How do we fix millennials?
How do we fix millennials?
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We don't.
Don't give them the attention they starve for to validate their actions.
The same way you fix other generations. You don't. Millennials are the scapegoats of our time. Yea, there are some annoying fucks but thats applied in literally every demographic since antiquity.
With a baseball bat
By killing off all the baby boomers.
>Drown each and every last one in a shallow puddle
Oxygen thieves the lot of them.
They feed off attention whatever happen to shunning people it's a good nonviolent form of punishment.
The question of our time
>blaming the next generation
Make them work for a living, make NEETs illegal.
punch until we see improvement
What year were you born?
take away their blankies and let them cry it out
Mass genocide
Guns n cocaine
I have a bachelors degree in applied sciences for welding to do blue collar work and businesses in my field are offering me 14.50 to start - almost double minimum wage and it's not enough to get by.
I did everything by the book Baby Boomers gave me.
>Did well in school
>Went to college and got a degree
>Took a job that literally didn't pay me for a year
I work 60 hour weeks and I still have to hit up the food bank every week. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. I live very plainly in a small apartment. I did every fucking thing you Boomers told me to do and I'm the fucking problem?
stop whining
(85-95) we're broken, nothing can't be fixed
Nothing can be fixed*.
See (?)
Millennial's are kind of shit, mostly with the virtue signaling and false protesting. They're not all bad but most are I would say, definitely the laziest and most purposeless generation.
Generation Z will destroy them with their natural cynicism. All will be well soon.
ITT: Millenials bashing millenials.
Sup Forums's demographic right there
this chart is shit. its definition of millenials is too wide of a scope
Wait... Was that picture taken in Muncie Indiana?
You have a bachelor's degree in welding?
They're all roughly 14 years excluding the Lost and Greatest generations.
Just kicked in that you're well within the range, didn't it?
google it then nigger, it's literally the first thing that comes up.
Applied Sciences, all sorts of metal working from CNC to structure fabrication. Welding is just what I do 99% of the time.
How long did it take you to get your bachelors? Include your associate years as well.
research it. these numbers are incorrect
fuck you millennial
If you're actually good at welding, you should be making way more than that. Find a better job.
Get rid of them manufacturing robots first
14.50 per hour with a college degree is a complete rip off.
Take up selling/growing mushrooms.
Virtually no odor, cash crop.
omg wanna j-j-j-jam it in her pooper
Have them vote for trump
you don't say. welcome to the new reality.
Nuclear war.
>anyone got the nuke pepe with the goggles?
We take away their smart phones and such in addition to this
Because that way some of the problem people of this generation will be forced to adapt to hopefully something a little better. Of course, not all of this generation is a problem... but most seem to have a problem with being an individual who doesn't need a closed circle of like-minded people to justify their opinions or beliefs. This isn't because they are younger, because, it seems, that it's a problem more prevalent for all ages. This generation just exhibits a larger number of this particular type of person. I bet it was the same for the 'problem people" of Gen X and excreta.
Perfect logic you have there m8.
>I don't like what he said so i'll call him a millennial and say fuck you to him. That'll sure show that user.
are there really people born before 1980 on 4chang?
wait for them to grow up and get a taste of real life kicking their ass.
Im so glad im not a millenial.
Fuvk millennials they are so stupid and lazy.
Born 1990 here aww yeah.
>write them a feels-good song:
'Unhurt My Butt',
>[Sung to the tune of 'Unchain my heart']
Everybody, now, sing along, damn it.
Spill the beans let them know the earth is flat
Millennials are now in their mid 30's. I don't think a kid like you could understand what you just said makes no sense, but it makes no sense.
please see you fucking millennial.
If you're making that much and going to a food bank then you're living well beyond your means. Reel it in a bit and get some help managing your money.
where did uyou do applied science, cause I'm doing it now and my course is biology and chemistry
Can't tell if troll or idiot
Not realizing millennials are a super race growing up with PC's, you're fucked oldfag
Gas chamber.
The same way you "fix" dogs and cats.
>Spay & neuter.
Animals behave better once they're fixed. Millennials should, too.
Stop being an asshole.
Is this loli or a real girl?
Better question...
How do we fix generation Z?
It's not unreasonable depending on where he lives.
Roughly 2400/mo after taxes
Places like Denver see apartments for 1,400/mo easily if you don't want to live in the ghetto
300 for a car payment isn't unlikely.
