Let's imagine a war between latino armies.
what happen?
which countries could win in this war?
Let's imagine a war between latino armies.
what happen?
which countries could win in this war?
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Brazil would dominate the upper part of South America, Argentina would take Chile and Uruguay.
Mexico would own Central America and the Caribbean.
Nothing good about your country if that's what you were hoping for. Your country is weak and the only time civilized people come near there is on their trip through the Panama Canal.
>Argentina would take Chile
They couldnt last time.
Mexico would dominate desu
>2nd world countries turn into 3rd world countries
The economic trends are already headed there though.
our army has more combat experience than brazil.
other countries come to receive training here.
Not bragging but our military has the second biggest budget of the region.
we simply have shit tier equipment.
Argentina would take Chile
wew lad
I dunno m8.
It's not like argentina army is even a strong one.