Which one will be more prosperous in 20 years?
Europe vs USA
Trick question by 2002 global warming will have caused the oceans to rise and we'll all be living on boats or dead.
The Euro currency will crash in the next years
Several million fighting-age male Islamic muslims
vs. Donald Trump as president
Eurabia will collapse and begin fighting each other and US will have a civil war before we begin to rise into our rightful place as the first and last empire to rule the entire globe.
In 20 years the US I'd say. We will have to spend the next two or three decades cleaning up the shit our current traitor leaders are causing.
Europe in 20 years
>full of shitskins
US in 20 years
>full of niggers and latinos
Both will be shit.
Europes and Americas time is over, this will be the century of Asia
I live in the Rockies. I'll be just fine.
Nigger population is stable thanks to them killing each other and abortion. Hispanics are a different story but hopefully we can reduce immigration of all kinds and then dilute those who are here.
Interesting. But won't Yurop and America simply retain the wealth? I don't see how it would all transfer to East Asia when they're under the thumb of the west.
West Europe will become muslim shit hole and East Europe will be less shit than it is now, but still mostly shit.
Canada is the only place that won't turn into a third world shithole within the next decade.
It won't turn into one because it's already there
Maybe you.
I live in the bavarian alps
Well, we do too, the last 24 years of statism have been terrible. Our problems aren't as bad as yours, but there is a lot of shit to fix in only 8 years of Trump. And then after that? Who knows, very high likelihood it goes right back to business as usual. Or Trump's regime sparks a new Golden era of Americanism, and it won't be as easy for corporate shills to get elected anymore.
>In 20 years
Europe will be a prosperous Islamic caliphate in 20 years.All degenerate behavior would be outlawed, gays would be hanged, feminism would be completely eradicated and women would be stripped out of their rights and taught traditional family values again.How can USA even compete with this ?
>europe will be overrun with degeneracy and muslims
>united states will be overrun with automation, degeneracy, and poverty
We're inching towards another dark age, senpai.
The west has failed, its up to the east now.
Not quite. While Canada is indeed way up there, the HDI projects that Japan, Australia, France, and Spain will be better places to live. You're pretty lucky that all your immigrants are Asian.
It depends who the great superpower 20 years from now, India, is friendlier with.
well, if we take a look at european and american economics of the past 20 years and apply those as a reference for the coming 20, then Europe will be the clear winner.
why would Greece be higher on that list than germany?
we still own that place in 2030
> By 2002
well, i remember them saying that this is how the world would look like in 2002, back in 1992
and according to the Waldsterben shit from the 80s, there would be no forests left right now.
thats the joke
in 2000, lefties were all saying that we will be drowing in melted icecaps by the year 2002.
Middle-East vs Africa. I guess Arabs win this one.
Based Genghis
Good goy, it was never ever been about EU vs US but about Rich vs Poor, we both will eat dirt while our elites will laugh at us from above and drinking wine together.