Saw this ad at a craft store

Saw this ad at a craft store..

Other urls found in this thread:

>best of all, they can get wet



How big are they and can I fuck them


They are waterproof dumb pedofag
18.5 retard unit
Something like 50 centimetres
No you can't fuck them dumb nigger
Only the japs sell pedo dolls

check the youtube reivews then

Why is it the best part then?

do they have slits? if they do, i can make it work

Because the daughter I hope you never will have can take her doll with her while bathing

How should I know?
I suppose not
Just buy a sonic plushie

little girls like to take their dollies into the bath with them

source: had a little girl in my house for a year

inb4 rape jokes

>Saw this ad at a craft store..

no you didnt. you saved an image from the internet and posted it.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>joke's on you, I was only pretending to be retarded
They could have said that though.

Triggered faggot

he is triggered, isn't he?

He sure is

>inca gold in rio de janeiro
American education

>like to take their dollies into the bath with them
so do creepy pedoforks

I bet you can fuck it.