Reminder that Australian aboriginals are not human, they are a subspecies that survived only due to Western pity

Reminder that Australian aboriginals are not human, they are a subspecies that survived only due to Western pity.

Australia is the only continent on earth where there were no villages or built settlements before the advent of White Men. Aboriginals are little more than cave dwelling Neanderthals.

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Nobody is going to refute this

Political correctness will have you believe these cave dwellers are equal to you.

someone post the video of the guy playing piano before handing it off to 2 orcs

I like the fact that they are addicted to huffing gas.

>Aboriginals are little more than cave dwelling Neanderthals.
Come on mate, don't be ridiculous. Only the rich ones had caves.

What do you call an abo with a sheet of corrugated iron? Home owner.
What do you call an abo with two sheets of corrugated iron? Real estate agent.
What do you call an abo with a car? Theif.

This is pretty insulting to Neanderthals to be honest l.a.d.s.

>yfw the ones in Tasmania literally lost the ability to make fire
Fucking Homo erectus could make fire. Boongs are literally less intelligent than boongs.

Neanderthal blood is what makes the white man superior to the negro breeds including Australoids. You need to get woke OP.

*less intelligent that H. erectus lel. Although I guess island boongs are indeed less intelligent than mainland boongs.

Reminder that Aborigines were the last pure race of humans. Untainted by greed and shallow materialism, traits inherent to the white races of Europe.

We haven't learned from their example, respecting the land around you is the only way to prosper. Now we are on the verge of destroying the very planet that has housed all generations of our species.

That's some high power shit posting.

What did god do after creating abos?
Wiped his ass and flushed the toilet.

Non australian's may be wondering "Why do australians call abos 'boongs'?'

That's the sound an abo makes went you hit it with your car.

Holy shit, Tasmania was so abundant that the people devolved. Literally welfare state conditionS

There were tons of villages on Antarctica, huh?

They aren't that dumb, apparently. This one has worked out how to use a computer.

Once there was an abo walking down the side of the road and saw a half empty can of VB.
He was incredibly thirsty and fancied himself a taste of a luxurious white man's beverage so he picked up the can to indulge himself.
He brushed the dirt off the outside of the can and genie emerged and offered him 3 wishes.
The abo asked for the first thing that came to his mind, "Give us a ciggie brus?".
ALAKAZAM! The genie granted his wish and the abo sat down contemplating what to do with his other two wishes as he enjoyed his smoke.
He was a particularly smart abo, so he saw the opportunity for some self improvement, "I want to be white."
ABRACADABRA! The genie granted his wish and suddenly the abo was a white man with blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes.
Fair dinkum the abo thought. There was just one more thing he wanted.
"I never want to have to work again for the rest of my life!"
SHAZAM! He was an abo again.


Abo threads give me hope for this world

how the fuck did they think this was a good idea? i stopped the video 2 seconds after the abo started """""""""""""singing"""""""""""""""""" because it was physically painful.

Are you an abo? What is it like to be a subspecies? Do you have heightened instincts?



Antarctica has never been populated with a native human subgroup. So yes, no villages or settlements before white men came there.

After many years of complaints from abos the australian government decided it was time to grant them indigenous land rights.
The agreement was that aboriginals would be granted any land that chose in australia to become their sacred homeland.
The aboriginals all got together to vote on which land the australian government should give them to become their traditional home.
After a few days of discussion they were ready to vote.
The australian government received the results and it was unanimous.
"We choose liquorland"

Aliens, yo.

>the look on the pianist's face during the "singing"

>Are you an abo? What is it like to be a subspecies? Do you have heightened instincts?

Not that I disagree with the fact that they are suspiciously "different", but you seem to use the word "subspecies" like if it meant something bad.

If they are a subpspecies of Homo sapiens, we are too. (Homo sapiens sapiens)
In the very same way that both wolves and dogs are subspecies of Canis lupus. (lupus lupus for the wolves and lupus familiaris for the dog)

Just to make things clear.

Which would you rather have as a pet: a wolf or a dog?

