Rate my cock

rate my cock

Pencil dick fersure

I'd due the Dr. that did the circumcision with a pair of safety scissors

very odd looking. i'd suck it but i'd probably get fucking aids in my mouth




Nice. would suck.



Thoughts on me peepee

Another view

What about mine? :3

You mad whiteboi?

nice, 8 inches?

rate this cock

7.5 inches ,pretty meaty. Don't know girth
1/10, at least you wear protection

Rate mine :3

10/10 - Would let you fuck my mouth with that.

You should be whiteboi. Why all you whities got tiny dicks?

Rate mine fags

Very nice


to be honest your dick looks comfy I would enjoy that

>tfw potential new g/f says "the smaller the better for me" & "definitely no anal"

rate me :3