Which part of her body would you like your penis to be inside?

which part of her body would you like your penis to be inside?

Excuse me is this the designated endurance fap competition thread?

It could be, if you answer my question

Left ear

Her eyesocket



sorry typo, i mean the pussy

The medulla oblongatta

Her right arm

better answer, would you like me to hold a competition?

Well if you insist

mons pubis

no no whatever you want.

I would not be against it

i wan tick it in her bohunk

does anyone else want it?

don't judge
i'm too small for other holes


sweaty, slightly fuzzy armpit

Slit throat and fuck trachea

I'd want her to suck my dick while I fuck her ass.

not op but here you fags go

and again









and this is the last one

She is purty. Just a stupid goddamn navel piercing.

I'd rather her penis be inside me