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More logs please


More logs please







The fuck is this...




More logs please






More logs please

Ok guys I'm a sorta new fag been here a year now I always see this on here can someone explain what the log of shit means lol


You're my favorite user


26 posts
7 posters

More logs please

It's mostly the guy that got banned for spam

More logs please


More logs please

Be there tonight, 7pm.

if you even have to justify your spamming of an unfunny meme (i can only conject, what your obviously high motivation is, to do so), you fucking admit, that it's not funny and you are trying to force it

Have you checked the facebook event

More logs please

all you fags have been logged

Yep banned me

Yes, did it change recently?

>MFW the Andy Sixx's logs of shit threads are
>the best ones on the whole Sup Forums.
>MFW they are all time lowest threads
>MFW rest of Sup Forums's threads are worse

>MFW no face


No just checking

For those who haven't seen it

Facebook LOG com /andysixxlog


>>MFW they are all time lowest threads
>>MFW rest of Sup Forums's threads are worse
and your answer to that is to spam this meme all day every day? why don't you just leave and spend your time with something more fun then? it just doesn't add up. what is your motivation?


Safest ride in America

Brand new OC fucking kek

We're trying to introduce you to something better.
One step at a time, all the way to quality threads.
First step are Andy Sixx's logs of shit slidding down my throat


no, that doesn't make sense. what is your real motivation?



Anyone have the precursor of this one?

i ask every time, itll never happen


even absurd humor has to have momentum. this is just nothing. and everybody hates it. so, what is your motivation?

The idea of a warm, steamy, creamcorned and dreamy log slidding down my throat

This has plenty of momentum. I think you feel empowered by continuously asking the question, like a master interrogator.


>I think you feel empowered by continuously asking the question
no, i'm just very suspicous, why one would go on forcing this meme and spam it all day every day, while everybody hates it. i think you either hate or love this guy very much and you are very angry about it. is that it? or is it something political?


>very angry about it
Forced attribution right there, awkward, wishful attempt at counteraggression. There's not a bit of anger with this.

Can't we just get alog?

More logs please

I disagree. This forced meme is successful and now there is more than just one person shooping poop.


>Forced attribution
you are obviously stupid. i was asking a question.
>wishful attempt at counteraggression.
you can't have very much fun with that meme, if you justify it so grimly.
>There's not a bit of anger with this.
now i know, your motivation is anger

Wait so you hate the logs but ask for more? user I've been with you for the past day and a half or so and you mean to tell me you hate the logs? I feel so... so betrayed.

So warm, creamy... steamy and dreamy

Why ask for more logs if you don't enjoy them?

More logs please

no, there is only one guy or group shopping pics and forcing it right now. what is your motivation?

Not if you don't like them. You'll have to ask general sixx himself from now on. I feel so hurt. I thought you were so polite

I have no idea who started this or if it was one person or a group. You're butthurtedness is my inspiration to make more loggerly mee mees. So far, I've only shooped one.

>I have no idea who started this
but you're the one forcing it, by spamming it every day. what is your motivation?



Not that user, but the guy who started it has been posting it for over a year man. He remains completely indifferent to any positivity or negativity, he just posts it constantly. He'll start up again in 3 or 4 hours, then stop at about 2 am. All the other threads are just people it's gained traction with. He made that insane wix site


Even if this gets huge and then dies, he's still gonna post it. You can tell the OP because lately he's been posting nirvana song lyrics with the words replaced with shitlog themes. It's fascinating to me honestly.

No, dum-dum. Assumably, one guy started this and he forces it daily. I made this
the other day to help him out because you being butthurt is the funny part..

I'm not like Sixx
But I eat his Twix
Appetite's gone
But I have his log
The day is over
He's like Russel Stover
I feel my molar
Now I have a toothache

My log is broke
So it's easy to chew
Helps me not choke
He breaks it in two
We will picnic
And pig out on shit
This is perfect
Think I orgasmed

Suck the log
From his butt
Make a wish
Then shut up
Look in your fridge
His extra turd
Warm it up

I think I cummed

Do you think Andy Sixx knows about the meme, like maybe the whole point was to get him to notice? Or maybe the spammer just wanted anonymous notoriety, like a kid tagging his name on railroad cars, or to a greater extent, like Banksy.

There he is

The legend

>He remains completely indifferent to any positivity or negativity, he just posts it constantly
that doesn't make any sense. if he does, there is a reason, why he does it. this motivation has its causes in something affecting him
>All the other threads are just people it's gained traction with.
everybody except me right now, are just ignoring it
>It's fascinating to me honestly.
i don't believe you. you are one of them. what is your motivation?
>help him out
>because you being butthurt is the funny part
by justifying and explaining. you really must have a lot of fun. that doesn't make any sense. what is your motivation?

To be honest that's the one of the main reasons I've been pushing this meme hard but all I have is this kek

This is just proof that Sup Forums is the cancer meme generator. Have fun dying of AIDS nigger faggots.

Cute... who is she?

you are the only one, generating unfunny memes. there is a lot of funny or relevant stuff besides your nonsense on Sup Forums

What is your motivation for asking these questions? This motivation has its causes in something affecting you.


>It's fascinating to me honestly


>This motivation has its causes in something affecting you.
exactly. my motivation is to find out, why you are doing this. not because it's funny, because that doesn't make sense. you're doing it too persistent and grimly

Yum.. a hot women and home made snickers bars!

Says the user that contributes absolutely nothing.

I'm sure he posts constantly in his trap and wwyd threads kek

how would you know? you're not generating anything. people hate and ignore this. there can't be any fun in doing this. so, what is your motivation?

How do you know there can't be any fun in it?

You're not ignoring it

Why do you want find out though? Something's going on here with you, something suspicious. We're gonna get to the bottom of this. This is serious.