48 hours after the operation. I am finally allowed to shower...

48 hours after the operation. I am finally allowed to shower, though the shower wasn't relaxing because I couldn't let water directly flow to my legs and I wasn't allowed to use soap down there, it's starting to look better and it doesn't bleed anymore

For those who didn't see. This was yesterday after 24 hours when I was allowed to remove the bandage

What the fuck OP?

did u get adult circumcised bro

the fuck happened to your dick, user?

You faggots and your fetishes. Good lord

This was the me preop


glad its fixed

ok good riddance

Yesterday I asked you if the doctor used a dull axe but you didn't reply. It looks a lot better now than it did in one of the pics yesterday.


No, my circumcision when I was a baby was botched and my shaft fused to my head. Normally when this happens it is minor, but mine was severe, even the eurologist that did this operation was shocked by how bad it was. It constantly had the head pulled down and any form of sex, masturbation, or errections caused severe pain.

I had something like this when i was a child but i just pulled it back and now i've got a perfect uncut cock.

Sorry, I fell asleep from the pain pills and didn't see it. No idea what the doctor used, I was under general anesthetic

Omg this is why I'm glad my parents aren't retarded

wtf happened to cause this

My ex boyfriend had to get circumcised at 18 and the story he had was horrific. It ended up getting infected because of malpractice and he had to go get his cock split apart to let all the puss leak out. He said the smell was one of the worst parts.

On another note, he often lurks Sup Forums so if you see this. Hi EJ :~)

Impossible in my case. It went around most of my penis and was thicker than usual


glad no one ever came near my dick with a knife

>cant do normal shit like i used to because mangled penis
>twists dick around to take picture for Sup Forums

looks better than yesterday. Looks like it will heal up and look normal. I lost a testicle 2 weeks ago, also healing up right now.

Why didn't they fix it when you were still a kiddo?

Once you heal up it should be a fine looking cock.

jeeeeeeeeeeeesus OP, that's a helluva jew attack

Because my parents were idiots and didn't take care of the circumcision wounds in the first place. Honestly it's a stupid practice. Insurance and a donation from a kind user is why I was able to get it fixed now. Which is why I update Sup Forums

You're gonna have to post pics. Was it cancer?

if you have a son, just don't mutilate him

That really blows man. I'm sorry your parents cut you.


I'm GLANS he fixed it too!

Not as bad as I was, I just don't have side pictures anymore. Can't find them

OP should meatus again tomorrow to give an update.



It's like your penis was tossing the dough to make a pizza and it flopped bak down over its head.....

yeah i am 25 and have cancer but I think I am cured now. Just had a ct scan the other day and my doctor hasn't called me yet. here is the picture of the scar, i had a picture of my single ball but i delete it and i dont want to take it again.


One who studies Europe?

it's a penis doctor

>cock split apart
no thank you


jesus fuck im sorry....i love my uncut cock but goddamn thats should be posted in a gore thread

Fuck dude... that's rough. Congrats on the operation though, and best of luck out there.

Damn user, I hope that shit is gone for good! Keep your chin up

thanks user. I know that feel of having problems with your junk. god speed

get in here faggots

>Rate my cock
>Pic related: my dick

Jesus. You had a fucking Toxic Avenger dick!

Just something I wanted to point out. I always wondered when watching movies like american pie or other scenes in movies in which masturbation was playing a role, what the lotion was all about. since I never needed nor my friends ever mentioned using or whatsoever. Then i saw the first pictures of circumcised penises here and i finally understood. So yeah i want to thank you guys for finally clearing that up for me.

Not OP, but fuck you kid, grow up.

Thanks for posting this

I have phimosis and need to get that checked out (in a few days, after my finals) and maybe have to get circumsized. This little success story is actually really helpful right now

Thanks OP

Any before pics?

being circusmsized is pretty chill really, if they do it correctly you never have any problems and it smells good

I hope your boners from this day forth are pain-free and orgasmic as fuck. God damn I would hate life if my dick made me cry after getting wood

>the operation

holy fuck OP glad you got it fixed

I hope everything's fine

best of luck with your recovery user, life's bitch

thanks user, it's going well. With every bullshit thing you have to deal with in life you become strong and more desensitized to the load of bullshit you will he handed in the future. I can say before this my biggest fear in the world was cancer and I was afraid of getting my blood drawn too. I can saw that I am afraid of neither anymore.

They put your life on legendary with all skulls on lol

>willingly getting circumcised
You sure are fucking stupid. Might aswell become a trap at this point.
>tfw mine was stolen as a baby

Wow you might be the stupidest person on Sup Forums at this moment. Congratulations

go away user

This man will now get to jerk it as it was his first. I almost envy you

user you should probably just pull it down gradually until it isn't as tight, work it in hot water very night until you can get it past the shaft. if your doctor suggests circumcision, really make sure there is no other option









Yeah, i'm reading up on ways to get rid of it without circumcision and will definitely only use it as my last option. But i read that there's a form of skin defect that means you have to get circumcised as it won't be solvable otherwise. That defect is apparently inheritable from your parents and i know my father had to get circumcised too, so i'm mentally preparing for the worst.

