What happens after you die? I'm irrationally afraid of death

What happens after you die? I'm irrationally afraid of death.

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from your point of view, the world ends

terrifying i know but there's no escape

Who knows :^) maybe its nothingness like before we were born

Usually a funeral takes place, sometimes not.

Your body will either be cremated or left to rot in a wooden box for the earth to swallow up. Cremation sounds less peaceful because your dead burnt body will be turned to ash and stored in a jar. Just let the earth do its thing.

Then the chances are extremely high you'll go back to doing whatever you did previously before having a life to live.

Death is comparable to the moments before life, who knows.. might be interesting, might be nothing.

I'm just afraid that my consciousness will persist, to a point where I'll see only black, and go completely insane. Or maybe your mind becomes totally at peace.

same as what was before you were born

you have no need to worry then. the most likely outcome scientifically is that all consciouness ceases completely. the only way to really properly think about it is that it will be just like the time before you were born. you will not experience being dead.

You know that part after you go to sleep but before you dream? Its like that, fucking emptiness. You don't even know you existed. It's just nothing. Humans have been trying to rationalize what death is like, hence all these after life bullshit and spawning different religions.

your brains electrical activity ceases and you're gone

there's no brain activity to 'see black'

gone forever. no worries.

It will be like before you were born. Nothingness.

To "you"? As in your consciousness?
Nothing. You're dead. Your neurons might fire for a few minutes after your heart stops depending on the circumstance, but I doubt you'll be anything close to conscious during that.

Heaven. Satan will try to convince you he doesn't exist


you should be more afraid of dying

death itself is the void, you won't care about anything then

When you die your posts end in doubles everytime

from my point of view, the Jedi are evil

Are you dead?

steeve jobs wrote this post

Remember what happened before you where born? No? It's like that.

I guess what said.
I'm probably weird for not caring, maybe i'm also just too young - who knows, but death is unavoidable, therefore i don't ponder about it.

Do you remember what your life was like before you were born? I think death is kind of like that.

>be little kid, like 5 at that time probably
>somehow start thinking about death
>not that fucked up of an experience, parents explain as best they can
>except for the occasional dream
>it was almost always just a deep, thrumming sound (so most likey just my heart beat) which made me visualize a group marching or some vast machinery
>I just knew this sound was associated with death/mortality
>always woke up startled, sometimes crying over it, scared as shit
>once busted into my parents bedroom, crying and sobbing while explaining I don't want to die

Fuck that, these doubles will make me immortal

So are you dead?



This happened to me

>be in preschool
>see war movie with dad, first one, is the lost battalion, ww1 movie
>dad doesn't explain shit
>while playing with stackable boxes in our tv room, they all fall on me
>immediately remeber how one soldier got hit and just fell and didn't get up
>don't get up, just sit there and imagine what happens when i die
>picture myself old, on my living room floor, looking horizontally
>tennitus ringing and blood flow, get cold and scared
close eyes, death.
>its just black, srill hear the tennitus for a few more minutes, stops entirely
>feeling drifts away, just thinking
>That's the end, oblivion
>i get up from under the boxes and am crying
>i lost 10 friends before i turned 16, knew more folks who just died. Talked to them once and they died.
>i used to play russian roulette by myself every day, once a day for 2 months to cope with me living and my buddy not
>tfw when I was 14 saw my online friends slowly die off during crimea and the arab spring. They pleaded with me to help and became so maddened with survival. I can't get their garbled screams and crying out of my head.
>tfw am marine
>tfw supposed to be fearless
>tfw buddhist

I don't want to fucking die yet. I want to be at total peace.

Been dealing with this since I was about 10. Keeps me up.
Only thing that helps, other than distractions, is thinking of death as a dissemination of consciousness without the retention of identity or thought.

You are part of the universe, literally, and your consciousness comes from the complex molecular exchange between your neurons and the resulting super-structure of those neurons. Your mind - your sense of you - feels like a singular thing. You are a changing thing, but you still feel like your mind is one thing - but it's really not.
If you took away one neurotransmitter or one dendrite at a time, at what point would you no longer feel like you? You recognize that, at some point, you would cease to be the same person but you could not possibly determine which exact neuron the border lay between you and not you. No individual brain cell accounts for your awareness of the world, nor does any precise number, though you know that there is a difference between your awareness and an ant's. Does an ant have any sense of consciousness? I think, in some amount, it does - because we don't know how to quantify what it means to (for lack of a better term) to be like something in the experiential sense. There is no reason to think it has "thoughts" or systems of self-reflection, but there is no reason to think that it isn't 'like' something to be an ant.
If you were an ant forever you would neither mind nor become bored of eternity if you had ant things to do. A human would rather have nothing than something forever. but I digress.

If you grant that it is 'like' something to be an ant, then you can take it further. Keep removing neurons until you're left with just a few. What now? There is little to no computational functions these neurons can perform, but they can still interact. It is still 'like' something to be that cluster.
I think everything that interacts creates an experience, and when you die it is 'like' something to be part of the rest of the Universe.

Depends on whether the Christians or the Atheists are right, user.

If the Christians are right and you're one of them, you get to spend the rest of forever with God. If they're right and you're not one of them, you're boned.

