What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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The cause of suffering is free will, not craving. As long as one guy likes red and one guy likes blue, there will be violence and hatred. Buddhists are just cuckolds attempting damage control.
Are you autistic?
When you want stuff and can't get it, it sucks
Your solution to the problem is...
you're only suffering if you're aware of better alternative and not obtaining it.
If you truly desire nothing then you cannot be sad desire bring wants and with wants comes suffering
If people didn't crave to make shit red or blue then it wouldn't matter and nobody would care.
this is a very christian POV. When I was in Christian school they taught us that free will gave us the ability to choose to live a Godly life or choose not to, which leads to suffering in this world.
There is none. Struggle to gain what you want and create the closest thing to your ideal existence. Might be the closest thing you'll ever get to happiness. Might not. I don't have the answers.
craving is human nature, it's not a choice to want to improve your life.
Yeah, and we'd die forgotten on a rock in space when the next phase of the ice age hits. Being content has the problem of halting progress.
Not entirely wrong.
But Buddhists at least recognize that they're cucks. Most religions tend to deny it. Christians, Muslims, and Jews tend to get particularly butthurt.
he meant that wanting things is for faggots
"if you want nothing then you are by definition based"
>muh human nature
Capitalist pigs detected. Ever heard of self-improvement?
I don't believe in space wizards, though.
When you want more than you absolutely need, it introduces disparity. Disparity breeds conflict. Conflict begets suffering.
Don't know if I necessarily understand it fully or agree, but that's my interpretation.
>The cause of suffering is free will, not craving.
No. The second truth of Buddhism is that suffering is cause by selfish craving and personal desire.
You suffer because you want (crave/desire) something, and the way to escape this suffering is to free yourself from that want.
Please. You can self-improve while believing in human nature. Fighting our nature is what got us this far. Doesn't mean we can't recognize the bestial tendencies for what they are.
And when you want stuff and get it, you don't want it anymore.
There's your suffering full circle. Therefore the wheel. Based Buddhists.
That's cool. Buddhists can die with the planet when we (hopefully) leave this rock. Fuck your "content with failure" attitude.
Not him.
Why do you even care?
Desire is not the problem. Being attached to that desire and not being able to let go, is where things get fucked up.
There's a difference between wanting stuff (wanting to eat, wanting to live, wanting to do productive shit) and being so obsessed with the stuff you want, that your "want" takes on a life of its own.
There's no content with failure. Only content with everything. Or with nothing. You're either forever trapped on this rock, or you've already left it a long time ago.
it means don't have high expectations and just enjoy what you have already
well buddha have i got something to show you* pulls out cardboard briefcase filled with small fucked up hamburgers that smell like shit*
>I crave white castle
>I suffer when I don't have White Castle
Because that attitude appeals to lazy people who will gravitate to it because it takes little physical effort or social struggle. Once a group gets popular enough, it gains more appeal and snowballs from there. I want people to struggle to succeed, regardless of the outcome.
>A briefcase of hamburgers
That's the only unit of measurement I want when I order hamburgers
>briefcase of hamburgers
Oh can you see...
I get em by the hogshead
Yeah, and what are you getting done while you're content? Humanity has already achieved the hive mind. We need all the progress we can get, even if only to support your local economy.
You crave love, but you are unloved. You are suffering. You crave a burrito, but you have no burrito. You are suffering. You crave land, so you take other's land. You cause suffering. You crave tears, so you make people cry. You cause suffering. If you crave nothing, then you are not suffering, nor are you an interesting person.
>I want people to struggle to succeed, regardless of the outcome.
1.Are you American?
2.Do you get off to torture?
3.Does the thought of someone being happy with what life gives him and not trying to become rich annoy you?
What is the problem with this picture?
Why is this cat unhappy?
You only suffer because you crave, if you didn't really want it then you aren't really suffering without it.
It has a plaster of cheese on it's face.
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. Not everyone's success is financial. Sometimes you just want to do the hobby or job you wanted to do. Find your happiness and work toward it. Is that so meaningless to you?
thats where you're wrong, im not craving neither the buddha or white castle. so deep, bro. u writing a high school book report?
There's no "we". No "economy". Just the baby-mind and its toys and imaginary friends. Growing is not an achievement, but an inevitable result of timeless existence.
What if i am perfectly happy with my current position?
Don't we all, user...
Why is that a problem?
Don't cats like cheese?
Wow, you went full retard there. The economy still exists. Everyone needs to eat to survive and we need to ensure everyone has the means to afford their food. Friends aren't imaginary if you have them. Put away the bong.
>What did he mean by this?
Happiness is not wanting
Then you're golden! For some people the road is shorter. For some it is longer. For others, it is endless.
So the answer is to own everything you want and get high whenever you want.
he just wanted a Snickers
Desire leads to discontent, discontent leads to unhappiness and suffering.
We desire things we don't have - eliminate your desire and you will feel contentment.
You can't eat the economy. But you can try to eat your friends.
finding happiness thru sensory pleasure is a losing game
Effort with Ease
Desire and not Require
Serenity without Apathy
Self Control
To Want but not Need
To know ones emotions but not be defined by them
Thats my entry level interpretation with a modern spin, got sex it up for the kids
We all try to, user. We all try to.
