Why are you a liberal?

Why are you a liberal?

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Because I love my fellow man, and want a better future for all our children.

Forks can only do one thing

There is too much greed and fear in our country.

Retarded forks can do 0

You can still use that fork. If you can't then perhaps you're the retarded one.

Republicans can say the same too. Principled conservaties also take in to account that things like cause and effect exist and that you can't always do what is 'good' because it helps our fellow man, because it may have long term negative consequences.

I can eat my own poop on daily basis also

That fork is a burden on everyone and despite being able to awkwardly use it, it would be better for everyone if the fork were gone.

As a child, I was taught to treat others with decency and respect.

I see disposability.

What a waste of perfectly good eating utensils. You bourgeoisie pigs need to be killed.

I'm not a bigot.

Is it because its handle is bigger than other forks'?
Is it because it can slay any spoon it wants?
What is it?

We live in a society with a lot of shitty useless people. The options are to kill all the shitty people or to try and take care of them (or else they start rioting and fucking shit up even more for everyone else).

Eugenics is a slippery slope and is generally not all that popular...so taking care of shitty people at the cost of some economic progress seems like the better option.

Also we have growing economic inequality already and I don't see any realistic way that deregulation will cause the rich to not try and consolidate even more wealth.

what does a liberal actually mean in the us, politically?
I'm really curious since I'm not american

I autistic

>Being unique is dumb
>Inverts original colors before posting


Words have different meanings globally.

What is a classic libertarian in Europe is different to an American libertarian.

Please define terms desu

Everyone is unique. I'm just more unique.

Can't into this so better off telling everyone their dumb

Any spoon.

>look mom I bent a fork
It's wasteful and any deviantart fag could do the same thing if they could afford metal cutlery

to prevent the creation of offensive memes.

Because I'm a moron and you're a racist homophobe

The problem is in the user not in the fork. Anyone can do anything, but can they.

Is still pretty to look.

To unite all autists within our nation

Because I don't let a poorly-written thousand-year-old book make all my decisions for me.

Typically, anAmericanwho is in support of more personal freedoms, (the right for everyone to vote, marry, protest, etc.) but less economic freedom (in favor of regulated economy and higher taxes for the rich). Aliberalfalls to the left of the center on a lateral political spectrum, as opposed to a conservative, who falls to the right. A conservative tends to support more economic freedom (less regulation of business and lower taxes for everyone) but less personal freedom (e.g. only straights should be allowed to marry,sexshould only be between married heterosexuals, recreational drugs should be illegal)

>all our children.
>Republicans can say the same too.
No they can't. Don't even try.


O look other forks are sure as fuck not retarded.


I've always found this dichotomy interesting. Are personal/economic freedoms considered necessarily mutually exclusive?

Why do conservatives treat traditionalism as the holy grail of worldviews when progressive approaches are literally the only way for the world to improve?

Why do liberals assume all conservatives are selfish cockwombles?

>bible verses in place of real arguments

Because I love my country and am not a fucking retard.

Sure they can. Why can't they? What makes you think your opinion is better then theirs?

Sincerely kill yourself. It's not like you have a God to fear for doing it.

When economic freedoms intrude on personal freedoms they are mutually exclusive. There are many examples of this but usually it comes down to businesses intruding on an individuals right to privacy.

As for conservatives an traditionalism, at least in America, they seem to use this as a tactic to appeal to the general population, the 99%, who always seem to believe that America has lost its way and things were better in the past and they are only going to get worse unless you elect me. Hence, "Make America Great Again". It's an old tactic, but it works.

That's why they kicked 20+ million fellow countrymen out of healthcare?

Does this comic implies that the God of Reverse Psychology is gay ?

Probably it's the structire of American society, which reflects power relations of the ruling class, and thus gives certain traits to so-called "conservatives" (the representatives of the ruling class) and their opposition (or another wing of the ruling class?) - the "progressives". But Americans are too arrogant to understand than most people in this world don't think like Americans, using their American political notions that actually are highly exotic and are alien even to European countries.

fpbp tbh /thread

This is only considered a bad thing if you think access to health care is a human right. It appears many conservatives in power in the US do not.

This is garbage and you know it. If you didn't you wouldn't have had the urge to even write this junk. Republicans care about conserving their own wealth and if you think any differently you need to be educated.

A true asshole

gr9 b9 m9

>because I like to virtue signal without actually doing anything to improve the future for anyone

>Why are you a liberal?

Why are you a fucktard throwback asshole?

