This is a quite bad and indulgent movie

This is a quite bad and indulgent movie.

Fuck narration.

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thank you

goodfellas is also shit

what do you mean shit? like, how is it shit? does it look shit to you?

People tell me to go to reddit all the time, but for such vastly different reasons I don't even know what you attribute to them anymore.

Grow up.

Once Upon a time in New York is one of the longest stinkiest turds I've ever seen.

Go get your fuckin shitbox.

I also hate posters like this one.

it is self indulgent masturbation and showing off by a genius film maker. Still better than 95% of all Hollywood output.

It was good, I think most the scenes and performances were fine and everything

It just lacked the focus and vision of Goodfellas like Scorsese didn't really have a narrative in mind when he was making the movie. I really would have loved to see more of the Kansas City mob for example, but instead way too much time was spent with DeNiro and that prostitute, I'm assuming because those scenes were cheaper to film. Also James Woods was barely in it wtf.

I think this is easily the best scene in the movie and just wish more scenes were about the mob vs Vegas or the mob vs whoever was skimming the casino. That would have been way more fun than Deniro vs his wife or Deniro vs Pesci.

Also Frank Vincent was just as absent as James Woods. Both of them most have had tons of cut scenes.

>People tell me to go to reddit all the time
either everyone else is wrong, or you should listen

You mean like the floating heads all bunched together?

Why do these retards do drugs? Seriously,every fucking movie the main characters downfall is addition to drugs. Happened in Goodfellas, Scarface,Wolf of Wall Street and all the fucking rest. Christ why won't these idiots learn to just now take your own supply.

America, and yes. It's obscenely long, some idiots will tell you more length is better but it's just a chore to sit through for no real gain. Every scene could be trimmed

because it feels great and the whole point of being obscenely rich is so you can feel amazing all the time either with sex, drugs, foods, etc.

Its a shittier and annoying version of Goodfellas
fuck Sharon Stone

Sharon Stone is great in it, the fact that you hate her means she played the role well

She's by far the worst character.

This. That bitch is like janice in the sopranos. Worst character in their respective film/tv show respectively.

Don't reply to me unless you have something clever to say!

The problem with every single one of these movies is that it never takes the time to show a believable slipping into the supply.

I still, to this day, do not understand why any of them take drugs for the very first time.

And that's something that could remove this high disbelief.