what is he trying to say?
What did he mean by this Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
"Please come to America illegally and vote for me, I'll give you citizenship"
white genocide :^)
speak American what language is that senpai?
irish ;)
this, our communists are trying to do the same
Transformation = destruction
Taco burritos sombreros bitches
i didn't know in the USA spanish was the official language
lol I am totally irrelevant to this shit but this is a pure call of desperate looser.
> US President candidate trying to get more votes by writing statuses in espanol.
> mfw
>Jefe Trump
>I'll live to see the usa turn into the Soviet States of America
there it says: "castrate every white male that doesn't properly preps their respective bulls".
When will Trump tweet in mexican
Take the language you speak, add 20 IQ points and remove the letter u from a bunch of words.
All these fucking spic tweets thinking they are so progressive I can't wait until Trump tweets;
"I speak English, I'm an American. MAGA."
well even mexicans and canadians are american technically
There are two thing that I really hate in this world:
1. Leftists
2. Fucking burguers speaking my language because they want to look "cool".
The worst thing is that they are ruining it because they aren't even speaking real spanish (castellano) they are speaking the shitty spanish that mexicans and other south americans teach them. Its fucking pathetic and disgusting.
Everytime a burguer tells me that they speak spanish I know it is going to be a horrible experience because they call spanish they shitty mexican spanish that they get taught.
How come Mexicans find a wall to make the country they want to move to better racist, but a couple of saggy old vaginas talk down to them in bean speak and condescend to them and that's somehow progressive, are liberals like, the ultimate slave masters?
>well even mexicans and canadians are american technically
ya and technically black people are human but we all know better.
brits are not humans m8
El Jefe Trump, I like it
If you can't even speak fucking English, don't fucking vote.
You have to go back.
His Taco Bowl tweet dominated yesterday
Yes, Democrats have always been giant racist, as in KKK, Jim Crow, and slave owning racist. Even today the party only exists because it keeps minorities in perpetual economic struggle.
Vid sums it up
They don't even let us use vosotros or any of the vos verb conjugations.
Why? What do you use then?
nice one user
mexicans and people who learned spanish in usa dont even understand eachother most of the time
even in mexico mexicans speak different from different reigons than eachother
Obviously spanish because it's the most spoken language there.
He's disqualified
What are those?
>mexicans and people who learned spanish in usa dont even understand eachother most of the time
Lol wtf, that's retarded.
>even in mexico mexicans speak different from different reigons than eachother
I know. Even tho they supposedly are native spanish speakers, they aren't. European spanish (aka the real one, castellano) is really different from their shitty spanish and their shitty accent. We can understand them but some of the words that they use are different or have different meaning and thei accent is retarded as fuck.
Lmfao get cucked spaniatard
We cut all of the unnecessary conjugations and words from your outdaded "castilian"
> thei accent is retarded as fuck.
your entire language is a retarded version of ours Carlos
It's horrible. Every time I hear that you call that shitty thing that you are speaking: "spanish" I want to kill myself.
No idea
Nope. Spanish is a language that comes from a mix of Latin and celtiberian, it is a romance language, it doesn't come from italian.
I thought Italians knew the roots of their language. I guess the retarded ones don't.
btw I'm pretty sure you aren't even Italian, you are probably a south american immigrant.
no, hes a nigger or a sandnigger. Most "italians" are anyway
Seems like someone is still a bit sore, Manolo >^;)
Wow, so tough, american sweden. Watch out
why are you people making every effort in transforming your country into a latin american shithole? If you want to live in a corrupt country filled with shit just trade places with me.
στη πουτσα μας kαι μας, kωστης παλαμας
τον παιρνεις kαι kρυωνεις, ομερ βρυωνης
why you think i'm SA user?
i'm from Liguria btw
Because you don't even know the roots of your own language. You language just like mine, comes from latin. Spanish doesn't come from Italian. I bet you don't even know latin.
>a fucking leaf
>probably a butthurt south american too
>what is he trying to say?
That his Spanish is lousy. Probably written by some intern.
I think it's something like,
>this election is not about who will be the next president, but about transforming the US.
>into Mexico [my emphasis]
>We cut all of the unnecessary conjugations and words from your outdaded "castilian"
>Being prod for ruining a languague.
Based Palin in with the BTFO.
That spanish was perfect actually.
pls, you may say spanish derives from celtiberian and latin but it only derive from latin, the other has a very minor contribution.
And you can't deny Spanish and italian have too many words that are basically the same but with an "s" after
You are just speaking a wrecked italian but you don't want to admit yourself
(of course both derive from latin, but the actual similarities are much more striking than with latin)
We could say that you speak a wrecked spanish too.
>Similarities between Spanish and Italian.
>Spanish therefore comes from Italian.
By that logic you could say that because romanian is also a romance language that has common words with spanish then romanian comes from spanish. That is retarded.
I dont really care about accents so much, but whenever I hear a spaniard speak, the compulsive lisp on everything makes me struggle to maintain a straight face. Funny how all accents sound retarded to somebody.
Yeah the guy is dumb.
You're all niggers tho
>this is america, speak american
kek, she's right
Spanish is older than italian though?
I love everything about this
Trump is such a trendsetter
This is Sup Forums strayanbro. Everyone speak shit out of their ignorance.
Native spanish speakers in Spain: 38M
Native spanish speakers in US: 39M
Native spanish speakers in Mexico: 113M
>My language
>that logic
but he is speaking American you dumb cunt! hence being in AMERICA
I guess french is an african language then.
He meant to pander to non-English speakers. The words meanings don't even matter.
"This elecction not be just about chosing the next president. It is something much more important - It is about transforming the United States."
That's how retarded it sounds.
Nah man, our spanish teach was from spain. She moved to a small country town where I grew up. Now that I think of it, it is pretty strange. She taught us the right way to speak.
This election no sea-trait? light-brown? only elect next pre/ dsident. Is also much very important sea-trait of transform the United States.
fuck you dad, you're language is shit and tainted by catalan and arab, only true spanish is conquistador spanish developed by criollos and cholos
Redone after some lookups
This election isn't? (no is is, maybe no is for?) only for? electing the next president. Is also much more important - is (for?) of (to?) transform the United States.
The Spanish leave a wasteland and call it civilization.
Well I'm only reading the comments and I can say Fuck off to everyone