Now, which would you rather share a country with: an abo or a whitey?

I already said that I agree with that.

You do not understand. You were implying that being a subspecies is bad.
Whites are a subspecies too.
"Sub" in this context has a taxonomical use. It does not imply "inferior". Was just trying to educate you on the matter.

You missunderstand mate. All races are different subspecies of human.

The word you are looking for is subhuman.

Abos are subhuman.

They are human
They're just humans with shitty genes and a shittier culture

>They are human
(citation needed)

>Little more than cave dwelling neanderthals.

Evidence points that Neanderthals were actually highly intelligent, possibly more than homo sapiens of the time. I wouldn't even compare the two. They were just bred out of existence.

races are not subspecies at all. You sir are dumb.

Genetically similar to the point of being the same species

Is this an average abo or just an extreme example?

Good goys

>races are not subspecies at all. You sir are dumb.

There is greater genetic variance shown between human sub species than there is between many other species which have always been regarded as distinct (separate) species. We can quantify the exact genetic difference between human sub species, but it is still true because it hurts my feelings.

Also, Right-wingers are dumb because they ignore science...

-Signed Carl the Cuck

Average pure Abo... The normal looking ones have been mixed with whiteys

Technically a Chihuahua can breed with a mastiff, or a wolf. They are different subspecies despite that. Humans are animals in exactly the same way. We are not all "equal" or "the same"

Holy shit, they actually lost the ability to start fires... like, how. How does this tier of devolution even occur?

>Citing an exception to the rule
Nigger my professor roasted the people who decided the tiger sub-species. We are deeply aware of the rare contradictions in our system.
I already stated the same thing. They are humans but have shittier genes. Jesus fuck read please.

Can we gather them all into one spot and napalm theml?

Are there a lot of "abo burner" skanks?

>little more than cave dwelling Neanderthals.

I wish you wouldn't disparage the neanderthals like that.

We don't get these pics from racists taking photos of freaks.

These photos come from news sources, they are photos or abos that achieved something newsworthy.

They are photos of the best of the best aboriginals.

>intelligent peoples bred out of existence
Seems familiar

>Guy playing on piano
>Not my cup of tea but at least he's legible and sounds pleasant
>Stops playing and singing
>Abbos start
>Bang two sticks together
>Start grumbling and grunting
>The awkwardness is palpable
>They look and sound like a two autistic kids that thought it'd be funny to join the talent show and act retarded
>Pianist quickly starts playing again so the Abbos don't look completely fucking retarded
This is so fucking cringey and painful

No, they are subspecies similar to homoerectus or homo habilis.

Does this lady know that she's ugly?

Do you think she knows what ugly means?

Fucking MagHar!

>My professor disputes scientific facts because it exposed the hypocrisy of the "one race, human race" meme.

Why is american education completely run by antiracist leftists?

>mfw I make a yuge mistake

Complete silence as these fucking abos start banging sticks together and groaning.

Where's you source on that claim?
Cool shitpost brah.

>Reminder that Australian aboriginals are not human
Reminder that such fascist propaganda will end you in jail in Russia. Say no to degeneracy!

It's the sad reality, shitskins really have no concept of environmental responsibility, contraceptives, or personal responsibility. Why do you think all of these "refugees" have 8 young kids? Like your in the middle of a warzone but somehow its cool to bring 8 more little rats into the world?

>Australia is the only continent on earth where there were no villages or built settlements before the advent of White Men

To be fair, they tied with Antarctica

Homo habilis and homo erectus are completely different species you illiterate. Homo is a genus not a species.

Don't compare Neanderthals to these disgusting beasts.

I think we are ugly to them

How about this, you white apologist.
>Being such a good goy that you can't comprehend that humans are animals

Isn't abo men getting so horny they rape White women on sight the cause of the majority of mixed abos?

That would be raciss you white dog cunt! She's a beautiful human being.

Can't you see there is literally no difference between aboriginals and whites!?!?

I mean come on!! It's the current year!!


