happy beaner day faggots...
Happy beaner day faggots
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What's it like knowing Cinco de mayo generates more money than fourth of July .
White people celebrate this day more than mexicans
it feels like too many mexiroaches are in the country spending 80% of their paychecks on pinatas to celebrate their stupid worthless holiday. Thats the only reason it makes more money cause they're everywhere like rats
5 de Mayo isn't even a day in Mexico, you gringos need to watch more box.
White people make tacos with ground beef and store bought hard corn shells
Nice quads.
And no, i shame on those who go live to the US, we don't need you, you don't need us.. i don't know why so much hate, just put everyone on their respective countries if that's the problem.
>s-s-s-shut up
>this is the best gringos can come up with
White mexican food tastes way better than mexican mexican food.
go away, pedro. The only thing mexicans could possibly do for us White Americans is already done better by White Americans.
I'm Mexican, no one in my family celebrates its same with friends. Americans celebrate it more.
>Taco Bell tastes good
Why am I not suprised an American is praising food dipped in grease and deep fried
True story.
Now, say it without crying little putita!
yep, not even a bank holiday in mexico
>spend 80% of their checks on piñatas
I'm Mexican and holy fuck that was hilarious!
Cinco de Mao >>> 4th of July
Tacos vs hot dogs, c'mon, who's going to win that fight?
Why don't you guys say these things to Mexicans in real life? Oh yeah, cause you're scared to leave your mom's basement.
You can do it
who said anything about shitty fast food?
>muh good goy talmudvision brainwashing propaganda
totally debunks the fact that unfettered low skill, low IQ immigration hurts jobs. totally.
Seriously? Even the hotdogs in Mexico are better prepared than President Trump
>mfw there's more americans celebrating cinco de mayo than Mexicans.
to be fair, mexicans in mexico are not as bad as the fucking migrants. These guys that come illegally are here because they were huge failures in mexico, so we kinda get their worst of them.
That shitty fast food is white mexican food retard. Were you cucked by a mexican?
Same. Nobody in my family drinks so we just take it as any other day. Just ignore each other.
Hell, Trump wishes he could produce a product as high in quality as a mexican hot dog.
>come illegal
>forgets a group of people came and killed off an entire race of people and forced them to relocate
Burger king is a burger place owned by whites- does that mean the standard for white burgers is Burger King?
Go to an actual sit down mexican restaurant owned by whites.
No shit, but why don't all the good Mexicans stay in mexico to make their country great again? :^)
wears a muldoon safari hat to draw cartoons
stinks like a cigar
has never talked to a black or hispanic person
get a history book kiddo, that's not what happened
Why would a mexican restaurant be owned by whites? Even if whites did own it don't you think there'd be Mexicans making the food which you described as good?
Explain it to me then, faggot. I wanna hear the same bullshit story through the lenses of the white man.
Technically yes since I don't work in agriculture.
So is the Immigrant Defense Fund or Immigrant Defense Project a better charity to donate to?
For that to make sense there would need to be more Mexicans than Americans in the US.
No this is the OP got cucked by a beaner thread
Considering the most Mexican restaurants hire Asians, no.
i'm not gonna lie there is correlation with skin color in Mexico, white people are generally richer, and more educated, and brownies tend to be corrupt, lazy and will cheat their way out of everything, it is very difficult for the good minority to make mexico great if the place is flooded by assholes who just want to ruin everything for their own gain. It is a country full of egoist dipshits and I don't see how that can change.
Only gringos celebrate this day, in México we do not give a shit
>Why would a mexican restaurant be owned by whites?
Maybe white people prefer high quality flour tortillas and not shitty gritty damp corn tortillas.
>Even if whites did own it don't you think there'd be Mexicans making the food which you described as good?
It's about the white's standard of excellence that makes the food miles better than lazy spic food.
I went over to a mexican's house once to have tamales and they were cooking the tamales in fucking plastic grocery bags in boiling water.
Spics don't care about keeping things sanitary. There's cross contamination and a whole manner of health code violations that they will break if they can get away with it.
