Okay Sup Forums, defend this.
Okay Sup Forums, defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums has been shilling for an anti-vaxxer
No, it's stupid. But that doesn't mean he is unfit for the presidency
>implying kikes haven't been fucking with the vaccinations
I bet you think certain planes don't leave chemical trails and they don't put fluoride in the water...
It happens.
don't tell me you believe in this anti-vaxxer nonsense
Don't give the kid one big dose
Give them small doses time to time
What does it take to be "fit" for the presidency?
>people still believe vaccines = autism
The rise of autism is only because autism is barely understood in the psychology field and is only recently in the last few decades been diagnosed to patients, and the complication of the spectrum leads to many many mis-diagnosis'.
There is zero correlation with vaccines and autism.
>muh mercury
>muh fluoride
fuck right off
Small injections is worse, children will be exposed to even stronger homeopathic doses of austim chemicals
Did you ever get vaccinated?
If so, case closed
there's nothing wrong with spacing out vaccines
>good goy keep them jew-ified with de vaxx lies like a shill
If Jews really wanted to rule the world, they'd be anti-vaccines.
>implying they already do
I can't, it's a stupid view.
the libs hold way more views that I disagree with though. you act like candidates are these politically pure figures that you have to 100% line up with everything they say. it's all about balancing out the pros and cons of each.
Isn't Autism broad though?
When I think of autism, I think of that kid that is always alone and quiet but is smart, I don't think retarded
Vaccines do cause autism though. We've all been vaccinated and we all have autism. What more proof do we need?
Wasn't there a recent news story about vaccines or lack of them?
Trump says shit like this yet fuckers make up shit to call him racist.
Autism is the ADD of the 00's. The only difference is, parents use it as a badge of honor to brag to other people about how special, and unique their child is.
Millenials have zero inclination for real social interaction due to smart
phones, tablets, social media etc. So what we get are these socially inept people that can't relate or interact normally, because they spent all of their developemental years playing angry birds.
Name me one person who you agree with 100% of the time and I'll call you a fanatic.
well obviously trump is better than hillary. it doesn't mean he's not a complete fucking retard though.
still, stupid>evil
Learn to read you autists. He's not against vaccines, but large doses.
I'm defending this because it shows exactly how we all became so autistic. I refuse to accept any prejudice against autism. Spergies can be special people too. I think that this is the Donald's position too. Three cheers for all the people with autism. It's ok to be different.
>see thread
>see term 'anti-vaxxer'
>Australian flag
I dunno, fucking with the single most important health program in human history since god damn plumbing is a pretty massive disqualifier for the presidency in my book.
Read the last sentence of that paragraph, dipshit.
Not hate the country you were elected to run.
>Isn't Autism broad though?
Yes extremely. There's a dozen disorders that fall under the spectrum. Dyslexia is one of them, many people have it and it's just an example of how small these can be compared to complete social autism at other end of the extreme.
At the end of the day, these people aren't retarded at all. Quite smart in areas, smarter than the average person. They're just socially retarded, that's why it gets such a huge misrepresentation.
But the causes are mostly unknown or yet to be determined, it's discovered at latter stages of brain development to be noticed but likely the child is born with it. It's never been proven that outside influences like vaccines can just suddenly make a kid autistic. It's not even a specific disorder diagnosis, these anti-vaxx nuts just proclaim its autism.
Over 50% of the country either believe vaccines cause autism or aren't sure it doesn't.
Calling him racist is more damaging.
Hopefully the UK is less retarded.
Just had baby. They on the first visit day she's born give her the hep A vaccine and some other. The first week cost another three. Every visit since she's been stuck by three different needles for all sorts of shit. I just wish they'd spread it out more. She always is sick after and has a tough time sleeping. You cannot tell me there are no adverse effects from these things at all.
We're building a wall. We're going to start winning again. We're going to make America great again.
>You cannot tell me there are no adverse effects from these things at all.
We aren't telling you there's no adverse effects from vaccines.
We're telling you they don't cause autism. The fact is getting a vaccine could fucking kill your baby.
