Why do Americans lack a sense of banter? They're always so autistic and serious on Sup Forums

Why do Americans lack a sense of banter? They're always so autistic and serious on Sup Forums.

Nobody likes that.

Other urls found in this thread:


it's just bullying

Exhibit A.

well the ones on Sup Forums and reddit are getting their asses kicked by a woman and that's a really hard thing to stomach for 15 year old boys that can't control their impotent rage

Exhibit B.

Because we get shit done m8

Literally the largest economy in the history of the world


We do have some but it's just not our culture. See Germany.

Me and Mir banter all day

Grown men banter left and right

Your vision is too narrow mein freund

Exhibit C.

You can't handle the banter mate, you're making us look bad. Even Macedonia is making fun of us.