Simply no standards.
I agree. The mexicans with the higher percentage of spaniard DNA are competent.
beaner here.
You will scare anyone but us, you fat cunt.
Also, keked a lot
>highest percentage of obesity in the world
>calling me fat
>We hardcore, essay! we're violent criminals!
All the more reason to keep you animals out lmao
hah, mexicans would be unimpressed by that. Moreover, you would find your whole family like that after doing something like this, mexicos are revengeful creatures
>t. butthurt bean
good luck doing that in a country where the police force gives a fuck
> All the more reason to keep you animals out lmao
You can't.
Just wait for the narcos we'll send to you soon.
Gayest thing ever.
Wait, if mexicans aren't intimidated by severed heads then why do gangs do it to intimidate other mexicans?
You can't be serious. Burger King doesn't count as shitty unhealthy food because it's made by whites but shitty mexican food is representive of all mexican food. You dumb nigger White Castle and Burger King employees openly admitted to spitting in people's food.
That's the way we mexicans send regards to each other
>Americans celebrate it more
Not mexican but texan. Wouldnt this explain why it could be making more with normal muricans spending plus mehicanos
We start massive shootings on schools and public places
When I say mexican mexican food I do mean the mom and pop mexican places.
I'm not claiming any chain to be authentic cuisine of any ethnic group. I used the burger king example because that one user implied I was referring to taco bell.
Someone didn't get invited to tonight's festivities
>Just wait for the narcos we'll send to you soon.
oh boy we've got an internet tough guy.
Mexican people are usually cool. I deliver pizza and most niggers never tip and always complain. Mexicans are good tippers and they never call the store and complain. So they're ok in my book
Nice try Pedro.
>Mexicans are good tippers
Been a server for almost 20 years, sadly. Mexicans are the second-worst tippers on the planet, after niggers.
>Mexicans are good tippers.
>they don't call the store and complain
fuckin what?
you are a dumbass
if somebody calls the store and complains about you being an hour late and delivering a cold pizza, they are doing the ACTUAL OWNER of your store a FAVOR
YOU are the problem
you aren't getting paid to get high in between deliveries and deliver stone cold pizza
no wonder you think Mexicans are good tippers
they don't fucking know what pizza is supposed to taste like anyway
if there ain't rice and beans and cactus in front of them, it's all gringo food to them
Sounds like you're just a shitty server.
Smelly dumb racist scum. Go jump off a building, OP.
pick one
The entire planet disagrees with you:
"I live in SE Texas and the worst tippers, by far, are Mexicans, especially Mexican nationals. Not only bad tippers, but uncivilized, rude, demanding, and let their litter of kids run wild. Like someone stated, around .25 for every $10.00. And that’s if they tip at all. Servers in Texas only make.$2.13 an hour so we rely on tips to live. I am an excellent server and have waited in other states, and rarely if ever got stiffed. Here in Texas some days I get stiffed three times a shift. Last night, I waited on 14 Mexicans and got a.$6.00 tip. One table with
a $90.00 tab left nothing. These people are nasty too. They refuse to flush toilet paper and wipe the shit off their ass and throw it on the floor or on top of a trash can. I hate them with a passion. Fuck off dirty rude Mexicans!!"
Mexicans aren't a race, smart one.
y si hacemos este post de puro mechica alav! que se vallan a la verga los güeros (racistas)
Mexicans typically consist of any range of the spectrum between Spaniards/Europeans and the native indigenous peoples. Occasionally there is a mexican black. There is no Mexican race contrary to what La Raza may tell you.
im eating value brand doritos right now
Mexican American living in South Texas here. Can confirm. We fucking hate the Mexican nationals that come here for those reasons. They even bitch at us for not speaking Spanish. Most are trophy wives of rich Mexicans who think everyone needs to kiss their and their bratty kids' asses.
Actually, I'm a head waiter at a fine dining establishment for the past 4 years now and pull almost $60k/year, almost entirely in tips.