But who knows, maybe i'll be lucky

mine's cut and I like it but I have the awareness to realize that maybe doing an elective, pointless surgery with any failure rate whatsoever on a baby, that could fuck up his happiness forever, isn't a defensible idea

Unfortunately I have no pics, but I had one similar to this except the bridge was smaller. Glad I'm not alone with the whole botched circumcision thing. Also glad i got the operation cause holy shit it felt uncomfortable

People who want to have their sons circumcised should have to look at images like this and watch a video of the procedure being done before deciding for sure. They require it in many places for abortion. Why not for circumcision, which concerns an already living, breathing, pain-feeling baby?

shit Sup Forumsro, glad you got the OP

I mean.... "get my nut"... I mean... it doesn't mean what you.... Oh god...


Are you American or in an Anglo country? In the past people would do stupid things like forcibly pull back infant foreskins, damaging the tissue and leading to infection, indicating circumcision as a possible "solution." That might have been the case.

eh a botched surgery is terrible but they are pretty rare. After seeing so many anons starting threads asking how to make their dick not smell like shit, and after inquiry they are all not cut, makes me want to get any child I have cut. Just make sure you doctor isn't retarded and can do a common procedure.

well I guess this is the issue with not having a basis for comparison

suppose I'd say........you know......let your son decide as an adult if that's what they want to do, instead of making the choice for them, like an asshole. Let them make the risk/reward decision on their own.

I'm cut and my entire groin area starts to smell if I don't shower for a few days in summer. It's not a reason to cut off a healthy, functional piece of tissue from someone who can't consent.

I'm from germany
I know i had problems with my foreskin early in life, but as i said, my father had foreskin problems too, so i think he was careful and educated on the matter.
But i will ask my urologist about that.
It's not that bad, when it's flacid i can pull it back all the way, but when erect i do have problems with that.

Glad i still have 100% of the body-parts i was born with by avoiding stupid Jewish barbaric nonsense.

>Mutilate your son's penis because you're too lazy to teach him how to clean his dick
Come on nigger.

no grown anons complain about not being able to get their dicks to stop smelling like fish. Anyone cutfag knows this isn't normal. You're groin smells like sweat but your cock doesn't smell like pussy. Idk I am cut I just wouldn't feel right if I didnt cut my kid and his foreskin was too tight or it stunk or he felt weird because his dick looks different from most american men. also I am not a hippie or an antisemite.

>there are people that doesn't like the smell of dick cheese

no, grown***
sentence doesn't read correctly without the comma

>mutilating your child because of peer pressure

When you leave residual cum to fermentate it smells sweet and delicious not like fish at all. It only smells like fish if you take a piss don't clean your dick and don't masturbate.

non-americans are welcome to leave this thread. in fact, I encourage it

Thankfully circumcision is falling in the USA, probably largely because some insurance companies are stopping covering the procedure.

I'm cut I am just going often things I have read post there but uncut anons
>don't masturbate
you don't masturbate??

This board might be more up your alley

>Because his dick looks different
You are retarded. He'll get over any embarrassment he has quickly when he realizes he can fap without lube and it feels better for him than for you.
Also phimosis is uncommon and, at least in my case, uncut cocks don't start to stink until you've not showered for 1-2 days AND fapped/fucked the day before.

>the shitty off topic threads from pol in one board
no thx

do you resent your parents for butchering/mutilating your dick for their religion/cultural beliefs?

Question to regular jew cocks
How does it feel knowing the muscose layer of your gland is gone and will never be as sensitive as a non mutilated penis

considering you can pull it back all the way flaccid you're way less afflicted than I was, best of luck

aight whatever
I'm not super invested in this ideologically, it just seems to be pretty obvious that you don't do surgeries on infants just for the sake of improving things that you think could benefit from it.

I can't think of any decent nation that would allow, or doctor that would perform a surgery to cut off your baby's pinkies because you think it looks better and so he doesn't have to trim the nails later in life.

You'd be laughed out of the room/and or jailed. But if it's a dick, that's okay. Because why?

Can't think of any reason why it's not exactly the same principle. When you're grown up, if you want to cut off your pinkies, go nuts. Nobody will stop you.

I'm cut and I can fap without lube.

I'm cut and all the men in my family are cut and it is normal to us so I will probably do it to my son. I've seen threads of uncut fags for a long time complaining of problems, far more often then someone with a botch operation

You're just being tsun I see

>My anecdotes are objective


>My ex boyfriend had to get circumcised at 18
I`ll take the bait
Hi FEMannon why did your bf had to get circumcised any reason in particular?

feels good? Sensitivity isn't really a plus imo. Orgasm is the same, but you can go rougher with more endurance I guess?

obviously a poorly thought out plan in the first place, but how the fuck did that dumbshit get his dick through the nuts even when flaccid?

also, good luck OP.