Anyone else plan to kill themselves after their family dies

Anyone else plan to kill themselves after their family dies

No. My family isn't dying nearly fast enough for me to wait on them.

Yeah. Dad won't just fuck off and die though. Old fucker is turning 93 this year

I plan to kill my family and live forever. Does that count?

bump for interdast

fuck no, I hate my family

Dude how old are u wut
Teenage angst @ a parent age


probably drug overdose from inheritance

It's been a thought.

But I'll probably live in slobitude as a hermit until I kill myself slowly with food and drugs.

>want to kill yourself before your life starts to suck too much
>resilient parents won't die
>end up living to ripe old age of 72 and die from cancer treatments

Life starts to go south
>> time to kms
Leave the good life for those deserving of it

Definitely. I will need to take care of my parents when they are elderly, but I refuse to stick around and be elderly myself. They should die by the time I am 65 or 70 I think. Which is fine because I will never be able to retire anyway.

I will stick around long enough to be a good son. But I am not going to die in poverty and frailty. I'm just gonna hang myself when I turn 70.

I'd do it sooner, but filial piety and all that shit.

only cowards kill themselves. Grow up you piece of shit.

Yep. Pic related.


Yep, dubs to confirm

Death is scary. Not a coward to suicide

If you're going to live a life of solitude, who cares? You wouldn't know one way or the other.


I'm too much a coward to do it

Fam long dead. Just waiting for the right moment.

Why is she a slut and a whore

She cheated her hubby.

He probably deserved it

dubs. means now is a good time