But 20 years as a waiter, I can virtually tell you with 100% certainty who tips and who doesn't based on skin color, ethnicity, gender, republican, democrat, etc. I am never wrong on this, nor would you be if you waited over a million people.
People can argue that we're all equal and same and what not, but reality is that it is simply not true. People are who they are, and they are VERY different based on culture, attitudes, biases, etc.
The funny thing is that while Mexicans are the second worst tippers (after blacks), the Mexican waiters are the FUCKING FIRST to complain if someone doesn't tip them. I've literally had to fire several of them for essentially leaning on patrons during dinner to milk a tip, or disrespecting patrons if they leave without the the Mexican waiter feels he is "owed". The Mexican notion of being OWED something from others is very strong, including in the Mexican laws and the Mexican government.
Mexicans are very, very fucked up and different compared to other immigrants in this regard and I understand why people hate them, and perhaps rightfully so. What most Americans view as a "privilege" such as free speech, freedom, etc. (earned by the forefathers who sacrificed their lives for this) and appreciate those things, Mexicans view as something they are "owed" as if it is bestowed upon them for nothing in exchange from God himself and no one can deny it. They have a sense of entitlement that is a million times stronger than any other ethnicity I have ever encountered. If you find an arab who happened to make it into this country, they are highly appreciative and even (often) want to give back to America and integrate into it and appreciate American culture. The Mexicans want the opposite. They would spend their lives trying to make America into Mexico. It's like an invasive species.
>head waiter
My sister has been a waitress for 5 years while she is paying her way through college.
She told me they draw cards to determine who gets blacks in their section because they don't tip worth a shit. She also told me that fat black women would go to Red Lobster, line their giant-ass purses with plastic bags, and literally pour boat after boat of endless shrimp in until someone caught them and threw them out
Hurr-durr, never heard that one. Sorry, I didn't make the title, but that's what we are called.
If you want a blowjob, I've got no shortage of waitresses though. One of the perks of the job, even while being on the job. Got stories aplenty, and some with pics. I also get laid prolly 10x more than the average fag around her. Another perk.
Your sister is telling you the truth, obviously. Blacks never tip, unless you find the exceptional black businessman on a date trying to impress his girl, or in a group where he'd be shamed for not tipping by his peers. Outside of this, they don't tip. It's their culture to fuck over anybody if they can get away with it.
Bike unlocked on street? White: must be a trusting white person left this here. How nice they must be. I will look out for thieves for them.
Bike unlocked on street? Nigger: complimentary bike for me, sucka.
Bike locked up? Nigger: complimentary bike, but I has to work for it, so maybe naw, but muh crack, so hell yeah.
You can call that racism if you want, but with very few exceptions the stereotypes are dead on accurate. It is simply the way people are and skin color, etc., makes a HUGE difference whether you want to kneel in delusion and the politically correct altar supported by political agendas based in money, or not. Funny, how when society or government asks you to deny common sense, some idiots will line up, and even pick up a sword for their masters.
I agree. It's kind of sad, but muh life. It has it's small upsides though. Plenty of pussy. Free (good) food. Short workdays.
>kid of sad
Texas annexation of 1845. We did force them out of their land.
There were about as many whites there as non whites.
If they weren't able to secure their imaginary border then who should care
Damn bro. 20 years? I've known of head prosecutors, defense attorneys, and even a judge who worked in food services, but neither of them was stupid enough to stay for 20 fucking years. Kek. Keep on being "red pilled" though.
Uhh, our constitution declares them as rights bestowed by our creator. The fuck are you talking about privilege? Only a 20 year servant would see it as a privilege, you fucking slave.
It's a lot more than kind of sad. It's pathetic. For your sake I hope you have a felony record that prevents you from getting a real job.
Pfft simpletons
>Maybe white people prefer high quality flour tortillas and not shitty gritty damp corn tortillas.
How can white people know about making tortillas if all you make is fast food and burgers?
>It's about the white's standard of excellence that makes the food miles better than lazy spic food.