What is your view on the israel-palestine conflict?
I personally dont understand how israel was just created because its seems to be because of "biblical reasons". Why did the world just accept that as an answer to why they deserve the land? Why couldnt the Jews purchase their land like normal people instead of forcing out the living palestinians and why did the israelis take the west bank as well?
I dont understand why the situation is so complicated. Israel seems to be clearly in the wrong and the only justification for them stealing land is "muh promised land". God didn't even like the jews toward the end of the bible....
I think a two state solution with an emphasis on human rights is a good place to start
Josiah Butler
>God didn't even like the jews toward the end of the bible lmao they don't believe in the New Testament...
Colton Barnes
The issue really is complex and I just have to say: FUCK THE JEWS
Jonathan Fisher
Your asking a bunch of autistic retards and transvestites about dat holy land >never crossed your mind you are neglecting something in your life But ok one state solution
Joseph Thompson
its not possible atm because the israeli prime minister refuses to acknowledge palestine. Most isaelis actually believe the land is theirs
Ayden Howard
I support Israel. Jesus will return. The armies of the world will gather to Israel. Mohamhead is a pedo and a false prophet.