Sup Forums will be a Hilldog superPAC. Hirohito Moot will sell to the highest bidder. Only hope is for Trump superPAC to buy it first.
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>paying money for this shithole
cmon now
well that would be one hell of a way to spend campgn funds
but how would they be able to justify the fact this lasts longer then the campaign would?
>Buy Sup Forums just to shut it down, or turn it into reddit with accounts and ban-happy sjw mods.
I can actually see Clinton doing this. She certainly has enough money.
it's more likely than you think.
What's to stop the rest of us from going to aite chan?
She can buy that one to. We all know who runs infinichins, and we do know that they have been starved for cash lately and usually barred from using tools like patreon or gofundme.
She has a lot of money to burn.
Look at the campagn funds of republicans that Trump stumped, Jeb, Marco and Ted all have spent upwards to 100 million each. That's 300 million dollars wasted when it could have bought a lot of useful propaganda sites. If I were Shillary I'll buy reddit, Sup Forums and 8ch to stop the propaganda machine against me.
kikewheels will never turn away shekels
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
I for one think that Internet trolling would be an awesome career choice.
Kind of a hilarious thought imo, that mootles could've rented this place to shills for millions instead of wagecucking at jewgle.
Is this real? I have ads blocked.
No one at all is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
>he hasn't noticed the millions already burned here by Cruz, Jeb, Marco and now incipient Hillary shills
He who controls the meme magic controls the world.
I haven't even bought a Pass.
No won da be paid do shill da for hill hotdogs by da wae. It's a Repooblican funded liar n a pathedick addempt ta smear her champagne.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Dear god what if it's already been sold to Trump and we all just got in line?!
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign
t. Hillary Shill
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
pls fix this hellhole daddy trump
How much did she pay you to say that?
I would rather it belong to Trump than Hillary.
Spam bots now??
Just a copypasta to bait people I believe.
Every time. Sup Forums is an incredibly popular site. You're a shill or a fucking idiot.
Started out as a spam bot, then people started to shitpost it everywhere
I can't believe there are still people stupid enough to believe that meme magic can somehow be defeated by throwing money at unprincipled mouthbreathers to shill on Vietnamese fresco chatrooms.
Hold onto your asses, guys. The biggest battle in the meme wars yet is only just beginning.
>thread theme