You're pretending to be retarded right?
That's actually pretty funny
I don't get it
In my country I can smoke whenever I want, all I want. When in summer trip, if I go to somewhere it's illegal, I suffer all the time. The craving kills me.
Growing is change. Change is inevitable, but it doesn't hurt for us to understand the causes and conditions of that growth.
Denying change means that we stay babies, too. Only, we learn to be cranky babies that are always crying, and can't change our own diapers.
Eating is a good thing. Everyone should be able to eat, and we should do what we can to help. However, some people would be better off if they ate less.
>traveling abroad
There's your problem. Just sit in your apartment and enjoy yourself.
Yeah. Over-eating is a problem but the difference of willpower in individuals is always going to be a problem. Let them eat if only to be a warning to the rest of us.
Buddhist meme.
>see moon in sky
>want moon
>try to grab moon
>can't get moon
>see reflection of moon in water
>grab water
>WTF, that's not moon!!
Probably Chinese.
I would love to smoke on those places...
When he first got enlightened, the Buddha tried that, but his mom (Indra) kicked him out of the basement and told him to get a job.
hitler dindu nuffin
Why would anyone want to STAY in Portugal?
Let's say you get show with an arrow.
You will crave day in and day out that you had not been shot with an arrow, every hour of every day will be filled with thoughts of what you could have done, how bad the pain is, or how much better life was before the arrow existed.
By craving to not have pain, by craving to have done something differently, by craving to go back to how things were, you are in pain twice, mentally, and by the arrow.
If you just accept that you've been shot, you will feel pain, and that will be all. You will only be in pain once.
He made the swastika great again
It's old Buddhist symbology. The moon is the Buddha, and the monkey is the human. The monkey trying to touch the moon merely confuses the reflection of the moon for the moon itself. It's the paradox of Buddhism that if you try to achieve Buddhahood (Nirvana) you have desire in your heart, thus you will fail, like the monkey reaching for the reflection of the moon. It is only when you find the middle path and have no desire that you can become a Buddha and break the perpetual circle of death and rebirth, Samsara.
In other words, if you crave the Buddha (desire to become a Buddha) it dooms you to never achieve it. And the circle of death and rebirth is the cause of all suffering.
Hence the picture is the answer to OP's question.
That's why those bastards learned early on to forgo any and all earthly desires. It takes some practice, but you actually rewire your brain to stop valuing material wealth. Eventually the only thing you end up wanting, are things you actually need.
fawk yeah!
That's just because you're a drug addict
>european lights turn on when birds land on them
Why the fuck would they make that a feature? So the bird doesn't get triggered?
You can absolutely be sad, humans are emotional creatures.
You can feel negative emotions, you can feel negative sensory feelings, such as a bad smell. You can be aware of this, but by not judging it, you embrace the moment, and once it passes, you don't think about it ever again.
Craving is when you feel sad, and you tell yourself how you wish you were happy. Eliminating craving is when you just exist with your sadness.
If you pull the arrow out, and it still hurts, and you give in to the pain and bitch about it endlessly, your life will probably suck.
But if you ignore the arrow and leave it in your arm, it will get infected and- suffering or not- you're going to die.
Being passive is just another cop-out. You have to find the right balance between extremes.
And the final noble truth is that you'll never be able to influence someone's opinion with your opinion. Attempting to change someone's opinion over Sup Forums is desire.
Wrap your noggin around that.
*Ultimate truth.
Not noble truth.
its means you only hate yourself for being a faggot because you crave cock
You don't need to be passive. You should certainly pull it out.
But you shouldn't give in to the pain and bitch about it endlessly. You can continue on with your day. In fact, you can be more energetic, because now you can focus your mental energy on finding food instead of bitching endlessly about the pain you're in.
Truly, Stoicism and Buddhism have a lot in common. I think that they're the same philosophy at heart.
But then you desire something else. And if you everything you want you get bored of everything, but you don't stop having desire, so you'll end up with empty desire, but without anything to fill the void. Desire in it's purest form, which leads to suffering. Stop desire from the start, and you solve all problems.
Stop giving in to your cravings and appreciate what you already have.
He meant by not wanting anything you will not crave. It's spiritual.
Maybe that's backwards
>close to sunset
>bird sits on light sensor
>light gets triggered
There is nothing better than oblivion, for in oblivion there is no desire unfulfilled.
-- H.P. Lovecraft
that guy was super into TES
>light sensor
Why have that and not just a guy to flip the switch?
It means you should always have enough drugs available.
for example:
you wanting an explanation to what he said, is a form of the underlying discomfort or cause of your suffering.
the trap is thinking there is a trap.
the way to win is not to play.
and so on. it has to be balanced with discipline, or else you just loose your connection to the world, and dont contribute and so on.
ITT: Sup Forums proves they have never read the Dhammapada
>you only hate me because you want me
>now it puts the lotion in the basket
Oh enlighten us book reader.
These guys get it
If you seek enlightenment, you would read the book instead.
if you don't want anything you have no reason to fight others
The reviews are bad.
No way?