ITT:Albums that are really challenging to listen to

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Try Public Castration then get back to us

Filth becomes easy to listen to after a few times.

Public Castration can still put me on the edge of a massive stroke every time.

how is this one of the best albums of the decade again?

incredibly accessible, unless you mean it's just bad or something

>listening to any album, whatsoever
I want to fucking purge you and your DNA from the earth

b8 thread

This is a hard listen desu, but worth it. It's one of the few Anarcho-Punk releases I can think of that seems Anarchist in structure as well as lyrical theme.

posting the obvious


Obvious answer

Is it just me or the album is a bit bad recorded?
I hear a lot of static noise from the recording and that really turns me off. Flith still holds more energy than their other albums desu.

how is this challenging? This is my favorite ween album after listening to all of weens discography I finally listened to this and it instantly became my favorite

not even public castration is challenging after a while

try the body lovers/the body haters

public castration is a live album, what do you expect

Audible recording?

There are a lot of live albums from that time very well recorded and produced, Public Castration is just badly recorded and in my opinion that is enough to trurn me off from the album

>listens mostly to skronk
>challenged by skronk

sounds interesting gonna check this out. should be interesting based off structure alone considering almost every punk bands forgets about that aspect of songwriting in a conventional genre with probably the most amount of wiggle room ideologically


imo the production adds to the atmosphere

music is only challenging if you're mentally challenged.

These two are in my Top 10 of all time.

also my vote would go to any run of the mill black metal or death metal albums, or run of the mill anything. it just becomes so boring to me so fast, cant make it through any album like that when i have to its one of the very few things with music that turns me into a prick

The second track Clara makes you feel like Mussolini's corpse getting kicked, spat and urinated on.

>listening to shitty music on purpose and rationalizing why you didn't waste your time

Every Derek Baily album.

>Music should consist of nothing but jolly pop songs and easy listening

>acting is if no people are disturbed, annoyed, or """""challenged""""" by jolly pop songs or easy listening

You certainly don't seem like you are annoyed by that.

>challenging easy listening
literally a contradiction


Do you really mean to say that those are both difficult to listen to? TBL may as well be Soundtracks For The Blind - version 2. It's probably the easiest thing to listen to that Gira has ever created. The Body Haters is certainly stranger. I would concede that it could be difficult to listen to.


One time I came home drunk off my tits and angry (for some reason), and just played Filth and Cop loudly before passing out alone

It was a great evening really

i think you've just got a really twisted endurance scale desu, TBL/DESU is generally regarded as endurancecore last i checked

People talk about PCIAGI and Filth a lot, but I still have never made it through Cop. I've listened to nearly everything Gira has created, and that, as well as the Skin releases are, in my opinion, the most difficult to get through. World Of Skin is tormentingly slow.

man cop is easy as fuck mate, what are you on about

what is this?
I want to look it up but I'm afraid
hopefully it's just a meme breakcore album with a really edgy cover inspired by goreshit/lolishit

I feel you OP. The only Swans album I can say I properly like is Public Castration. It's the only one that feels visceral enough. I've even gone through one of those "How to into Swans" charts, and I just can't. Filth in particular. I can't listen to Michael Gira yelling "Flex your muscles" over and over without pissing myself. I appreciate how important Swans are, and if I was there to listen to their early stuff at the time I'd probably like it, but it just feels dated and uninteresting to me now.

That one clicked pretty easily for me desu


I will never criticise the filter again

A death industrial album I made in 2013 when I was super depressed and obsessed with Atrax Morgue.

i was tempted to correct it afterwards but decided it was far too amusing to correct

o man o man

one day i had to bike home from work and it started raining and i put filth on. that's the story of how i got into this album


I love you Jesus Christ meme too challenging for me.

Lol,this is fucked up

This unironically

Legit scares me


unless you're one of those disgusting people that only skips to the catchy bits

'10:00' and '3:53' are amazing

Shit's 2 and a half hours long

It isn't at all challenging to listen to IMO. Fantastic album as well.

t. listen to long ambient pieces on a regular basis these days and edited the wiki for that album

wtf its literally just pop with distorted guitars

oh shit, it's almost like people have different tastes and tolerances for different kinds of music.

keep jerking off to how hardcore you are for being able to sit through Swans tho

Body Lovers/Haters is fucking boring.

dude it's literally 40 mins long. If you can't sit through that then you should probably see someone.

The post you just replied to was not submitted by myself; also, I did listen through Cop after your post. I still believe that it is more difficult to listen through than PCIAGI and Filth are. PCIAGI is engaging, and the time goes by quickly. Filth is less agreeable, but not to the degree that Cop is.

hey man as long as you listened to it it's all good

>dude it's literally 40 mins long. If you can't sit through that then you should probably see someone.
You misunderstood my post. I can and have "sat through" Cop many times. I enjoy that album, it is not a chore for me to listen to it.

My post was making fun of you because you were bragging that you can get through Cop no problem while the user you were quoting has trouble listening to it himself. I was pointing out that you should understand that different people have different tastes, and what might be hard for one person to listen to, is easy for another person to listen to, and the reverse, as well. I thought that was fairly obvious but since you asked that user "what are you on about" evidently you hadn't heard of that idea before.

To sincerely contribute to the thread; the music I struggle to listen to the most are pisscore artists. The more "talented" the pisscore artist is directly proportional to the amount of time I am able can listen to one of their albums before shutting it off.


nigga that was my first swans album

This is the only album I've ever actually felt challenged by.

You people these days are so hung up about technicalities that you stopped listening with your ears and now can only hear music through the lense of your jewish professor.

Just because something has melody and structure doesn't reduce it to pop.
The overall sound is what matters.

But I agree that it's not challenging.
None of the albums so far in this thread except for and make the mark.

I'd say something challenging for me to this day is the cutup stuff from Tofubeats.
It's not interesting, it's really obnoxious and sounds pretty much like a cd skipping for four minutes straight.

like seriously
I love discordant noisy music but that song annoys the hell out of me.

Hair Pie, Bake 1 was so hard to get through upon first listen.

Idk it sounds so accesible to me these days and my friends like it
we sing Ice Cream for Crow all the time because beefheart rules

I do this a lot but instead of being angry I am sad and instead of putting on early swans I put on my father will guide me up a rope. And then I feel sad yet hopeful before passing out on the sofa.

clicked easier than To Be Kind. this and My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope To The Sky

I agree cop is probably the most unsettling of swans studio albums. Drainland gets an honourable mention from me because of the recording of gira and jarboe's arguments which made me feel sad.


My father... is the one of the most accessible swans album i feel. I think it's my favourite album of all time.

pretty much the only album that's been challenging to me, love it though.