Anyone else dead inside?
Anyone else dead inside?
Other urls found in this thread:
Satan trips makes me feel slightly less dead inside
Looking for easy souls, Satan?
Here I am.
I can't find enjoyment in anything, unless I'm high or drunk, and even that has become difficult to accomplish.
What makes you dead inside, OP?
Also, nice evil trips.
Do you also feel like you're in an emotionless void?
Same here user, I'm about to get some wine right now actually. I just feel numb, not sure if it's some kind of defense mechanism in my brain to prevent me from killing myself idk
I still enjoy things
but I know that every bit of joy I acquire took hours or even days of tedious suffering and I know it not worth it.
quit my last job out of boredom and now Im just slowly working through my personal relationships and destroying them for no reason
yeah i feel shit too - only thing that helps the pain is the green. it just makes everything better to deal with, and i don't think i'll ever stop smoking it; i just fucking love catnip
i dare u to throw a egg at ur face cmon bro do it for da vine