ITT: Best thing to put in a fuel tank to fuck up the car

ITT: Best thing to put in a fuel tank to fuck up the car.
Bonus points for higher damage/cost of repair.

your fully exposed & lacerated penis+testicles



i heard sugar once

the wrong fuel

piss and salt.

what does water do?

what does piss and salt do?

hydrolock the engine casuing it to explode and need a new engine

I heard drano once. either just drano or bleach and drano. not sure what it does though

This. Diesel in gas engine will completely destroy. Water/piss/sugar may, or may not, seize engine.

Put a ping pong ball down there. It will get sucked into the fuel line while they are driving, their car will sputter to a halt, and once they are stopped the ping pong ball will float back to the top of the tank. It's very expensive to diagnose a problem like that since their car will start back up fine once they stop.

Your cum. Once it dries, they're fucked.

Fluoroantimonic acid. Lava. Plasma. What do you access to?

Pingpang ballos will melt in guzzoline.

That's not how it works

Also there is a one way valve in gas tanks to prevent people from putting in solid things.

no not water, that'll just keep the car hydrated with healthy joints

salt would get into the motor and that's not good for it, and piss just isn't good for anything

Then find something that won't melt but uses the same concept

basic materials. water, sugar, piss, bleach, drano. that sort of thing

Rolling for cum


what about sugar water?

even better

waht if i mixed water, sugar and bleach? the bleach oxidizes the gas making it more flamable. seize the engine and start a small fire?

no it wouldnt, a friend of mine did this and the repair only cost 900€


The only correct answer

something a little more discreet lol


this is a true fact. Water won't compress like fuel does and causes extreme pressure within the cylinder and the weakest points will collapse (i.e. the cylinder walls) So pour a whole gallon of water in the bitch and whoever you want fucked will either pay for a new engine or end up buying an entirely new vehicle.

a new engine would cost a little more than 900€

Gasoline in a diesel engine, yes. Diesel in a gas engine not so much. Gasoline is much more combustible therefore it would completely wreck a diesel engine, pistons and injectors and such. The other way around is not so bad. Mild damage, and just requires a system flush.


whats it do?

Sugar will dislolve in the fuel and when it ignites it will caramelise in the engine.

However if you want to fuck the engine totally remove a spark plug and throw a bolt, nit, or ball bearing in there and refit the plug.

Or simply drain the oil out of the engine. Sump plug is easy to get to.

Diesel in a gas engine, as long as you can make sure it's run.

Okay, well long story, short... Pour it into the crankcase/oil fill cap while their asleep, at work or distracted long enough. Eventually it'll completely seize up the motor, no chance of salvage.


my bad

Lots of birds. As many as you can reasonably catch or purchase.

Finally. A useful answer.

try getting a can of expanding foam and spray it in the exhaust pipe, then they have to fit a new one. not fuel tank but still good

I heard jamming a plastic grocery bag in the fuel tank useing a wire coat hanger should cause problems.

A little bit of everything.

Salt and water to cause corrosion.
Sugar to caramelize inside the combustion zones.
Orange juice concentrate to turn the gas into napalm.
Drain cleaner for random chemicals.
Ammonia and bleach so it pukes mustard gas when they go to check on it.
Sub-critical weapons grade Uranium-235 to cause a nuclear explosion when it gets to the combustion chamber.
Female dog piss in heat so it smells nasty and attracts dogs.

I like this one. Thanks lol

>Your cum. Once it dries, they're fucked.

This, but you need to save it up for a while to have enough to really do any damage. Just follow the example of our savior, Jizzus Christ.

Muriatic acid.

What it do?