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>worth billions

Pick one

Why do leftists hate trying and failing? Trump is a multibillionaire because he tried and failed but kept going.
This is what all truly successful people do. See Thomas Edison.

Liberals just want to be handed things without even trying or having any risk involved. No wonder they are all so poor and pathetic.

>Trump University

i'd attend

>Occupy Democrats

>Oh man did you see those couple games Lebron James lost?
>Jeez what a shit player, why does anyone like him?

Several business failures does not mean personal bankruptcy, very far from it. I'd be absolutely astounded if he had zero failures from his hundreds of corporations and deals.
He's still a multi billionaire and continues to grow


>has failed more times than any of these cucklefucks have ever tried
>has become a huge success

Contributed more to the country than Obumfuck ever did prior to getting elected, and most of the assholes before him as well for that matter.

>making billions by building casinos in white trash states

Wow he's like some sort of genius or something.

It's bound to happen in that world. I often hear how a stock broker must suck because he made some of his clients lose millions but they always forget to mention he made others win way way more. It's all about that ROI% brah.

>Occupy Democrats

Then how come you haven't done it if it's so easy?

watch him blame his father for not being a millionnaire

I didn't inherit billions from my father.

>better to do nothing and expect handouts, than to try and fail and then try some more
>t. socialist

Failing is a natural part of trying to succeed.

>Trump's mortgage...failed


neither did trump

Turning a million dollars into billions is not easy.

Meanwhile you probably turned a 30k liberal student loan into 60k debt


Neither did Trump. In fact Trump's inheritance was 200 mil, max. After he was already worth billions.

I'd rather vote for someone who takes risks with his money than a career politician just on principle .

What the hell kind of argument is this?
>he's successful but he didn't bust his ass off so it doesn't count


I'd say it's considerably better than being, say, a hedge fund baby.

>student debt meme
I never get this one

Trump cologne is pretty good for a celebrity scent.

El Chapo is worth 1 billion dollars and he started from literally nothing.

OP is a paid shill.

i agree, #cruzmissle now


I guess by using this logic, anyone living in poverty is more successful than Donald trump, Richard Branson or bill gates because they have no failed business ventures.

>tfw more successful than Michael jordan because I've never missed a 3 pointer in an nba final.

>small loan of a million dollars

and yet you're here, not making billions. what kind of failure are you?
>btw el chapo didn't get the money legally

Most Bernie voters are liberal college students who took huge loans for worthless degrees and want the government to bail them out.

So they are in no position to criticize a successful business man.

Neither did Trump, by the time he received any inheritance he was already a billionaire
>small loan of a million dollars
Yes, in the world of business and corporations, million dollars is actually almost nothing. Any chucklefuck can go to a business firm and receive a loan much more significant if he has a solid plan and knows what he's doing.

fuck off shill

Drugs are on the same level of legality as gambling.

This, if Trump literally only invested his money in the S & P 500 he would be richer than he is today, doesn't take a genius to buy hotels and casinos, just takes a lot of money

It's so obvious that you're a fucking shill that it
almost makes me want to puke.
You fucking gay Shillary shills need to just grow up
and stop collecting your weekly $100 shekels
for fucking Hillary

>watch him blame his father for not being a millionnaire
>I didn't inherit billions from my father.

kek, called it.

Except this has been proven false.

A fucking leaf

I am not a Trump supporter... I don't even like the guy, but all of this in contrast of the fact he had managed to stay fucking rich, just proves he is cunning and knows how game the system and capitalism to his favor... How that translates to actual skills to manage a country is probably what should actually matter here.

>kids get told they can go to college easily their whole life
>actually are fucking retarded
>parents never saved for their stupid ass kid to waste their time
>kid wants to go anyway
>Take out insanely big loans with unreal interest FUCKING WILLINGLY
>Major in social sciences
>Can't get a job with worthless degree
>Interest starts adding up
>Bankers all start rubbing Jew hands
>Stop rubbing
>Write social science curriculum
>Stop to give another retard another student loan

so now you're already resorting to complete lies? pathetic.
trumps only revenue isn't gambling...

His father split the money up between his children Trump didn't get all of it.

even if this was true.
Instead he created an assload of jobs, putting money back into the economy, and stayed wealthy. which is more then I can say for the jew goldsteins you're shilling for.

You have to go back.

google as a corporation is fcking retarded. they should just sell off their assets and invest in the stock market
>le trump is greedy meme

His revenue certainly doesn't come from his great steaks.

Liberal left hate the USA and everything it stands for so what's the problem, CHECKMATE LIBERAL FAGGOTS!

wow. One failed business out of hundreds. You know that 80% fail within 5 years right?

>People would only make fun of a buffoon if they were paid.


OP...I say OP! old bean, holla up mate.

Check this out, scroll down the whole way then come back.

Singles says you won't even look. Dubs says you'll look but wont come back. Trips says you die of stupidity. Quads says you die of stupidity in an accident so inconceivable that we read about it on facebook tomorrow and it makes the years Darwin awards.

Kekd and nearly checked


>8 failures.. out of 213 successes
>Turned a small loan of a $1,000,000
>Into $4,000,000,000
>That's equivalent too:
>Turning $1,000 into $4,000,000

It's the same as turning $1,000 into $4,000,000 shill. Good try though ;)



it IS a small loan relative to what he has now

real estate.

a return on real estate investment is far more than mere APR.

not now because of the bubble, but god, especially throughout the 1980s...real estate agencies couldn't get enough men, they had to recruit WOMEN hard core to get enough agents to keep up with sales. Every empowered wife put on a gold Century 21 jacket and made 10x more money than their husbands.

