Is smoking degeneracy?

Is smoking degeneracy?

Should it be banned in public?

No and no.

Yes and yes.

Both No.

But it should be banned in bars and other enclosed rooms.

I dont mind people smoking next to me, but some people go to a cafè with their children and those should not breathe tobacco smoke.

Why is it not degeneracy?

>You willingly fuck yourself up
>It has 0 effects on your brain other than it addicts you
>Your breath will smell of shit
>You will smell of shit
>0 medical purposes
>Most educated people don't smoke in the first place

The only reason smoking hasn't been banned is because Jews profit off of it.
You fell for the Jew meme.

Smoking is probably the most badass thing you could do. Besides maybe killing everybody in the EU


Yes and yes

Yes and no.

The government should have no say on what an individual can and can't do to their own body, but equally should not be responsible for shouldering the burden of paying to help those who fuck themselves up.

If that's your policy to stop smoking, that won't work. So no. Instead try to become a decent country that doesn't want to smoke, from its own virtues.

Oh wait, I somehow missed the "in public" part at the end of the OP.

I wouldn't say banned, but it should probably be restricted to separate areas so that those that wish so may avoid smoke.

Should jerking off on other people's food considered degeneracy?

Should it be banned?

Not if semen is correctly listed as one of the ingredients, fampai.

No drugs
No alcohol
No cigarettes

Yes and yes. Smoke in your homes or on your property, you're just hurting yourself and others by doing it in public. It also makes you smell like shit and is a terrible addiction.

>Should it be banned in public?

It's pretty much already banned in public , with exception of very few designated smoking streets.

If you actually think second hand smoke harms you more than just living in a city, you're mentality deficient. Second hand is no more harmful than car exhaust.
If businesses want to ban it, that's fine, govt should have no say though, essentially outdoors where it doesn't matter.


You are from the pirate kingdoms i see.


It is degeneracy. No shit! But it shouldn't be banned because we should have the freedom to choose whether to quit or not. Also if banned they'd end up being sold by cartels and mafias and that's just more nasty crime.

Every non-smoker I ever met was a faggot.

Gas them all.

t. 15 years old


When you smell like shit, breath out shit and look like shit, guess what people are going to treat you as?

People bitching about second hand smoke are retarded. Smoking outside on a sidewalk and someone with a baby in a stroller glares at you... what about the motherfucking cars and trucks spewing exhaust 24/7? Fuck off

And cigarettes smell good, just like coffee

They usually want to fuck me.

Because they're a bunch of faggots.

to clarify I don't mean they smell like coffee, I mean LIKE coffee, they smell really fucking good even if you're not having any

I cannot tell you how fucking infuriated I get when some asshole is smoking in front of/around me as I'm walking down the street.

On my way to work, there's this one block where every morning, a huge line of people just stand outside the doorways and smoke around 10 AM. Construction is being done on the opposite side right now, so I have no choice but to walk through all the goddamn smoke. It makes me fucking sick, and I hate smokers for being selfish assholes.

Fuck smoker's rights. What about non-smoker's rights? I have a right not to have to be forced to inhale their second-hand anytime they decide to take a puff around me.

Yes and yes and I say this as a smoker. My life would be better if my dumb ass hadn't been able to pick up this habit when I was 18.

>dat left ventricle

How can whitey even compete?

you forgot the strain it puts on the hospital community

Healthcare wouldn't be so expensive if people could stop stuffing their faces or smoking

I love to smoke and I love to drink. If I die early so be it. At least I won't have to suffer under the rule of Islam.

Yes. No, and in cases like my city, it should be up to owners of the establishment if they allow smoking in said building. The government should have no say in whether or not patrons can smoke in a building.

[spoiler]some people go to a cafè with their children[/spoiler] THESE MOTHERFUCKING NGIGERS SHOULD BE HANGED FIRST, id rather take my chances with someone smoking beside me, than the little nigger making me want to beat the shit out of the mom / dad for ruinining my coffe

how old are you? Im glad its gone, some of us remember getting stuck in the smoking section of restaurants as a kid because it was the only open seat. In the 80's it was awful, everyplace had a cloud of smoke and it stinks being stuck inside a building with a whole group smoking

Only cucks smoke

I dont smoke but a lot of men I know does and Im ok with that.

>I don't mind breathing in burning chemicals that just came out of someone else's mouth
>That flag

Germans love being cucked even by cigarettes!

Let people do what they want with their body

People who smoke in busy streets are the most annoying and inconsiderate people. Literally a cloud of cancer comes flying at you when you are behind them and when you try to walk quickly in front of them, they look at you as if you have a problem with them smoking. Its disgusting. If you want to smoke, smoke in your own homes where you don't poison everyone around you.

It should be banned period

>it's the only I'd be able to quit

weak satire or are you really this stupid?

I don't even care anymore. I've grown so tired of everything that I might start drinking and smoking.

Alcohol does the same thing. Should that be banned too?

>And cigarettes smell good, just like coffee

Not all that glitters

Yes and no.


Ban it & watch another drug being legislated

Its not halal or ? Muhammad, leave. Next thing you know you'll call for alchocol bans.

I believe they already are. They truly have been conquered. I almost feel sorry for them, almost.

Yeah fuck those guys for doing something legal in a public space where its allowed, what a prickjob that was.

Fuck your rights, What about everyone elses rights? I have a right to not have to be forced to see your dumbfuck face in public and be exposed to your ugly mug anytime you decide to go outside.

>don't ban it in public
>ban it in private bars
Ahmed, no wonder your country is fucking retarded.

Smokers cost the health service less, cause they die sooner