>you sister/gf/mom/wife gets wet looking at this photo
You sister/gf/mom/wife gets wet looking at this photo
it's got bigger tits than my sister/gf/mom/wife
I suppose they would if they were into ripped monkeys
I guess. If they enjoy looking at black dudes then so be it. But my mom is gone and my sister is married. Sucks to be a nigger.
we get hard, too
and your sister/gf/mom/wife gets wet looking at this photo too , so what?
My mom hates niggers/chinks/abos/Indians aka everything not Caucasian so she would be repulsed by that wide nose.
>and, I, OP the Faggot, get hard too.
It's this kind of thread again.
She getting fucks by one.
this cunt doesn't know how to hold a glass
Mad wite boi?
Oh my side XD
Really good joke, user ;)
wtf? niggers were like super slaves in ancient egypt, someone's been stoning
>The pyramids weren't built by slaves
Gotta love a niggers take on history.
Actually showed my gf this and we live in a small town with no black guys and when she looked at it she was like, why'd you show me a pic of a nigger" hahaha. Found out today my gf is racist
So? I'm not a fan of niggers, but that is an attractive body. It would be weird if they didnt.
No doubt, the guy looks fucking awesome! That's a lot of hard work and dedication. Good for him, quit being so jealous and get off your ass!
Muscles are nice, this is too much, this guy clearly loves looking at himself too, which is a huge turn off as well.
hahahaha wtf, roidheads are the most beta of betas.
i actually agree to a certain level
big roidboys like him usually means extreme issues with self to me
Wet with tears of laughter.
all these white men in this thread