What are your opinions on Phoenix Jones and real life super heroes?

What are your opinions on Phoenix Jones and real life super heroes?

yeah I thought Kickass was a cool movie too!

Maybe he should go try that in a city like Chicago. They could really use a hero.

Dumb faggot shit.

Causes more problems then it solves.

Did they do only there job ?!

They're retarded manchildren who can't deal with how awful reality is, they can't address real issues like US funding ISIS to topple Assad and cause a massive refugee crisis forcing tax payers to pay to house criminals, rapists and killers in their countries.
They can't deal with it. They go insane, so they go full LARP pretending make a difference by avoiding real life problems and simply walking the streets like a clown.

These people can't deal with reality. They can't deal with how nothing in real life is as simple as bad vs good. They're living out their fantasy where they're the good guys and the bad guys are faceless criminals on the streets like in a comic book.

Phoenix Jones has bad credit
t. car salesman who ran his credit

Phoenix Jones has stopped robberies, rapes, and drug dealers.

>running around in a costume
>pretending to be a super cop
Should be jailed or a least put into a mental hospiz.

I've stopped a robbery, rape of a passed out girl and several fights without wearing a clown costume.
So what? Who the fuck cares?

What have these faggots done to stop Hilary Clinton? Have they attacked George Soros? Are they investigating the death of Gary Welsh?

dont post again wannabe austria

anyone here uses abercrombie clothes??

Aren't you supposed to be patrolling the streets with Captain Sweden? Put on your clown shoes and get out there.


They're militias, or neighborhood watches in gimp suits.

Anyone interested in this should also look into Police reservists.
The result would be...bad. Chicago PD would probably see this as infringing on their turf.

Awesome. We need more of them. Only awesome if their suit is on point though

As long as they operate within the confines of the law and don't go around assaulting people and performing unlawful arrests then it's fine.

Maybe he is happy desu senpai

>talking from the point of view of my country

at this point, i'll take all the help i can get to stop rampant crime.

Glorified LARPers.

if his armor is real and can stop knives or bullets it's a brilliant move to dress up as a retard super hero

media can try and ridicule them but they can't really make people fear them as they can with the same guys wearing full on military outfits

you can't really scream hitler or muuuh far right militia with a made up batman suit

it could be a brilliant move

A real life superhero would get my respect if they did the following things.
1. Travel by rooftops, batman didnt share the sidewalk with civilians.
2. Assasinate major political/criminal figures. Its the real world, murders are the only way a 'real life superhero' could really make a difference.
3. Costume should be simple and designed to blend in with the dark and conceal identity. More like a robber than a superhero. Flashy colors are for the heros with actual powers.
4. Excellent fighting skills, running skills, climbing skills (and climbing tools), and goddamn deadly weapons. A full auto if you need it.
5. Throw in the towel if your identity is widely known so you arent just a crazy LARPer.

So a real life hero who actually changes the world starts to look more like a burgling thug than a hero. Only a hero to those who agree with the vigilantes greater goals. Like killing soros or john oliver or clinton.

I'm a professional cowboy and I use catheters. Been cowboyin' for 25 years. I've broken 14 bones had 2 concussions and a punctured lung. I know pain and I don't want any more of it. Especially when I cath.

His armor is bullet proof.

wow i never thought about it in this way....that is actually really clever move

>That guy to the right

Who's that? The Fedora?

looks like wolverine costume, nigger needs to taking some sewing lessons

>abs on armor

Shitty bait. Vests don't stop rifle bullets.

It stops pistol bullets, but the shock will break your neck.

shut the fuck up latvia, you aint shit.

I like the armor abs. Kinda greek.

Fucking retard, no it won't.

He's a nigger, he should be wearing this

Only the torso. I'd still be afraid of taking a headshot.

What we really need is a tough boy.

He's a pretty cool guy but a real vigilante would have to be fucking insane. Pic very related.

> rifle
yeah retard, I bet it doesn't stop a bazooka either, that's not the point

he's not fighting a war he's protecting the neighborhood

Wish I was still fightin' in the Nineties...

you're one annoying shit

Hell I might become a vigilante

he's been shot before