Where, in evolutionary terms, did our preference for licking a girl's butthole come from? I can't imagine poeple did that in the middle ages when buttholes were nasty and unshaven.
Where, in evolutionary terms, did our preference for licking a girl's butthole come from...
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jews put it in your porn to encourage you to give yourself diseases.
speculative evolutionary rationale for analingus: the anus and the perineum are full of nerve endings so that people know to take care of their assholes.
Early humans/mammals with fewer nerve endings in their assholes died earlier of anal infections, and their contribution to the gene pool was diminished. Thus, the human species tends to have highly sensitive assholes.
Species members with a higher propensity for asshole-licking were therefore more likely to mate successfully. They provided more pleasure to their partners making them more sought after as mates, and their reproductive efforts were more successful since they were better at opening that pussy and getting it wet.
Makes sense.
The girl's asshole in the OP's pic needs to be liked so she can live. That gets me hard.
I do it because it shames/embarrasses them, makes them wiggle and cry inside as they come to terms with the fact that they like it.
Same reason I fuck them in the ass.
At first, they're so sickened and turned off by it.. but slowly, surely, they become my anal whore as I lick and fuck their ass.
more specifically, the girl needs to like having her asshole licked in order to live