The most cheerful thread on Sup Forums.
Why are you cheerful today user?
I just bought a new sofa and the comfort level is through the roof.
I've only had it about an hour and I already can't imagine life without it.
The most cheerful thread on Sup Forums.
Why are you cheerful today user?
I just bought a new sofa and the comfort level is through the roof.
I've only had it about an hour and I already can't imagine life without it.
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my hermit crab changed his shell
I'm happy for you :)
That's super cute, did you provide something for him or did he choose of his own accord? (assuming crab gender sorry)
Erm I had salmon for breakfast and I like salmon so yknow, I'm cheerful enough.
this is a nice thread.good work OP
My cat just came and sat on my lap, I love him.
Just doing my part, user
Keep smiling boys!
I'm dying here wondering what the crab chose as its new home though.
Have a nice day anons. Love you all
Pics or it didn't happen, also I'm making pulled pork today, so that's a reason to be happy
Yea pretty curious too?
Do you think it was an upgrade or just all about location?
Please tell me about the crab, the suspense is killing!!!
Enjoy your pork pulling user.
>my hermit crab changed his shell
>my hermit crab
>hermit crab
L couch?
I am a cheerful man because it's the weekend. I go all week long through a mundane existence. But when the weekend its I get to sign into my Second Life and experience a whole new existence. Trust me, I'm a Cthulhu and I fuck bitches on the weekends. Pic related.
you're a faggot
So are you.
Just chilling. Cheerful for no reason.
Have a nice day anons.
It's true. I even look forward to going to church on Sundays now. There's always a lil amusement to be had or a couple sluts to get jesusy with.
that looks comfy, well done. how much does a new couch set a person back these days? Like £400, $600?
875 haggled down from 999
Is Second Life literally all about the sex?
Interest piqued
Things cost more than I realise, I am a very frugal person.
Looks comfy. I made a delicious smoothie for breakfast. Have a cheery day user.
Awe dude. Getting a new sofa is always exciting.
I'm cheerful that it's the weekend and I am going to go out and have a nice lunch somewhere come home and play some vidya. I'm a simple man.
No point going cheep when it involves a lifestyle choice user.
A coach isn't just for xmas.
u 2 user
@ OP
>cuz i just got home
>got stuff to look forward to
>sleep deprived but not feeling like shit
>got a nice paycheck last night and saving most of it, gonna make even more $ this month
It's a virtual community where you can do almost anything, but majority of people use it for sex. It even has it's own currency that you can transfer into real life cash. Which is how all the strippers and escorts make money. But it's also filled with a lot of nut jobs, mental cases, autistics, drama queens, furries, freaks, geeks, and nearly every other kind of deviant internet dweller you can think of.
Plus side is there are sims where people are looking for random sex partners. So you don't have to social much or try to find an online relationship. But that's available ... for the kind of people who like playing games like The Sims. People even roleplay as other couples lil kids.
The most expensive thing I've ever bought was my £599 laptop a few months ago.
I then dropped it after about 10 days.
I mean it was covered under the warranty but this is why I can't have nice things. I'd spill something on that sofa immediately
It's always fascinating to see the ways females can monetise being female, given that like 50% of everyone is female and it's not a rarity lol.
Still, sounds interesting as hell.
Me too user. I give it about a week before I spill something and that's if I really try my hardest not to. Knowing my luck i'll probably go and burn a hole in it before then though.
I was cheerful last night
But now I'm feeling the post-booze burnout so...
i have the day off and i actually get to clean and sleep in my bed tonight (i usually only sleep at home once or twice a week
Post means pr-tense.
I know the perfect cure for that!
Sex sells. Always have and always will. But it is interesting to see how far men will go just to be in the presence of one.
Did someone say Spiderman?
I'm going abroad for a 5day vacay tomorrow. Not cheerful today, kinda scared but excited.
Where you headed?
Monkey Island.