Be me

Be me
>final year of school
>never done anything with a girl
>Not the best looking bloke bit of a rough lid but not too bad
>very fussy about girls I find attractive
>every opportunity that comes with me hooking up or getting something with a chick I find an excuse not to
>panic when it seems to get physical
>every girl I do like = friendzoned
>biggest fear is that I don't know how to kiss and don't want it to be cringe
>please help
Pic not really related. Just another girl I got friendzoned by

hey psst... mods are asleep post cp now quick

1) beggars can't be choosers.
2) Grow a pair.
3) your first kiss will be cringe. Accept this as a fact of reality. If you run into problems with this step return to step 2.

When people say like "don't be a pussy". Does that mean that everyone is pretty scared/worried about their first kiss or is it just me?

Yes. That is what it means.

Its supposed to be scary, and you're supposed to face your fears.

go to a party and drink a lil alchy you'll be ok

just dont do any of the stupid shit you see other anons doing

Ok I was thinking it was just me who is scared of their first kiss. But how am I supposed to lead a girl into kissing me when idek what to do? How embarrassing?

Like what?

when she's getting physical as in touching your arm and hands then makes plenty of eye contact = wants to kiss

close your eyes and kiss her mouth with your mouth = boom ez

Yeah like when I've had drinks I'd be happy to do anything with any chick... I also turn into an absolute entitled dick head who definitely doesn't get girls.

The steps to establishing a relationship have been well researched and made available to the public.

I'm on a phone so it's gonna be easier for you to just use google.
"How people establish relationships"

I meant more along the lines of the actual kissing part. I've come into many situations where she's wanted to hook up but I've just ran away from it

So you complain about not having done anything with a female, but also you say that every time there is a chance of things going physical you run away.....
There is no such thing as the friendzone - the girl just doesn't want to fuck you
Don't be afraid of kissing, or that it would be cringey - as other people said grow a pair

My life is a fucking mess ok don't judge

go back to 9fag

the first girl i made out with ended up being much worse kisser than me so that made it simple.

What even is a good kisser

i have the same worry but for sex, i bet i'll freeze up and be awkward as fuck

are there vids to learn how to do it well first time lol

>be op
>born from father's anus
>raised by two fathers
>taught to fear women, never so much as seen one
>home schooled with neighborhood boys
>literally never done anything with a girl

Except post one's picture, you dirty fucking liar.

This you OP?


I'm actually really good at talking to girls and stuff. I just panic when it gets physical

Sounds like you need to learn to turn off your brain and listen to your body.


I always like to think things through and plan what outcomes i can get. Sometimes as you'd imagine really helpful. Sometimes obviously not.

Holy fuck thanks for making this thread. I'm in the exact same position as you.

>year 13 (senior)
>not done anything with a girl
>have crush on best friend
>we are really flirting towards each other
>want to do something but too awkward too
>worried about shit

Rate me Sup Forums, how gay am I from a scale of 1-10?

Nigga that girl in OP is basically my best girl friend and I have a crazy crush on her too. Idk what I'm going to do at her 18th next Saturday. She always runs up and hugs me and always holding onto me idk how I'm going to act like obviously I want to kiss her but like

The friendship
The fact I haven't kissed anyone
What if she hooks up with someone else

I'm scared to the point Ide want to go

Good to know I'm not the only potato.


100% in the same position. I don't really want to ruin the friendship, but at the same time I don't want her going out with anybody else. We are both virgins and you tell we both like each other. Similar to you, I plan on getting drunk with her on her 18th (next month) and seeing what happens

you're on Sup Forums, everyone on here is an autistic retard

>Yeah like when I've had drinks I'd be happy to do anything with any chick... I also turn into an absolute entitled dick head who definitely doesn't get girls.

I'm not sure how real your story is but it's almost mirrored except that I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me sexually.
I'm not super ugly or fat or anything. I workout and pretty muscular I'm just one of those caring respectful people that dont seem to get girls

Everybody has a type they are attracted to, just the way things are. It can't be forced, doesn't work. At university I had a friend that was a girl that all my friends thought was "hot" and I wasn't be truthful about my relationship with her. I could see how others thought she was attractive but it just didn't work for me.

And fear of kissing? You gotta' get past that kid..

Get past by just kissing someone? Will that cure my anxiety of kissing?

Being honest mate.
>I workout and pretty muscular I'm just one of those caring respectful people that dont seem to get girls
>almost mirrored except that I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me sexually.
I don't really know what you should do. Maybe try to become more flirty in a subtle way, and slowly it might happen? I know my bestfriend likes me because she always acts flirty and my friend asked me today if I liked her and if I was going to do anything.

If you're like me, then you are considering the future. I might not do anything since we are both going to different universities in a few months. So if we do something then it will be temporary. What are you doing after the year, and is she going as well?

Kissing is fucking easy

We both live a decent amount away (like 25m drive) I just bought a car so that's now possible if anything happened.
Nothing planned other than trip to England next year. She's not going anywhere and neither am I. (Planned that is) I'm renting the family house next year too so I'd have my own place. Nothing in the foreseeable future that would prevent anything from happening.

That was extremely helpful. Thank you for your input.

Are you me - 3 years?

21yr old me?


>every girl I do like = friendzoned
That's because your beta ass is approaching them as a friend rather then as a romantic interest. You didn't get zoned you zoned yourself. If you approach a girl as a friend she's only ever going to treat you like one.

Grow some balls, man the fuck up and start asking girls out on dates, not on friendship hangouts. Yes some girls will shoot you down. It happens, it's part of life and no big deal. You'll have to learn to handle rejection at some point in your life, it's better to start sooner rather then later, when it's too late and you are a permanent beta.

Yeah I'm agreeing with you on this one. I do that. Is there anyway to switch a friendship around or is that too late?