?

>Kek who the fuck eas avocado without sugar?
really? here we eat it with salt

Start with simple methods and build off of them
>Whole roaster (3-4lbs)
>Remove from the fridge 1hr before cooking
>Pat dry and rub with salt
>Roast at 425 for 50-60 minutes
>Rest for 10 minutes before serving
You can do vegetables in the oven at the same time
You can make a sauce from wine or vinegar and butter off the pan you cooked the chicken in and it makes it easier to clean the pan later.

that's disgusting af

Sure, why not. They are probably not as good as Japanese or Argentinian yet since we didn't have the tradition to breed cows specifically for meat, but we're working on it, praise Putin.

Also, any meat at all with a side of pasta will do. All cooks about five-seven minutes. Today I had some pork.

What's Brazilian lunch?

how was it? pork sausage or just a piece of meat?

McChicken is literally the healthiest thing McDonald's have on the menu, so I don't see how that was a problem, especially when you walked that much daily.



takes forever
only make them for christmas and easter

They're still like 500+ calories each.

>make shitton for once
>keep them in the freezer
>takes 10 minutes to prepare them afterwards

post authentic polish recipe pls

basically what I do, but the family's real big and usually only the plum ones are left over

Plain piece of meat. I usually buy vacuum packaged meat on Saturdays - one or two of each pork, beef and chicken and then some sausages and something made of ground meat. All can be cooked fast, can live in a fridge for a week so I don't have to defrost and taste good.

Steaks proper are a bit pricey to eat every day, so it's mostly some generic beef.

I also like lamb, but only cook pilav or some such at weekends.

Learn to cook.

The only people in America who eat McDonalds are niggers, literally no one else, MDs is ghetto black people food as far as anyone's concerned. Same goes for other low quality fast food like KFC, Taco Bell, and others of the sort.

If you're white and not poor as fuck, and want fast food, you go to Shack Shack, Panera Bread, In n Out, or other restaurants of the sort.

Doesn't look too bad, apart from beans. I hate beans.

In the Netherlands fast food is super popular because we have our own fast food cuisine.

But we're also the country with the most healthy diet in the world because we grow up with healthy eating habits. And Dutch dinners are very veggie oriented.

I wish I was this ignorant so I wouldn't be drowning in sorrow.

that's what I usually do also. do you ever make пeльмeни?

Its all about proportions desu. Fries do not even have to be unhealthy. Nor does a beef kroket.

I sometimes drive to my parents and we can do a lot at once and then split it and freeze. It's time consuming but parallels well. We also sometimes cook them at work for the same reason.

Why not? Veganism isn't really a thing here.

Eating mcdonald's every day would be nice but it's too expensive.

There was a semester in college where I'd treat myself to a McGangbang once a week for lunch.

You could also make oven fries with limited salt. A hamburger without ridiculous toppings.

Yeah when I worked in downtown Chicago I would get hash browns and orange juice from McDonald's every single morning for a few months. I was young and had god tier metabolism so it didn't make me fat, but I wouldn't recommend it.

I bet you complain about the craft beer selection at the local pub, too

Nice steaks are expensive and difficult to grow.

Also, I've heard that Americans have a fuckton of terms for the sorts of steaks. We don't eat that much meat yet as a nation, and not for such a long time, that's why he asks.

lucky. I used to have Russian neighbors and they would bring some over, it is one of my favorite foods

Just learn to cook them, there's no ingredients specific to Russia in them. The meat is half beef half pork, beef alone will be too dry.

That's not healthier than a burger and fries, it's still red meat and carbs.

Im literally starving right now please send help

>just let's cut the bullshit, healthy food tastes like shit

nah, but fast food tastes best when drunk though

hence why kebab became so popular here
if muslims would ever take over and ban alcohol, turks will have no business anymore

Fries/chips are pretty bad, worse than pasta because of how they're cooked. Deep frying something basically adds a "heart attack" coating to whatever is being deep fried. It's terrible for you. Cooking pasta in boiling water isn't really the same.

i've tried and they didn't taste nearly as good

Yes it is. Pasta al dente is better than these buns. You don't add that much salt and sugar, it's less fat, no sauces and you know exactly which meat goes there. And you can cook less, you don't have to have a pound of meat and a huge ass bowl of pasta.

Practice. There should be a lot of videos on jewtube too. You'll have to watch several to make sense of them, because everyone states to tell the only correct recipe, but that's mostly bullshit.


Crappy food for poor people.
Especially their chicken nuggets and strips are absolute trash.

spaghetti bolognese, basically chopped meat fried with onions, a bit of garlic and herbs like thyme or rosemary if you like (also salt and pepper), add tomato sauce to the meat (basically frying tomatos in a closed pan until they are liquid, add some tomate puree concentrate) you can use some oregano and basil with the tomato sauce.

While you're doing this, cook your pasta al dente.

Mix in your plate and add rasped cheese to taste.

Don't buy anything as much processed as nuggets from anyone and you'll be fine.

Also, what would you recommend mr Abramovich?

thanks for the encouragement Ruskibro

I will post the one i use when i get home from work.
I'm not a big fan of sweet pierogi, i prefer ones with potato or meat filling.

Na zdorovye.

Ironically when I was a teenager (and already fat) my best friend at the time lived close by and came over my house literally every single day and his mom always gave him $20 and he always wanted to go to a fast food place. Daily. He was always in really good shape too and played soccer.

After I stopped hanging out with him around 18 I rarely ever go eat at restaurants at all anymore. [spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler]still fat[/spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler]

Some skinny in decent shape people have to get their daily items at fast food places too. It's crazy to me.

that"s what we always did when we made pelmeni

also when you make it it is nice to turn it into a social event, with a friend and some music and booze

ya LYUBLYU russkikh

Your rice looks like total shit.

ok pls don't forget I very much want it

Do you cook them with cottage cheese (and no sugar)?

Yeah, cool, love you guys too when you don't invade or go full SJW. 30% of Americans in the interwebz are really nice to talk to.

Stop supporting this company serving shit food. Many Americans are demanding better food choices. Casual dining is replacing fast food with fresher ingredients and better service. McDonalds hires mostly rude low class people with poor sanitation practices. I refuse to eat that shit.

No. I like it sometimes. Maybe once per month but anymore than that and I get sick of it.

You mean the filling?
The ones with potao filling indeed have cottage cheese mixed into the filling. We call them "russian", did they originate from Russia?

you actually start to get physically sick of eating fast food if you have it more than like every two weeks. might be the preservatives or something. mcdonalds always gives me gas and makes me have to take a dump right after i eat it.