Yes, variations in skull shape.
The genes still show that we're identical to the point of being the same species. You can't disprove DNA.

Neanderthals were the first Europeans. The colloquialism that Neanderthals were backwards overlooks that Cro-Magnon interbred with them and other early hominids to create modern man. The differences in distribution of early hominid interbreeding strongly correlate with race.

>argument from privilege
Your view is painfully amerocentric. Spoiled and brought up in a society that is counter to natural order. Natural order is that you have as many children as you can feed. That is how humans took over the Earth. We didn't rise from the wilds by saying "gee it's hard out here, I shouldn't have any children until conditions are perfect". Conditions are never perfect.

We also share a large amount of DNA with chimpanzees. Are you arguing that we are on an equal footing with aboriginals or are you just playing at devil's advocate.


Stop insulting Neanderthals.


At what percentage is "identical"? We share ~99% of our DNA with chimps.

It's probably the fault of white women as always, that's why I was asking: White strumpets always racemix.

Yeah and we share 40% with lettuce. Its the level of similarity between groups of humans that makes us the same species.


Wow, can you not?

You just BTFO of your own argument. GG. I refer you back to the images of sub-species of birds.

I just said its the level of similarity. We are on average 99.5% similar which is a massive difference in comparison to Chimpanzees. You can't argue well in regards to genetics if you don't even know anything besides pseudo-intellectual phrases.

Not an argument.

This was like the meme when I was in 5th grade. Before memes were officially a thing.

europeans are nothing but race-mixing degenerate cucks then.

Yes it is. You need to understand genetics if you're going to argue about genetics.

And are subspecies of birds ~99.5% similar? Yes, yes they are. So why then does this standard not apply to humans?

You just completely contradicted yourself. That's exactly what we're saying.

Well yeah, look at sweden today

all whites are niggers.

No I did not. You don't understand my point. There are massive differences in regards percentages.
Already stated that there are exceptions to the rule as individual biologists often will designate what are subspecies. The human genome has been studied enough to the point that scientific consensus is that we are the same species just like dogs are.

Don't open this link unless you planned to be masturbating to an aboriginal woman today. If they aren't human, why does your dick want inside one so badly?


i'd rather fuck a roo

Sorry, we evolved past burning down the world around you and cannibalizing children for 40 thousand years

So you are asserting that there then is no standard for designation of subspecies. If this I true, then you cannot argue against the designation of abbos being a subspecies, as it is based solely on perception and subjective analysis as opposed to scientific measure.


You couldn't even see what she looks like, but I'm glad I got to see three minutes worth of cock and balls.

But that's what we're saying! The decision to classify humans into different subspecies is a subjective decision, decided by leftist progressive geneticists. They hold humans to a different standard than every other animal.

There are exceptions to the rule. How many times do I need to say that? This is like explaining why there are exceptions to chemical reactions in organic conjugated dienes to someone who has no idea what a hydrocarbon is let alone the octet rule.

Science isn't based on votes, sir.

Even the cherry picked ones are ugly af. How sad

>Wise Aboriginal Elders

The Mexican Intellectuals from down under

You're right, there's absolutely no difference between this and you average white woman.

Completely indistinguishable.

Nothing you say is proving that we aren't different subspecies..

>A common way to decide is that organisms belonging to different subspecies of the same species are capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring, but they do not usually interbreed in nature due to geographic isolation, sexual selection, or other factors. The differences between subspecies are usually less distinct than the differences between species.
>a polytypic species has two or more subspecies, races, or more generally speaking, populations that need a separate description.

You are implying that the only way to determine subspecies is through dna. That is only one way of determining subspecies, you are refering to cryptic species.
>Cryptic species are morphologically similar, but have differences in DNA or other factors.

You deny the differences between races and classify them below subspecies only because you are afraid of being racist.

Why is it an issue that we've designated all humans as the same species? Genetically we are close enough to be the same species but there are genes like in dogs that produce a lot of variations
Actually it is. Except people like you or I who have no weight in the consensus aren't considered in terms of opinions.