Make my ex turn her stream off in less than an hour to get her nudes. Mods are nazi as fuck so be careful...

Make my ex turn her stream off in less than an hour to get her nudes. Mods are nazi as fuck so be careful. I believe in you guys. Can't leak any info or thread will be pruned.


Backstory. She cheated on me and is an all around whore and shitty person.

self bump. will deliver

self bump #2 cmon you pussies

Not your personal army faggot.

I'll be his army of 1


Can we have a taste

>she's a shitty person
>so i'm gonna continue fucking with her

sound like you have poor taste in women, I don't think you should hold that against her

idk man it's the only thing that helps with my anxiety. I want revenge

Post nudes op and I'll fuck around

I think op is CocoaRS

>be super anxious
>be a little bitch

nah, i met her on the game though. We met up in person and stuff

just post her nudes i bet she'd turn it off if someone reposted them there

her mods are INDEED anal as fuck

Literally waiting for them so I can do just that but op is to much of a cuck to post em


no shit

I just keep coming back with new accounts

rsbabymetal says adam is demented. that true user?

lol dude her and her friends are fucking destroying you. Like, I was going to go in there and say something to defend you, but holy fuck she doesn't care man. She absolutely has destroyed you. Fuck you're pathetic.

Nice Try Adam L0L

It's an "OP is a faggot" episode again

adam stop being a cuck

bumping just to expose this manchild

Rip OP

should just post nudes tbh

just post the nudes, entertain the faggots, prove you're not the biggest faggot ever, but verify you're a cunt of a human

adam scammed my staff of sliske

All this thread did was bring more viewers to her stream. Gj dumbass