Fooling around with new girlfriend

>fooling around with new girlfriend
>only been dating 6 weeks
>did it 5 times. 3 blowjobs
>tonight, first time 69
>she has an orgasm
>crawls away from me and convulses by my feet
>I ask her if she's ok
>she literally jumps on my head, facing the wall
>she sits on my face and grabs the headboard with both hands
>Starts grinding her vagina on my mouth
>I try to stick my tongue out, but my tongue can't lift a whole person
>hear muffled sound of her having orgasm
>eventually feel something warm in my mouth
>takes me a second to realize it's urine
>there is literally warm urine pouring into my mouth
>the stream intensifies
>I try to turn my head but her thighs are gripping me
>I start to verbally object
>inhale a mouthful of her urine
>Start coughing uncontrollably
>try to sit up but can't, she's grabbing the headboard
>panic and freak the fuck out cause I can't breath
>vomit vertically
>it comes out of my nose
>she finally realizes that I'm not into someone peeing in my mouth
>she gets off of me
>looks at my face covered in vomit and urine
>she laughs
>push her off of the bed and go to the bathroom and shut the door.
>still in here. she's asking me if I'm ok through the door.
>don't know what to say.
>this has never happened to me before.

What the fuck. Why can't I find a normal girlfriend?

Other urls found in this thread:

Cuff her and cum in her pussy. Don't ask. Just do it

How can you say you love her if you can't even drink her pee?

Go out n do what u want on her. Don't ask, do it.

Obviously you need to piss in her mouth.

>inb4 twenty three lance crawfords demand pics, dna sample and blood type of story rather than just accepting a premise for the sake of the Sup Forums community

Lucky man user. This is my fetish.

File rape charges and break up with her. Use this thread as evidence.

>expecting anyone to know who Lance Crawford is when he doesn't even come up in a Google search

You found yourself one fucked up girl.
See how far you can go. Segway into her needing to be taught a lessin in respect and self control.
Tie her down and force her to almost cym over and over.
Spank her.
Tease her.
Then right when she is about to cum. Start fucking her deep and hard as u can while spanking her.
Make her convulse and say "im a good fucktoy sir" as you cum seep in her.
Knock her up.
Fuck her like crazy for the rest of your life.

Segways are expensive and pointless, only airport security use them. You are fucking stupid.

@ 8:20

First of all... lol
Maybe don't do this tonight. Just go out and act cool.
>Get her to give you a blow job in the future
>At the right time hold her jaw firmly with both your hands and proceed to pee right down her throat
>hold her firmly, cause she might bite your dick
What do you reckon?

Low quality b8 bud

Fake as fuck op..

More like

>be faggot OP
> never had a gf in his life
>i know! Ill post fake story of something i saw on pornhub once
>pic related of OP and actual gf

>being intelligent enough to use 'segway' as a transitionary phrase.
>Not intelligent enough to know it's spelled 'segue'

I'm not even into that fetish and I've still gotten my mouth pissed into.

She was clearly enjoying it so much she either didn't realize she did it or she just got carried away. You're doing something right, my dude, and if you dump her coz of this, just know you lost a great fuck.

Jesus Christ, learn how to Google.

>Fucked up girl
>See how far she'll go.... spanking her with a but if light domination then fairly standard sex? Is that it?

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>not being smart to avoid a obvious troll


Dude stop being a fag. She had a orgasim so good she couldnt hold her pee. Embrace that shit bro


@ 8:20

>it's you

Only newfags post this. The rest of us consider it a given.

Why the fuck do you faggots have to constantly have to pull the moral high ground and tell us all it's fake? I fucking hate people like you.
>the story was well written and I want to believe

>dating a woman so fat a man can't lift her

American detected

samefag, red in the face and vibrating from the shame of being caught out tries damage control

Looks even more like a pathetic faggot.

Since when is using that word a sign of being intellectual?

You start light.
Soon he will be doing buttplay and bondage and have her eating his cum out of a dog dish that says "daddy's little slut"

Shit in her mouth

OP, I'm sorry to tell you that you were just raped. Report to your nearest feminist authority so that they can unrape you.


This seems pretty valid.

>Why can't I find a normal girlfriend?
They don't exist. Try not being such a faggot and enjoy it. Also tell her to ask first next time (she was a bit rude).

Obviously fake.

I really wish you people who come here to LARP would get your own board.

wow good job user, you did a just felt you must tell everyone for approval? fuck off

um broster this is the LARPing board just look at the description below "Sup Forums - Random" maybe u should just be less buttblasted dudesbergstein

Well I lolled. Top notch work friend.

>I really wish you people who come here to LARP would get your own board.
We already have one. It's called Sup Forums.
Fictitious stories is the purpose for this board existing. Sup Forums is a confinement board for larping and bait, which is why no one ever gets banned for it.

Unfortunately, this place got ruined in 2008 by a tidal wave of newfags who never lurked moar, such as yourself.
The result is the same tired old thread topics and redundant bullshit being posted over and over and over again with literally no creativity or original content ever being generated.

You and your ilk drove away all of the creative people with your ever-present demand for proof on a board dedicated to fiction.

>Why can't I find a normal girlfriend?
Good luck. You are doomed to find the level of crazy you are willing to deal with. Choose wisely

>projecting this hard
fucking virgins man


why would i even do the legwork on a bullshit joke ur trying to meme

>implying you didn't watch it.

Seriously, get the fuck off of Sup Forums and never come back.

No, you.

I didn't

you try too hard

wow...yup you caught me

I like your style

Kill yourself

fuckin chach

Obvious bait

Hey hey hey guys over here look at me hey look...Guys you wont believe it a girl came in my mouth and it made me puke....look at me guys


You've just been assaulted

walk out and beat the fuck out of her


>peeing with a boner

>wait till shes asleep
>take laxative
>explode on her face

What the fuck bro hahahahahah

Looks like it's time for an exorcism

You just got waterboarded with piss. Are you fucking a CIA operative?

deepthroat her, empty your bladder straight into her stomach and tell her dont eve do that shit again or she will get worse next time

if 2 people truly love each other they wouldnt have to change who they are, he shouldnt have to drink her pee if he doesnt want to

>implying you can't full throttle squirt into some girls mouth
Get on my level

"Swing and a miss"

sounds to me you have a solid girlfriend dude. Post nudes and ask her to fuck her friends

I got hard reading this...gimme her number

what kind of a twink are you? you can't shrimp out from a girl or throw her off you?

is she like 200lbs?

Always imagine the girl in these stories being some really hot skinny girl. But it's probably just a fat ugly girl who smells.

Nice try, King Cuck.

>ask for apology fuck
>piss in pussy
>360 and walk away