Is my cock a healthy normal size for a full grown adult? :/

Is my cock a healthy normal size for a full grown adult? :/

yeah. average is 5.17in when you take the ruler and press it down into your pelvis

On the front or the side of the penis?

That's really the actual tho? Cause I measured and ya it's longer but I still feel small after accidentally seeing so many cox

Whatchu mean

Do you press the ruler to the right of the penis on the pelivs or the front?

From the side I think


not side
thats because only huge dicks get to be in porn

I'm supposed to measure it from the front?

What size is it looks about 5inch

Pretty short if you ask me. I'm also Sup Forumslack so maybe my data is skewed

So that's pretty lame right?

there is no evidence to support a statistically significant difference in penis size between races

>accidentally seeing so many cox

>not watching straight porn

get a ruler

Yea listen to the nigger.

So OP here again so should I just an hero? I feel so awful about this and pathetic and like I'll never get over it..

Looks like a penis... Only smaller

no, your dick is fine. it's all in your head.