Moon Landing

Was it fake Sup Forums?

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There's proof that people have been to the moon, so why would they bother to fake the first time?

yes it was fake. Kubrick is a master filmmaker

Propaganda m8

fake as fuck, tnx kubrick

Post Moon Landing Kino
I'll start.

It's been proven it's fake. The flag wouldn't blow in the wind like that.

Nah it was true
Except this part though

another great Kubrick shot

the space is not even exist

Yeah but why bother faking it if you can actually do it?

Of course it was fake, everyone with a functioning brain knows it, there are hundreds of proofs while only few made up bullshit that validate the landing.
There was Kubrick behind and everyone knows it aswell.
Inb4 globalist cucks assblasted in full damage control

Maybe they couldn't at the time.

Did I miss some new meme or something or is this just the new "the earth is flat XD" thing?

Only video you need

It is flat though.
And do you really think the technology in the 60's was good enough to pass the Van Allen radiation belts?

Epic meme brah!

Hi Nasa shill

is this real?

It is not fake, the best argument I can make for this case, and one that people just neglect for some reason:
This happened during the Cold War, meaning that the USSR had all of its eyes fixated on the moon landing mission, so any indication of cheating, lying, foul play, fraud or however you'd like to call it, would have been noticed by the ruskies and they would scream at the top of their lungs, but they didn't, not even a peep.
So unless the US and the USSR were faking the Cold War all along, it is impossible for the US to have faked the moon landing.


Both sides didn't call out the lies of the other because the space race served both narrative.

the cold war was fake? why?


Who the fuck tilted the camera?

This proves everything!

The US and USSR were both controlled by the jews though.

what if the lunar landings were faked but 2001: a space odyssey is real?