Trump want's to deport this.
Trump want's to deport this
Lucas Turner
Mason Myers
>no tits
>flat as an ironing board
>works at CVS
literally nothing of value is lost
Christian Collins
She is asian her parents came here legally and probably work hard as fuck. Trump can't deport her.
John Barnes
uff moar of this yellow bitch.
Connor Nelson
OP are you fucking retarded? Lemme guess...
Delusional liberal living in a complete alternate reality than the rest of normal society, unable to dissociate between the two
Jose James
she's so pretty
I accidentally hit on a gorgeous 17 year old in class yesterday.
Bentley Russell
No. He wants to deport this.
John Torres
He want's to deport satellite dishes?
Ryan Barnes
then why you even bother?
Christian Fisher
Me: So, what do you know about the script supervisor from today's shoot?
Guy: Seventeen dude...
Me: **crying**
pic related