It's 2017, and your not licking your girls feet. What's wrong with you?
It's 2017, and your not licking your girls feet. What's wrong with you?
Lol ibwas recording my best friends feet this morning and she was spreaded so her panties are in the vid too. The thing is that when i came home i watched the vid and she made eye cobtact with the camera and closed her legs kek
Dubs in win, post imminent?
Post it
But I do
Last week i finally grew some balls and finally told my girl about my fetish. Never tasted feet before that day. Best decision ever and she told me that she loves how it feels to get her toes sucked. Life's good
>2017 assuming I can get a girl
y do i suddenly like feet and always jerk on my gf feet? cant stop so gud
Great for you, user. I've never tasted feet and its not gonna happen anytime soon tho. I asked a prostitute some time ago but never did it because eww, Prostitute feet.