Why do Americans lack a sense of banter? They're always so autistic and serious on Sup Forums.
Nobody likes that.
Why do Americans lack a sense of banter? They're always so autistic and serious on Sup Forums.
Nobody likes that.
Other urls found in this thread:
it's just bullying
Exhibit A.
well the ones on Sup Forums and reddit are getting their asses kicked by a woman and that's a really hard thing to stomach for 15 year old boys that can't control their impotent rage
Exhibit B.
Because we get shit done m8
Literally the largest economy in the history of the world
We do have some but it's just not our culture. See Germany.
Me and Mir banter all day
Grown men banter left and right
Your vision is too narrow mein freund
Exhibit C.
You can't handle the banter mate, you're making us look bad. Even Macedonia is making fun of us.
you left too soon, we learned the way of the banter thanks to gibraltar
they can't even distinguish trolling from joking around
they're just fucked in the head like that
Americans are the largest demographics on Sup Forums tho
Some of them have very good banter but a lot of them don't
It's just the Yankees and west coasters that have no bants.
my own flag betrays me
Because it is a waste of time?
>posts picture of show host fired for saying "slope" and generally being full of banter.
Exhibit Sup Forums.
We banter plenty. We're the much needed comic foil when we're not making fun of the rest of the world.
Nice gdp you got there m8
You know when your shit is so fucked that you just can't help but laugh? That's Europe. We still have hope.
Exibit /x/
>impotent rage
I too, have played GTAV
Maybe we would have more bantz if we fucked our board-faced second cousin.
americans are modern spartans
we say only what needs to be said
Yet you're here for our amusement.
Midwest bants?
Exhibit C+
and i suppose your going to tell is that Sharia Law is the only way to get better at the bantz
>life is only economics
I agree.
Exhibit Weeb
>president is a nigger, the next one is either a retard or a woman
>homeland of modern feminism, sjw bs and all of brainwashing media content
>half population is black (what ain't white is black)
>We still have hope
>Implying you aren't an American
Some can handle the bantz, most can't. I don't know why.
They get immediately defensive and insulted instead of coming up with a good comeback and laughing about it.
Maybe it's especially when another country tries to bust balls, the default defense is "muh country better than yours".
>>homeland of modern feminism, sjw bs and all of brainwashing media content
But this shit came from Europe, mostly France. Your culture is based around intellectual masturbation, ours is based around pragmatic action. You ruined this country, France, just like you ruined your own in 1789.
Your European Jews were also the ones that ran the slave trade, so you can't even blame us for having niggers
banter is a gift given to those who have kissed the blarney stone
Although they've always been dumber in average than europeans, now they're probably reaching critical mass because of redditards and facebook users who learn about epic menmens
>this coming from literally the worst country on the entire planet
If I had feelings, I'd swear you were trying to hurt them.
Because we watch you fucking cucks banter while you watch the demise of your own country.
I can banter fine I don't come here for the banter. I come here to have my assumption validated and to curse about niggers.
I like a good laugh too but I mean I'm not on Sup Forums for sparkling conversations with extraordinary people from all over the world.
Im here to read, post, and blast anons who sometimes spit out their red pill.
Sorry, but wrong.
most of them are cucks.. For example: the ones who gonna reply to me with jew memes :^]
I have to agree
Why does ever Brit think he's as clever as a Monty Python skit? Often your banter isn't worth the conversation it ruins.
Just stop. Go start a shekelchan somewhere and jewpost there.
Literally every flag on this board hates you.
Why would a non-JIDF Israeli ever post on Sup Forums? I genuinely don't understand.
Banter is only banter when coming from a position of power. So for example, while Americans are only 60% white, they've never had 1400 little girls raped by foreign Muslims for over a decade under the knowing eye of police authorities. So Brit banter doesn't effect them, basically.
looks like we found the meme-spewing 15 year old.
you must be excited for summer, huh kiddo?!
>plz stop being such a big meanie :((((
>american banter about shooting shit up
>they actually shoot shit up the next day, wasn't a joke
That's why. You can't joke with people you can't trust.