If the Atheists are right it doesn't matter if you're one of them or not. The neural processsing loop that is you just stops. You're not able to perceive anything, experience anything, think about anything, remember anything.

> But what will THAT feel like?

You can't perceive anything, experience anything, think about anything or remember anything while you're in deep sleep; so that's the best analogy I can draw for you.

> If you took away one neurotransmitter


When you die there will be nothing. No dreaming forever, no heaven, just nothing :)

This mother fucker is on the right path.
When you die you die, but your still exist. Don't get cremated though. Let your corpse replenish the earth rather than the energy dissipate into the sky. The void. Don't fear death, fear not living a good and self actualized life.

Your corpse still exist*

Cremation all the way. I dont want some nigger getting their hands on my bones

Im going the opposite route, cause i hope to be a spoopy nigger skeleton one day

this is pretty interesting, supposedly during a coma this guy's brain was not functioning in a way that this nde could have produced hallucinations


seems like people have tried to debunk it if you look it up tho. who knows what to believe this days, science is just a very limited human projection of reality.

as other people have said death is most likely not a problem, as epicurus said "death is nothing to us." When we exist, death is not; and when death exists, we are not. All sensation and consciousness ends with death and therefore in death there is neither pleasure nor pain. The fear of death arises from the belief that in death, there is awareness."

Why does matter you're dead. And you're bones arent special in any shape or form.

Take up a religion, or let go of any concept of life after death.

As a person who probably only has a few more years to live with a quality of life degrading daily, there is really only two options to me that work.

Becoming a devout atheist, and address the problem as there is no evidence that something exists afterwards. Thus dealing with the problem in the simplistic way, by saying there is no problem, no wonder after death. (Some people like to romanticize it. See Carl Sagan, etc.)

Becoming a devout theist, and assuming certain prepositions to be true which force that God(s) exist, and there is inherit meaning to things, including death.

I am afraid if certainty means anything to you, it is completely useless here, a leap of uncertainty has to be taken which is assuming you are correct.

Simple, nothing happens.

You are one with the source again. The acknowledgement that we are all AND nothing will restart this shit again in search for an answer.

PS. I just became a man. I wanna fuck bitches now.

The funny thing is that before i had i girlfriend i never think about death, but now somethime i think what will happen if someting happened to me, how she will react?
Or worse, what will happen if she got hurt or worse.
I don't want it to end but one dai it will, is really depressing to think about it

Haha i like that. Maybe i will have to re-think my decision

Well, its fact you exist here now, right?
That means after death of this life, it is possible to form another existence.

All you see after death is your next birth, your next life in this world.

The logical possibillity of rebirth is important to care for your surrounding. Reborn as a pig, you will be the burger-meat for your own descendants.

How do you know so much about my bones bro

you mend into a universal consciousness that can think and sometimes (but often doesn't) speak. It is omnipotent and can see the entire universe, and since you're apart of it so can you. Also, simply by remembering people from your life you can speak to them freely with all of your memories of each other, and possibly that of when you were away from each other or when they were dead.

but people don't even know what consciousness is, and if it can die. like there's a quantum theory that our brains are a kind of satellite receivers. perhaps when body dies that energy moves on to some other vessel

please send your bones

Ashton Kutcher appears from behind a wall and yells "YOU JUST GOT PUNK'T BRO"

What happened before you were born OP?

The answer is the same for both answers.
If there was nothing before, them that is nothing after. Such is life, and death.

kek-i âlâ

I love how you cucks can speak with such conviction about something you know nothing about will remain a mystery our entire lives. the human mind is not capable of comprehending the true nature of reality, whatever you assume about the universe is purely speculation due to our extremely limited perception

its weird because i would rather not have experienced life in the first place if i knew it would be nonexistence again after i died

like what the fuck is the point of life

why do we suddenly emerge and cease to exist so quickly in the grand scheme of things

Which one do you prefer Sup Forums?
>1. Death by your own doing (suicide, assisted suicide, being a fatass and having a heart attack, etc.)
>2. Death by someone elses doing (road accident, doc fucked up in surgery, killed, etc.)

There is no point other than reproduction.. which we just need to stop doing quite frankly. Other than that its just a freak of nature we exist. Just make what you will of your time on earth.

1 because you might be ready and its on your own terms

i cant fucking wait

Just like a virus or bacteria

imagine you're sleeping forever. nothing will ever happen to you again. your consciousness don't exist anymore.
why are you afraid? this is the natural order, everybody have to die at one point.

>something we don't know about.

You absolute moron. Are you retarded or have you forgotten how to read?

>What happened before you were born?
Yes, we do know that we didn't have consciousness before we were born.
Literally don't exist before you are conceived.

>But how do you know that you didnt exist?
>Muh limited perception.

I embrace skepticism, but your high horse bullshit is just so idiotic, that you could use it to discredit and disprove anything thrown at you. Its basically a worthless argument.

you can't definitively say we didn't have consciousness before we were born, it's possible we don't remember it isn't it?

and I don't think its very high horse of me to say that we will never have a way of knowing absolute truth, as much as you would like precious science to do so. I think the best wisdom is admitting we know nothing

also based on your stuffy response, you clearly haven't taken enough psychedelics

shit I was looking forward to a debate with such a knowledgeable mind