I'm not a liberal because I'm not mentally retarded.

Because the conservative mindset is flat out fucking RETARDED. Anti-intellect, anti-science, anti-rights, anti-women, anti-everything,.

Just basically mean, stupid, shitty people trying to DRAG everybody else down with them.

No fucking thanks.

Grow up

>the most level headed response in the thread
>ignored for easier troll targets

Underrated. I see you, user.

Because I have a soul.

>Just basically mean, stupid, shitty people trying to DRAG everybody else down with them.
it's not just that, there's BIG MONEY supporting them
otherwise noone cares

liberals believe there are 62 genders, that's not science. Also women don't need more welfare and ""free"" government programs. That just creates dependence and expands our wasteful government. A good government is a small government, kill yourself pinko

You can't deny one word of it. It's 100% true. Conservatives are throwbacks. Fearmongers. Paralyzed with bias and a false sense of importance. Normal people stay out of the business of others. Not these assholes.

>grow up
>fox news
Pick one

Can we be friends?

I think that was the point. Conservatives don't give a shit about anyone other than their in group.

10/10 would bang


Not the guy you're responding to, but you can't pretend that the Republicans didn't just spend the past 8 years being the contrarian party and primarily fighting against whatever Obama suggested (even if it was previously a Republican plan...).

Now the Republicans biggest issues are anti-healthcare (both the ACA and contraceptives for some reason), anti-immigrant policies.

>Eugenics is a slippery slope and is generally not all that popular
The Nazis were shitcunts in general but I think this is what I'm angriest toward them for - fucking up the whole world's view of eugenics.

>Claiming there are more then two genders
>not a hypocrite

Antifa rules!

CRISPER is eugenics and it's pretty popular with people

Unfortunately that's like 90% of my posts on Sup Forums...
Thanks for the support.

I'm in school to be a teacher. I want to teach history to children to better our future. How is that merely "a signal"?

Yes, this is only a bad thing if you like to have health insurance...

Because anthropogenic climate change is very important.
Because healthcare should be socialized and universal.
Because businesses and corporations are not people.
Because the rich should not benefit from the poor suffering.
Because public university fees should be heavily subsidized.
Because the internet is so important and needs to be freed from Jewish ISP monopolies.

because it has nothing to do with politics. There is nothing inherently good about voting for one party or the other. You are voting for your best interests like everyone else but you try and make it a fucking moral issue because you want to virtue signal. You drink that fucking democrat coolaid and you work a government job you fucking communist

Poor women absolutely need more "free" government programs.

I want poor women who don't want children to have free, immediate, super fucking convenient abortions. Have the doctor come to their house and do it on the taxpayer dime immediately if needed.

Free contraceptives and even an abortion cost WAY less taxpayer money over time than the shitty child a stupid poor person who couldn't give a fuck to even put on a condom would raise.

Stupid people raise stupid kids. Stupid kids are more likely to be poor and/or go to prison. Poor people and prisoners cost taxpayers a lot of money.


Don't use the fucking word. Don't fuck it up!

>We live in a society with a lot of shitty useless people. The options are to kill all the shitty people or to try and take care of them (or else they start rioting and fucking shit up even more for everyone else).
You've missed a third, tho hopefully optimistic, option of educating them into a position where they can care for themselves without the need to rely upon others for self-sufficiency.

>...so taking care of shitty people at the cost of some economic progress seems like the better option.
But taking care of people in lue of "economic progress" will inevitably fail because without first advancing the cause of garnering and maintaining wealth for oneself, one can not take care of others.

>Also we have growing economic inequality already and I don't see any realistic way that deregulation will cause the rich to not try and consolidate even more wealth.
I agree, but I think we should teach people how to manage money vs deregulation as a whole. If anything, I think some regulations are actually beneficial to mega corps because it makes more red tape for the smaller ones to grow, but I do agree that deregulating the economy without first considering all the ramifications will allow the rich to become richer ... I also think it holds the poor back. It's complicated to say the least.

>housecall abortions

kek. I'm okay with this.

But won't that make it harder for conservatards to picket abortion?

Because history, logic, facts, science, and well, just about everything ever, confirms that liberal ideology has the best interests of humanity in mind and they continue to push the human race further. There's no sense being a traditionalist on the wrong side of history.

thousands of years ago people thought drinking blood gave you super powers and fucking a dude in the ass caused the Gods to kill their crops. Hundreds of years ago people thought that blacks were basically horses and sold them as an all-in-one workhorse/sex toy. Decades ago people actually believed women were incapable of enjoying sex and only men could orgasm.

