Dark souls

Dark souls
>Completely abhorrent OST
>Port is almost unplayable
>Story is almost nonexistent
>Gameplay is mediocre at best

Why does Sup Forums love this game? It's garbage

Not content with shitposting on Sup Forums, OP decides to bring the bait to Sup Forums

Oh look another souls drone

>I suck ass at video games that require skill and don't want to get gud
Fixed for you. The port is bad though it's always been a problem and if you aren't playing with a gamepad it won't work out.

Even with those problems it's still gold

Yet you don't deny the points i made are true
Are souls drones capable of having a discussion with out devolving to:

>port is almost unplayable
Sounds like you just suck at the game.

Its very playable. I can beat it within 3 hours. You're trolling out your ass. Is the port good? No. Is the game good? Definitely.

Are you trolling to troll? Obviously.

>A console peasant tries to have an opinion

>Completely abhorrent OST √
>Port is almost unplayable √
>Story is almost nonexistent √
>Gameplay is mediocre at best √

The story is entirely optional though, it's never forced upon you. If you wish to seek the story it is there, if you want a game to hack and slash through enemies that is what you will have.

Dark Souls is the game of 'what you make it', it never tries to be anything or force anything upon you.
Of course it has to set up something of a story in the beginning but from that point on it is never necessary to seek the story.

The rest of the points you're trying to push are bullshit. Shit points, shit OP.

Troll is troll. I bet youre a fan of the series even.

>Ost is objectively incredible.
>Port is fixable but indeed shit vinilla
>Story exists and is pretty deep, you just have to work for it
>Gameplay is the paragon of good game and level design and used throughout the industry as a baseline.

I know you're baiting because you just said the opposite of what's true in every case.

Because OP sucks at baiting and tells lies. And probably can't beat Taurus Demon.

I think we're all in agreement
OP doesn't know how to game
Cliche, I know, but
>get gud scrub

I know where I am, but I still want to try and have a mature conversation about this. I agree with OP for the most part, the OST is bland save for a few songs, the controlls are clunky, but those are mostly to the game's advantage. The areas and enemies are diverse and interesting, but several of the bosses are just there to teach you how to skydive, and the port is pretty garbage. The frame drops are random, and it has no keyboard integration, even if that doesn't effect me.

Very unpopular opinion.

I like Dark souls 2 more than 1.


You probably just suck at it.
Fuckin loser...

trying to argue its a bad game is like trying to argue the world is flat

bad troll is bad but 3/10 made me reply

Support your argument, why isn't it bad?

If you're not trolling...

The OST isdecent. I personally enjoy it for the atmosphere it brings. But that's your opinion, w/e

True. The port is rather shitty. However there is an easy to install mod that fixes it called Dsfix.

There is a very intricate and deep story, but it is not just thrown at you. You have to dig it out if you want to know.

Gameplay is good. I can't argue with you since you didnt say why its mediocre

People love it for the personal journey it can give you if you are willing to undertake it. Very few other games do that

DS2 felt a lot more linear to me, and the enemy design wasn't all that compared to the first, plus lowering your max HP when you die and the finite enemy spawn limit were more tedious and annoying than challenging, but I respect your opinion.

For me it's Bloodborne>1>3>2. Haven't played Demon's, not sure if I want to.