What cheap car should i buy Sup Forumsros?
Im thinking about this one
pic related
What cheap car should i buy Sup Forumsros?
Do not buy a used BMW, ever. The parts and maintenance are expensive as fuck.
As long as the PO wasn't a douchebag ricer or whatever the german car equivalent is, seems like a nice ride.
Sadly, these cars attract idiots.
thanks for advice a lot of people said that to me but this is the best car for max 1000$ i could find
Used cop Crown Victoria. Extremely cheap, parts costs next to nothing because there's a shitload of em, and these cars are made to last.
THAT car costs 1000? Does it come with an engine?
well i never bought car previously and im a poor fag and i dont to ride somthing like this
This. The car may not cost much, but keeping it on the road will. Insurance probably won't be cheap either.
i ment this model this one is from google but around 1000 looks almost the same from this pic is for 500 bucks and yes with engine
well as a new driver ( ive got my license for 5 moths ) i get fucked over hard in the ass by insurence with engine like 1.6 i would pay almost or over 1000 per year