Doesn't mean they'll get autism, cause they won't.
my older cousin has 2 kids maybe ages 6 and 8 and they bought ipads for the children how sweet.
literally all they do is stare at them and play games, scream when they lose, scream harder when the batteries die, and melt down into tantrums when theyre taken away, until theyre given right back to them.
My niece who is almost two years old now, will cry eternally if she doesnt have a TV to stare at. . .
women have thicker blood brain barriers, alot of times after the third round of shots, boy goes home has a seizure and is never the same.
Who was running this year that claimed to hate the country?
He didn't say get rid of vaccines altogether. You're grasping at straws there
Kind of coming of as an "akshually" guy. I never said anything about autism. But I'm beginning to believe the correlation because you're such a big supporter and well read your posts.
>Just had a baby
>tough time sleeping
>always sick
If you make vaccines voluntary, you may as well just get rid of them. The whole point of vaccines is that EVERYONE gets them, so the few that can't for whatever reason are protected by herd immunity.
American education.
I just think a few of the vaccs can be skipped for current days. There would be no way for my child to get Hep A unless you dropped her in an infected babies shit and made her eat some at the hospital.
I didn't say you said anything about autism.
I said we didn't say anything about anything other than autism.
So fuck you buddy.
>Massive amounts of evidence contrary to what he says on multiple subjects
>Still believes them
>No scientific background or basis for his belief
>This is the man who is ultimately deciding the fate of the lives of men and women in uniform
Never change, Sup Forums
>he thinks pumping a kids full of vaccines all at once is a good thing
Spread that stuff out man.
Vaccines ARE voluntary in this country, m8, excepting for travel.
as much as i like the idea of actually stopping people from just moving work to wherever it's cheapest and keeping people from illegally immigrating donald keeps randomly saying stupid shit like this that makes me doubt him
>we have nothing to lose by not vaccinating children from diseases that will kill them
Being a chef at Wendy's with a 9" cock making over 130,000 dollars a year? Also being 6'5" minimum.
It was back in 2014 he has obviously changed his mind with new information. Next
How else are we going to keep getting people coming to Sup Forums?
>he thinks delaying protecting the child from potentially deadly or life altering diseases while their body is at its weakest is a good thing
No, but in all seriousness, IIRC the official position is either already on or shifting towards spreading them out for a variety of reasons.
Doesn't change the fact that autism is a fuckmassive inappropriate red herring that has even deterred people from getting their kids vaccinated altogether.
Spreading dangerous misinformation to support a position that has legitimate arguments behind it is inappropriate behavior, period.
Intelligent wealthy businessman goes to politics, gets faced with massive numbers of retarded Republinuts, hides his powerlevel and panders - NOMINEE.
Many such cases!
I was vaccinated and I'm autistic, Trump is right
>this is what Amerifats actually believe
Vaccines are to strengthen your immune system against the virus. It literally matters zero if your neighbour gets vaccined.
I think OP and the shills in this thread are right. I cannot stand by this tweet from 2014. I am now #WITHHER.
Let me ask you one thing, why do you care so much? In one sentence. Why do you care about a tweet from 2014
My sister got some tropical diseases from vaccines and almost died
Trump is right, its not good to pump child full of vaccines in one go
Mandatory anal bleachings coming to an America near you
You don't claim to hate the country. You show it by your actions.
>complete fucking retard
Have you heard who was supplying the protestors at one of his rallies with Mexican flags?
It was a Trump supporter....probably even a member of his campaign.
The man isn't stupid. He just knows how to play a crowd and other candidates. Anti-vax drivel is just another Molotov that he gets to toss out without ANY repercussions, likely persuading some demographic to vote for him in the process. There is a very large host of very stupid soccer moms who are going to be voting for him now, and it might even earn him some celebrity endorsements in Hollywood (since a lot of those bimbos are anti-vax).
You think I like Trump for his presidential ability? Fuck no, the guy's denser then a collapsed star. I want Trump to get elected because Hillary's a lying cunt and Bernie's the Hitler that the SJW's want.
Make America Slightly Less Shit
It is good to be on the winning side. She's leading by double digits and is only expanding.