Indian banter > American banter
Inb4 roach memes
Curiosity about world news and affairs outside my local kike media
F-fucking k-kikes.
It's y-your f-fault I don't h-have a g-g-girlfriend.
We're boring people. But at least we aren't as faggy or naive as Canadians.
Fuck you Canada.
because unlike your shit tier countries who relied on banter to distract you from the fact that your not number 1 in the world, Americans are #1 and thus have a deserved sense of superiority over you faggots
The Americans have a good balance of banter and seriousness.
British people can be obnoxious and pretend that they're in the universe of The Office because they can't handle sincerity and hard facts about life
the saddest thing? you guys unironically believe this
you live in a red/bible belt state, you are delusional.
if you live in new england or something though, fine.
all americans were not created equal.
sad for you my friend
Looks like we found a an idiot who replies to a non-meme post by complaining that it's meme spewing but lacks the ironic foresight to see their response is a meme.
Low level shit benny.
nice deflection. stay in school and enjoy babby's first election.
Well I am a born, raised and likely lifelong New Englander but fuck off despite the fact NE is god tier we don't look down on our fellow American kin no matter how stupid and plump or pleb they may be.
You have nothing going for your life. Kill yourself
>Inb4 roach memes
It mattered not roach.
Emu jokes are reddit tier ha ha emu war
>hurling insults at each other with no real humor
>it's just bantz
no, it's just retarded.
there's no comedic value in most "bantz."
Also we Americans know that all you foreigners have is banter so in our infinite kindness we don't want to upstage you and take that away so we hold back. We know that literally the only thing keeping you from stretching your neck is the ego boost you get via bantering.
Sad thing, fellow Ausbro, is that despite being on one of the most red-pilled sites on the internet, you are ignorant of the truth and choose to regurgitate the bullshit that Aus is no. 1 that you've learned from our retarded media.
Go out into the world and you'll see almost everything in Aus done better, somewhere.
So pull your fucking head in, cunt.
>They're always so autistic
Because most American 'males' are circumcised and circumcision is linked to autism:
Because kids in the US are taught from a young age that America is #1 and that they're unique and special and can do anything if they reeeeally put their mind to it.
Some of us grow up and actually take notice of the reality of the situation, but many don't. And when you intrude upon their illusion of "im the best" with banter or jokes at their expense, they get salty.
Must be tough being an american with sense of humor when you are mostly surounded by jumpy neurotics..
Whoops I should say jewess hag
>muh reddit
Waste of repeating digits.
Protip: Ausfags are good at dealing out bantz but a lot of us lose it if you give just as good back. ;^)
Comedic value is literally required for top bantz. Yukon count on it.
Thanks for Mark Carney by the way.
I just come here to read the shitposts.
Where did i say i thought Asutralia was "no. 1", settle down you projecting softcock
ive heard this before
>Emu jokes
Too soon?
I enjoy Strayan bantz the worst is fucking Britbongs though dryer than a fucking saltine cracker. Also Swedes, Fins and Norway fags get saltier than salted codfish when into bantz
Russia got to space before you Jew-cucked American fucks did. Also, your country has more niggers than Australia has people.
British 'banter' is the worst.
>Oi, I fugged yer mum in tha arsehole last week, ya bloody li'l buggah. Now now, don' be mad, I'm jus' takin' tha piss!
>I'm not mad, I just can't understand you. Speak English, motherfucker.
found the bong hiding behind a Strayan proxy as no Strayan shit posts that weak
Collecting rain-water is illegal in some states in the Land of the Free.
Every time an American tries to banter euros get super serious and say typical American education. If we pretend to be retarded we're just called retarded but if an Aussie says the same thing it's all 'lol Australia top tier banter Aussies do it again!'.
Except he wasn't fired for that
Oh hey look another butt hurt faggot .
>nigger you wish you live in eww sssss aaaaa .
>diet coke with that bacon nator.
>hold the fag countries .
>op btfo
You try living with a spook as president for 8 years nigel.
>all these bumflustered claps pulling the old 'tchuh, well, we don't care anyway coz we'z better than you I just had to reply to let you know that'
it's SO EASY
I bet you don't have a gun . Have fun with all those shit skins .