Utilities/services easily 200
Single person can eat on 500/mo, being frugal we can even cut that to 300/mo
Leaving 200/mo after bills. The economy is fucked man.
Fuck off. The "greatest generation" and boomers are even more entitled, and at our expense.
You don't. you deal with it. You're gettin gold and don't understand the new generation. Go ask your parents what they think of your generation.
fuckin scumbag
late gen X, here
boomers are even worse
very proud of what they do, but still only able to slosh in their own shit, sometimes at best managing to fling it
it's simple as that: I've never even once seen a boomer do something even remotely properly: they might as well be potato monkeys, for all it'd change
and in spite of playing it tough, they're even more thin skinned than millenials
millenials at least easily are taught their place, being much too cowardly to confront anyone reminding them
though the total extermination of both these fucking faggot generations (the former always and ever in the closet, the latter proudly cum dripping), is an absolute necessity for mankind
Nice chart. Saved.
Wew lad
teach them how to work on those robots
am I a millennial at 34?
Step 1: Put up posters saying "Free 21 Pilots tickets"
Step 2: Build a giant oven
Step 3: ?????
Step 4: Profit
kinda hybrid
if faggy, millenial
else, X
gr8 b8 m8
Fix their parents first
Bullshit nigga I'm supporting a family of 3 on 14.50 an hour only working 40 hours a week. No welfare.
they are too far gone, no point saving them at this point.
It's pretty simple, stop giving them money. Fuck kknows they aren't eating on their own.
anyone who isn't a millennial and is on this site is either too old or young to be here
An entire generation was fucked over before yours. Once the Boomers die, things will improve.
Sounds like you live on the south end of town and feed your kids mostly ramen and tuna helper.
All I know is the testosterone levels of males has been on a steady decline over the last 80 years.
Gmo's, medications, lifestyle. Pussyfication.
Hey there's a lot of single moms in the black community, rare they stay at Wal-Mart long enough to make $14.50 though.
SNAP and Section 8 counts as welfare btw.
Got some data?
According to what you said you make ~$3500 a month. If you can't live off that you're a moron not a victim.
>What are taxes?
This website is ground zero for what is wrong with millenials.
Start by fixing yourself.
what's wrong with that? too many people in the world already. less testosterone = less sex = fewer people. sounds good to me
Nukes are coming anyway bud.
I love coming on this site to watch the angry virgin Sup Forums neckbeard robots yell at millenial projections of themselves with comments like "stop complaining" and "get a job" to make themselves feel better about their failures.
It's more embarrassing and hilarious than the actual failures of the millenial generation who don't yell at others. Pained hypocrites are delicious.
Oh hey, I'm not a Millennial apparently.
I'd start by fucking that chick on the right. She's cute.
I enjoy playing the devil's advocate on this one, so maybe we can actually have a good discussion on Sup Forums for once. Probably not, I'll be called a whiny privilege bitch who doesn't know what it's like to work hard, but idrc. I have had arguments with my dad and uncle (even though I agree that most millennials are attention whores whose most important driving factors in life are being seen doing "cool shit" and being the center of attention) about "fixing" millennials.
Some background: I (and most my friends) are solidly middle class; not rich, but parents make enough money that we don't get free shit for college or govnt assistance. Most of us are graduating (or have recently graduated) from uni.
Points that frequently come up:
>Get a better job if you want $
Minimum wage is supposed to be a way of making a bit of cash, not to live on. Its much harder to get a living wage job as a millennial than it was for previous generations. Both my dad and uncle got jobs straight out of high school paying ~9 and ~7 times minimum wage respectively, as did the majority of their friends. I have friends who have gone to college, applied to hundreds of jobs related to their fields (STEM, marketing, econ, bio and chem, not just liberal arts) and get no responses for 98% of them, me included. Furthermore, """"entry"""" level positions often have minimum requirements of 3+ years experience in different areas, and showing up to interviews I see more 30-40 year olds at entry level positions than I do people around 22.
If you can't possibly make a living wage even though you have done all the right steps as told to us by the previous generation, what the fuck are you supposed to do? I know people with bachelor's and Master's degrees in fields that "matter" working as burger flippers and bartenders because there's literally nothing else for them. Meanwhile, the debt they were in from college accrues faster than their wages minus living expenses can possibly hope to pay off.