What's this feeling called?

What's this feeling called?

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running on empty

go time



uncanny valley

Nah it's different than all of that

It's sorta melancholic.
It feels like a 40 year old waitress with bags under her eyes at a diner in the middle of no where.


Late night


truckers midlife crisis



calmness for me

I know that feeling. Weirdly cozy.

When you've been driving for untold hours from day into the late night and you need to make a stop in the middle of nowhere at night and it's just unreal because you will never be there again and you're alone.

Yeah Nighthawks captures it well (the real one at least)

It's like nothing really matters and all we have are shining illusions of realness


>pic related, but more ominous

What I want to know what that feeling you get when you're in a car and it starts to rain is called.

this exact feeling is something that has always fascinated me. it's depressing and heartwarming at the same time. like shopping in the middle of the night in an empty 24h shop or like the peculiar humming of neon lights or like smoking in front of an open window at night with just the street lights lighting the room or again like looking at someone watching TV at night in a room where the tv screen is the only source of light. amazing

That's the 5 weeks old refrigated sandwich/preservatives for double digit moneys feeling

All is right in the world and God is in His Heaven

Frau Blücher

Yes, this guy gets the exact feel

Like it's comforting and sad at the same time

Food review

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I always see gas stations open at 3 am in the morning and random niggers hanging around them. I guess its a feeling or fear.

It's more reflective than that. But I get the safe feeling, sorta like the car is an island in the middle of some sea of something much, much worse

So like OP's feeling

We're talking about pure places without negroes

Top fucking kek

This pic is kind a shit
But when you're driving down a road with trees on both sides at night

What's this feeling?


It's that feeling where you just wanna step outside the gas station and walk off into the darkness, not to sound to emo but it's like I wanna be taken by the darkness like a blanket, not to death but to the world of the unknown. After all that's what darkness inspires, that fear of the unknown. For some people the darkness is associated with blindness, with nothingness but I get feels like the darkness is not nothing but rather everything we can't see, the subconscious world.


Relevant to this thread

All you youngfags here, read Hemingway. He'll grow more hairs on your chest than a shot of whiskey

Express non melancholic saudade

not night and not a road exactly, but maybe you'll like it still

I know what you're talking about.

Going somewhere but you can imagine you don't know where. Can't even see. Enveloped in darkness. Good feeling.

this gets me in a similar mood as OP's, though they're very different

This is super comfy.
It's like walking down a trail in the Cascades.

This pic gives me similar feels OP. Are we on the same page?


Everything is right in this picture.

Where the subject of the photo is isolated from the outside world, like it's own ecosystem completely independent from the rest of the world. Inside the workers are dealing with work, personal relationships, and other petty problems we take for granted each and every day. Their problems outside of work are irrelevant, because for that short amount of time it's just them.

It reminds me of Earth in space, where all of these things are happening around us, yet none of it directly affects us. It's just our planet with our problems and our lives.

this is now a comfy thread, i guess

A little bit, but not really

The first pic is like nothing else in the world is real it's just that station and nothing else

Whereas your pic is more like... A lit part of a dark world that still exists. There are people all around but they're asleep. And that's ok

sorta reminds me of the times when i lived in Paris and i would walk around at night in the 16th with only streetlights and sad music
>no, i did not get raped

he got raped

It is as Allah wished it

>It feels like a 40 year old waitress with bags under her eyes at a diner in the middle of no where.
> it's depressing and heartwarming at the same time. like shopping in the middle of the night in an empty 24h shop
>or like smoking in front of an open window at night with just the street lights lighting the room

This oddly hits the nail on the head.

I get this feeling when travelling late at night in an empty subway car.. Somehow disconnected from everything but also particularly sensitive to it all.

>tfw you will never be a classical hero wandering in the woods and happening across a bunch of qt3.1415926 water nymphs who wanna fuck

get got
the nymphs are actually succubi, roll to decide how much energy you lose for the next 5 turns.

Speaking of classical shit, The Odyssey has a kind similar feel as OP's pic
It'd be cool to have a modern Odyssey movie
Not like O Brother, but more serious like

alright, what was the text you just made me read about?

ok roll

niggers fucking ruin everything


not bad

this. its like and empty lonely feeling. and the longing for something new


It's about a lot of things
But it's mostly about the things that we think matter.

Everyone in that story disregards what everyone else things matters. The young waiter doesn't give a shit what the old man thinks is important. The old bartender doesn't think what the young man is important. The old man doesn't realize his niece cares about him.

The big part of the story is the whole "Our nada who art in nada" part
Our Nothing who art in Nothing.

Man, and people bitch about legoman's shit suffering from sameface.

im confused if this is a real or fake picture












it's not melancholy though, it's not completely depressive or sad, there's a sense of longing for something and maybe a bit of "holy fuck I wonder what's gonna happen" kind of thing. I dunno. I totally get what they're describing but I cant quite explain it.


Nostalgia, but not really.


a nostalgia for something that's not happened, like a future nostalgia

ah. thats the word. this picture is melancholy.



does anyone ever feel Ellipsism? sometimes it hits when im in bed, and it just makes me so depressed

No Twilight Zone people?

No idea

A big part of my life has focused around trying to capture that feeling. Or rather, trying to capture what that feeling leads to.
It feels like I'm on the edge of capturing something deeper that is always just out of reach. It's like a comforting feeling that's missing something from being truly fulfilling.

Then again, that's just life.


This is the song I always think of when I see pictures like this.

You mean solipsism?

I'm currently sitting alone in an apartment, rotting in the dark. I'm so hungry.

Alternative song

have a sandwich then


i get that too but i mean that, when you die, youre never gonna know what happens to the world after

It's 2:33am where I am now. I'm going to lean out of my window and have a smoke just feel this feel again.

There's got to be a term for it out there.

I can't. I'm too sad.

I'm not positive myself.

Goddamn why dont we just make a word

You never really knew in the first place

That's faggy though and pretentious