Algerian people are the worst

Algerian people are the worst.
I fucking hate them.
I would trade all the french citizens of algerian descents for all the niggers in the world.

> ugly as fuck (they look like rats)
> sweat a lot
> speak loud (an ugly mix of french and arabic)
> agressive with everybody, especially women (because these losers never have sex)
> even prostitutes don't want to have sex with them, for they are known to try to negociate their fees
> deep hate of France
> always brag about how great is their shithole country and yet wouldn't leave France for anything (because social aids, healthcare, etc)
> listen to the worst music you could imagine (raï : a mix of pop music, rap and arabic traditional music... also islamic french hip hop)
> if algerian national soccer team loses : they smash everything is the streets
> if algerian national soccer team wins : they smash everything is the streets
> dress like fucktards
> always brag about their islamic virtues and how great is islam
> at the same time, they drink alcohol, steal from people, and fuck girls (or so they say)

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>France will become a colony of its former colonies

- Vladimir Putin about 25 years ago

He's goddamn right.

But niggers are worst...

perso j' habite à la courneuve, et j'échangerai volontiers un paki contre 2 blédards

Franchement les algériens sont moins trash que les paki. au moins ils parlent un minimum le francais ils puent moins et les beurettes > pakistanaises

the truth is niggers are just as bad

ca dépends : les noirs antillais Guadeloupéens malgaches maliens et tchadien sont moins pire que les ivoiriens congolais et camerounais. Apres entre les rebeux et les noirs....

White flag waving surrender monkeys upset because they now have to surrender to their old colonies.

Niggers are dumber. Their IQ is around 60/70.
Algerians have an IQ around 80.

They are smarter and waaaaay more swindling.

This is what algerian finest cuisine looks like. This is basically oil and honey.

They believe they can compete with french cuisine.

French Pol what do you think of this ?
> le pen want to support brexit ( frenchxit is in her program too) but she is not welcome in UK

You're simultaneously more racist and more cucked than us, France
Don't succumb to the rodents

> ugly as fuck (they look like rats)
can't comment on that

> sweat a lot
Not that much, but that might be me. didn't know it was a thing.

> speak loud (an ugly mix of french and arabic)
I don't speak arabic, only french.

> agressive with everybody, especially women (because these losers never have sex)
No. I am very polite and kind of shy. But I get what you are refering to. That's very annoying.

> even prostitutes don't want to have sex with them, for they are known to try to negociate their fees
can't comment on that. Didn't know it was a thing

> deep hate of France
Nah. I love this country and I am even enrolled in the reserve army (shit pay, no perks, just doing that because I want to serve).

> always brag about how great is their shithole country and yet wouldn't leave France for anything (because social aids, healthcare, etc)
Never been there so can't comment on how much of a shithole it is. But that's rude anyway (their behaviour). I think they mostly do that out of despair, because french nationalism is so dead (unless you inherit it) that at some point you need to find something to be proud of (some become devout muslims, others brag about countries they have never been to). I was raised in the love of this country and I don't have this identity problem (although I am pretty sure some people on Sup Forums will have a problem with me kek)

> listen to the worst music you could imagine (raï : a mix of pop music, rap and arabic traditional music... also islamic french hip hop)
Again can't comment on that. I don't really listen to music at all.

> if algerian national soccer team loses : they smash everything is the streets
> if algerian national soccer team wins : they smash everything is the streets
Yeah agreed, that sucks

> dress like fucktards
> always brag about their islamic virtues and how great is islam
I never opened the coran, no one is wearing the headscarf in my family and we regularly have wine (champagne for god times) and saucisson

Why isn't she allowed in uk? Isn't all eu citizen allowed in every eu country?

> more cucked than us
Seems to me the mayor of our capital is not a paki... (your other choice was a jew)

Félicitations mon cher ! Tu fais honneur à notre pays !

Pas vraiment surpris.

Presque 30 ans de polémiques et de propagande médiatique laissent des traces et la stratégie de Marine, bien qu'efficace en France, n'a pas encore réussi à s'internationaliser. Il y a un biais terrible des médias anglo-saxons à l'égard du FN. Du coup, le camp du Brexit ne veut pas se mouiller et faire peur aux indécis, ce qui est raisonnable mais pas très courageux politiquement.

You have algerians, we have moroccans... Can we just agree that north-africans are degenerate subhuman shitskins who need to be eradicated?

That's how every immigrant should be!

Sure thing britbro

NO for me french people from north africa and other places are fine if well integrated in our country, speaking french respectful of our laws, working and paying their taxes...

Je pense que l'on sous-estime franchement la part d'immigrés nord-africains qui sont complètement, ou en voie d'être, assimilés.