Should I just work at entry level and work my way up or uni and get into graduate program

Hey, unrelated question but Im going to Quito in a July and I was wondering, what are the chances of me getting stabbed while Im there?

Please start a business with just $1,000,000.
Do you think that is Big Nigger, never have to work again money?

And Trump was yuge on real estate.

I'm at uni, but I'm studying physics. Math and science are pretty hard to cuck desu. I also got in on scholarships. If I end up needing a loan, I'll drop out

First off:
>making me respond seriously to Occupy Democrats
Shitty half-truths designed to be spread among plebs on Facebook without adequate debate or sourcing.

None of those failed. 90% of those claimed to fail came from a Romney speech, ironically. Trump literally showed them all live during a rally as being still in business.

>four bankruptcies
Leftists again demonstrate how they don't know shit about economics.
Chapter 11 bankruptcy doesn't mean you are totally bankrupt, it refers to corporations, not individuals. Also, it doesn't even mean a company is totally bankrupt; just that they are low on funds according to arbitrary Federal standards. All of these "bankruptcies" occurred in companies in Atlantic City, due to state and market forces out of Trump's control. Either way, that was only 4 out of 200+ companies that Trump owned, so it was overall insignificant to his total career's success.

Trump will make America again because he will enforce economic nationalism, something Democrats used to stand for before they went full cuck and became the party of Mexico and the UN.

Give a person a million dollars and they will risk 50. Give Donald Trump a million dollars and he will risk it all becoming a billionaire in the process.

Only certain kinds of people take risks and cash in. Most wouldn't. They would slowly dwindle their million by betting 50 every time.

Winners and losers.

>Every empowered wife put on a gold Century 21 jacket and made 10x more money than their husbands.
Why didn't their husbands go work in real estate then? Do they like being poor? Is this another 78 cent meme?

The husbands new it was a bubble.

Hodorkovskiy bet it all, he-he)
Thank God a degenerate businessman who has never been in armed forces of counter-intelligence has no chance in our politics, unlike yours.

Then again, you live in Russia.

So, doesn it make those 10x money worthless somehow?
Work for bubbling industry, get out before/when it bursts, go back to your old field of work afterwards. Or do you have some retarded regulation that forces you to pay back salaries?

>Or do you have some retarded regulation that forces you to pay back salaries?

Not directly. But if a court deems you had enough prior knowledge and your behavior was "predatory" then maybe.

A million dollars is barely enough to open a private restaurant.

>a few failed businesses out of many successful ones
>worth billions

Yea guise, let's pick Sanders instead, the man who didn't have a real job until he was 40.

(your) politics include letting entire cities of citizens starve and murdering reporters. I'll take the business man, thanks.

OK, I'll bite... Why the fuck not?... Also, I must admit how shitty my country has become.
If you are serious, there is little to none chances for you to get like "randomly stabbed", but there is a great possibility of you getting mugged...
Quito is fine and safe if you take guided tours or at least stick to crowded areas during daytime... Let yourself get caught downtown after hours in solitary streets, and you are fucked.
Just like in any other big city in a third world country, just avoid doing stupid shit like flashing an expensive DSLR or a wad of cash in public... Use your common sense.

Mm mm, I intend to do a degree in mathematics and IT but knowing ill probs be single I am more than willing for a $40000 a year entry level job that allows me to grow and then maybe head back to uni when I am 25 so I can maybe get an income of $90000+ this is just wishful thinking of course but thankyou for the advice on sticking to math and science. Will remember

Oh wow.
>go to work
>work long-ass hours, pay ass-loads of taxes, bust your ass on overtimes
>industry collapses
I... I don't even.

It's impossible to combine real political activism (as opposed to retweet-reblog idiocy) with a proper job.

Sounds like El Chapo is a smart businessman.

Trump is a human being and not a perfect god-like entity. He falls to the ground, stands up and succeeds.

Is Occupy Democrats real or is it one of you idiots?

>murdering reporters
Are you implying traitors have to be let go?
>entire cities starve
If you are referring to Grozny, it's CIA's fault - they armed and incited these rebels. There was no way we could deal with them any other way, not after they attacked Budyonovsk.

It's real. We tend to take one of their snippets and re-purpose it occasionally.



He would be but the thousands of employees and his family who depends on him would not be.

By their logic, everyone ever is a failure at everything.

>racecar driver
>lose 5 races out of 100

>be Pacquiao
>lose one fight

>be dog
>only catch 9 frisbees out of 10

lol didnt read

>waaah i didn't inherit millions from my father otherwise I would be rich! I swear guys it's so easy!


Blah blah blah
Why isn't my genders studies degree helping me find a job?
Blah blah blah
This is the governments fault
Blah blah blah
They should pay off my debt and make college free, whilst I ignore the incredible amount of economic strain there is on the U.S currently and the multiple reasons why we can't.
Blah blah.

I'd take a leader who tried and failed hundreds of times over one who succeeded at never trying.

Why is he so rich then?

>o c c u p y d e m o c r a t s

Trips of truth.

The master has failed more times than the liberal faggot has ever tried.


he didn't inherit billions

stop being retarded non-Americans

Seriously, no one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.