Oh, I don't give 2 shits about the tweet beyond thinking it's funny. I'm aware half the country is retarded regarding vaccines. One more person, even if they are a presidential candidate, doesn't matter much, especially when they don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning.
As a teacher I can assure you it depends on the parents.
Some want to diagnose their special snowflake with everything but admit their child is an undisciplined brat.
Others reject having their kid labelled when they clearly have issues and need support, just because of fear of stigma. In refusing to allow their child to be registered as such they cut of certain funding and arrangements specifically in place to support kids who need it. Everyone knows the kid isn't right, but the parents refuse help.
Has autism been on the rise over the last 50 years? 100 years?
If so, what's the cause of the rise, is it just an increase in the "popularity" of the diagnosis?
How do you guys account for this?
Just gonna leave this here
healthwyze org/reports/60-vaccine-secrets
reminder that any other flag shitposting is just an Aussie on holiday
>sister gets loaded up with african and carribean STDs from being a slut
>"i-its just the vaccines, b-bro.."
Mental health had barely been invented 100 years ago. It's a growing field and there's a keenness to diagnose especially when you get to prescribe. Look into the numbers of kids in the US on tranquillisers. They don't do that in the UK because the NHS won't pay out.
Better/different definitions and parameters on what autism is.
The definition and broad diagnosis of "autism" which didn't exist as a term before the start of your graph. Either autism always existed and is only now being called "autism", or else autism is overblown and misdiagnosed. What surely is not happening is genuine cases are on the rise.
Yeah it's not like the President actually has any effective power, right?
It's a ceremonial position in the US, the President of the Senate is the honcho in our system of government.
he isn't anti vax he just wants them to space out vaccines and if you actually know how vaccines work it makes sense
a baby's immune system is way too weak to combat fifty different types of diseases at the same time
What if you hated the current state of the country and wanted to change it?
healthwyze org/search/results.cgi?QUERY=autism
healthwyze org/search/results.cgi?QUERY=vaccine
One of the most important skills you will ever develop in life is knowing bullshit when you hear it. I feel like people who unironically call Trump stupid are way too far up their own ass. Make of these articles what you will.
It's like saying that homosexuality is becoming more prevalent. There's no way of knowing how much of that perceived increase is due to higher visibility due to people "coming out" etc. Likewise the prevalence of autism could be because of better measuring and higher visibility.
Nice flag, anyway, if you have a basic understanding of science you can see that vaccine is fine for kids
>Jew meme
Anytime someone says this board isn't satire they should be shown a picture of this thread.
My personal favorite:
healthwyze org/reports/295-the-amish-dont-get-autism-but-they-do-get-bio-terrorism
The female basically gives the child an immune system for like 6 months after birth. My daughter had many shots... I actually forgot some appointments and she ended up having 15 done at one time. Shes more or less been the same hyperactive child that wants to "fight".
>Since about 8 months I told her fight and would lightly tap her with my fist
>She fucking supermans my thigh now whenever I walk
>She has this fucking obsession of sticking her fingers up peoples asses its annoying
>Because we spank and we say the term "spank that butt" she leans on something and says just that and spanks herself
The man simplifies his positions for twitter and the masses because he knows no one is going to share a fucking essay.
He thinks that kids are getting vaccines with doses that are too high and too frequent at a young age.
His position is that vaccines need to be smaller doses spread over a longer time, which many doctors agree with.
His position is that vaccines cause autism.
How he says they cause autism is irrelevant when they don't fucking cause autism.
Healthy young child goes to Sup Forums, gets pumped with massive dose of many memes, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!
this desu senpai
Even canada?
kek, the filter is still up
Okay, so he's uninformed on vaccines. Guess that means I should disregard him and allow our country to be taken over by beaners, our tech jobs taken by street-shitters with H1Bs, and all our manufacturing jobs outsourced to china.
Now you're thinking! Feel the burn. Cruzmissle king kasich hilary current year
We've done how may decades of successful vaccines and some greedy corporation fucks it all up with their shit patents.
Screw vaccines until they clean their shit up. Ridiculous.