Je ne récuse absolument pas qu'il existe une majorité qui est exogène et qui le restera, et qui donc devrait quitter le pays, mais faîtes gaffe aux biais. Il est, par définition, difficile de quantifier la masse d'immigrés qui s'est assimilées convenablement. Un arabe qui gagne son pain honnêtement, qui parle français couramment, qui aime son pays et respecte ses voisins, c'est déjà un français dans la tête de beaucoup de gens. Du coup, le terme "arabe" ne recouvre, dans son usage, que les gens les moins intégrés à la société, les plus marginaux dans leurs comportements et état d'esprit.

the fact that you're on Sup Forums is probably a sign that you're not like the average blédard de la cité anyways

What he said is pretty accurate tbf

Tu as parfaitement résumé la situation... j'ai rien à ajouter, tout est une question d'intégration et transmission des valeurs de notre pays ( souvent le système éducatif, les médias et les français en général échouent à transmettres ces valeurs)

How about Tunisians?

Are they the best among the North African toilet?

> ugly as fuck (they look like rats)
Holy fuck this is exactly how i'd describe the only Algerian I've ever met. I didn't know they were all like this.

Mon père est en Algérie en ce moment, et ce qui est drole c'est que meme les vrais algériens se foutent de la gueule de nos bougnoules
L'Algérie est un pays based

To be honest when I was in junior school the Algerian were always the one with the shittiest grade, always doing stupid shit while lying "I swear on the Coran it's me"

But I also had 2 friends who were cool, both heavy drinker (one had a mother from Normandy the genetic speak), always had fun and in high education (Phd and Master degree in biology)

So honestly, I think with time I realise their is to time of black/arab : the one who decided to be define by their action and do something with their live (I have one friend with parent from Madagascar who is ingenieur in car industry) and end up being pretty cool. The other one arer the drooling retards who swarm gettho who decided to be defined by "buh Koran", "muh Algeria" and "muh gettho"

The black/arab who work in security end up being more severe against black/arab thug

Anything that had Arabs mix into it is a complete and utter shithole.

Yeah; about blédard. I didn't post because I felt it was not accurate but rather because I wanted to nuance what he was saying i.e not *ALL* of us are like that even though I suspect they make-up a huge chunk, if not the overwhelming majority, of our "ethnic group" or whatever you want to define us like.

In I point out that it is much harder to notice assimilated immigrants because well ... they are assimilated.

je confirme j'avais des étudiants Algérien dans mon Master et ils m'ont dis que ces mecs avec leurs nostalgie à deux balle de l'Algérie étaient des gros blaireaux qui frimait.

J'ai pas rencontré énormément d'Algériens d'Algérie dans ma vie, mais le peu d'expérience que j'ai eu avec eux est en effet aux antipodes de celles que j'ai eu avec les "Algériens de France" (comprenez "non-assimilés"). Rien qu'en terme de gentillesse ou d'estime de soi et des autres, c’était le jour et la nuit.

Les noirs de nos colonies (ou DOM TOM comme ils disent) sont bro tier. Je traine avec un reunionais et un guyanais, les 2 sont chrétiens, anti arabes et l'un d'entre eux a meme versé son sang pour notre pays. En plus ils sont vachement cool avec tout ce qui est blagues sur les nègres

Eh ça me rappelle mon père qui allait en voyage d'affaire à Manchester. Quand il est revenu il m'a dit "ben finalement après avoir vu les quartiers de Pakistanais, l'intégration en France elle pas si naze que ça" (moins pourrie que l'Angleterre en tout cas)

I like you, frog.

niggers > sand-niggers

Mais au vu de ce qui semble avoir été fait par le fait (intégration des italiens, des polonais etc.) ça semble bien en deçà de ce dont nous sommes capable. La France est un pays qui a une solide tradition d'assimilation, le Royaume-Uni beaucoup moins. D'ailleurs la plupart des bêtises multiculturelles viennent du monde anglo-saxon et y sont beaucoup plus puissante qu'en France où elles perdent de la vitesse et où les masses les rejettent (la fameuse "décence ordinaire" du peuple).

En France, le socle de la Nation c'est la culture, une société multiculturelle en France c'est un pays qui devient multinational (avec les conflits et tensions que cela amène) et surtout a-culturel (donc idéal aux yeux des néolibéraux qui mouillent leur pantalon à l'idée d'un monde globalisé où les individus ont des habitudes de consommation uniformisées).

>Mais au vu de ce qui semble avoir été fait par le fait
>par le fait

Je voulais dire "par le passé"

Based. Honorary French.

Real problem are the leftists anti-racist associations that keep pushing Arabs (and blacks) into racial solidarity. It's not as bad as blacks in the US but we're getting there : it's racial imprisonment.

After all ,if you want to get out of the unsafe shitholes that are the suburbs ,you're a traitor and completely submitted to the White masters. Because there is no way you'd succeed otherwise ,with a name like yours ,evil White boss throw every resume with a north african name on it ,remember :^)

You're a good man

Why are there so many Algerians in France?

Former colony. We had the strongest ties with Algeria.
We imported a lot of cheap labourpost war to rebuild the country. They were supposed to go back but they didn't and brought their family with a government policy in the late 70s

Ex French colony, they speak french "fluently"
During the 60's they started immigrating here after they got independance. The first to come were the Harkis, some kind of pro-French Algerian fighters who were good people, but followed by a fuckload of shit tier arabs

sounds well assimilated.