My point is that morality and worldviews evolve over time. Holding on to a woldview from the 1980's makes no sense. It's moving forward. Conservatives are stuck in the past. They want to buy oil and build factories and praise Jesus, but the world is moving towards secularism and modernized technology. Without these backwards traditionalists we'd already be planning Martian colonies by now.

New research proves gender is a construct and a spectrum. New research proves that fossil fuels are archaic and obsolete. New research proves eating meat is not only completely unnecessary but a complete and total waste of resources. New research proves we're fucking this planet up and ruining it for our own species. New research proves factory jobs aren't ever coming back. New research proves socialized healthcare provides better quality of care and better medical resources to more people. Research proves that investing in social programs and giving a leg up to the dregs of society and funding women's programs and youth basketball and all that stupid shit decreases crime and leads to a more educated and productive society. Research proves decriminalizing drugs reduces crime and death.

>I want to government to steal your money
>and give it to women
>so they can kill their children
>for free
>for the good of society
>because if we didn't
>they would be poor or a criminal
>so we should kill them before that happens
wew lad the party of compassion, love, and tolerance

Liberal ideology is objectively correct on most things. Conservatives excel in just 3 key areas - immigration, blowing religious zealots up, and whining about economics while obliviously spending more money on a military we barely use than we spend on everything else in this country combined.

There is no world where conservative values are objectively correct, and they don't even appear to be unless you twist statistical data and research and cherry pick excessively to support right wing claims.

It makes sense that God is the mascot of the right, they make shit up all the time and they're hypocrites - and their mascot is a made up hypocritical sky diety.

I realize most college aged liberals are irritating cunts, but that has nothing to do with the ideology itself. Most adult conservatives are also self-righteous cunts. It's a problem with the human condition, not our political alignments.

TL;DR - The right wing is rooted in traditionalism and bullshit. Liberalism is rooted in fact.

>trying to use facts
>against conservatards

Good luck, user.

Liberalism results in low birth rates which will ultimately lead to the destruction of the west, just like is happening in Japan. The destruction of the nuclear family and importing poorly educated immigrants to make up for the children that are aborted or never had is a huge issue. You need there to be people to pay taxes when you are old.

Not him but niggers get abortions more than any other race
If there is one thing conservatives should agree on is the need for less niggers in the world

I'm sorry, what party am I with? All the parties are messed up and they are all more interested in personal power than anything else. I do think the Republicans are more out of hand with this stuff, but the top Dems aren't that great either.

When did I every say anything about being compassionate, loving, or tolerant? All I want is a productive society with people who don't fuck up other people's shit. Tell me a more logical or realistic way to get there and I'll support it.

10/10 post. Based as fuck.

just saying pro abortion progressives like you are pieces of shit. If you go around saying progressive talking points people will assume you are a progressive liberal

Why the fuck do people in the US not know what liberal means? Every time I see one of you eagle-fuckers use the word, it's the exact opposite of the definition.


3. (in a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform.
"a liberal democratic state"

Stop fucking up the English language, you mongoloids.

Because I look at Iceland with envy. Look what's wrong with our society.

pretty sure because we went to the moon, invented computers and the internet and nuked japan we can do and say whatever we want

yeah I wish I lived in an all white country too.

Come on bro, they're just using the word liberally

>favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform.
literally definition of Trump

Democrats have hijacked the word

We're probably talking past eachother on a few points.

I think your points about educating people and teaching them to be self-sufficient are a little *too* optimistic in two ways. There are a lot of stupid and lazy people who don't want to be educated and forcing them to be educated would cost even more money, and there are a LOT of people who rely on government programs not because they don't want to be self-sufficient, but because they don't have access. I'm a Workers' Compensation lawyer. I see a lot of both groups, people who have to look for work to keep their benefits. Some scream and cry because they have to apply to jobs to get their money, and no matter how much I explain to them that they will be financially better off working I cannot get through to them, and another group that legitimately WANTS to work, and cannot find a job despite their best efforts because of a shitty thing that happened to them that they had no control over.

On your other point, less regulation on small business is good, I like competition, but we definitely need more regulation on bigger/richer sectors like finance that can literally topple the entire economy when they get too greedy.

Yeah, no.

>individual liberty
If you're white

>people will assume
>that is somehow anyone's problem but theirs

go back to plebbit nigger this websites is for white people

That fucking bird is why we have a literal piss lord in office.

did you really want an old pandering communist kike to be president?

Why is England a shit hole?